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Virgil Van Dijk


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If these are reports are true, it's truly a remarkable feat from Klopp. Never hidden how highly I rate Van Dijk but never really thought we were ever going to get him. Chelsea and City finished above us and have been far more successful than us in recent years, and to most outside players must look likely to do so again in the future given their squads and usual spending. And, even with Klopp's pulling factor, we are up against two of the biggest names in management in Pep and Conte, who have even better CVs than Jurgen. If Jurgen has really managed to sell our project to Van Dijk over that of City's and Chelsea's, it cannot be understated what an amazing feat Jurgen has achieved here. Just got to hope FSG can finish the job off now.

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Whatever you think about the player, if we get him, it's a statement.


People moan we don't pay big fees or wages. They're breaking the world record for a defender potentially. That's us acting like a big club

only problem i can see is now every club will think we are loaded and want 10m extra every time we bid for someone so there is abit of a down side in that respect

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Not so sure on a player who hasn't kicked a ball in over 4 months, but having said that -  the amount of fume from our brethren and the 180 degree about-face turnaround by every other set of fans whos team, was once linked with him - is worth every single penny of the signing on fee.


Sometimes in life you're allowed to be a little bit smug and gloat, and this is one of them moments. 



I fart in the general direction of the rest of the premier leagues fanbase.  

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only problem i can see is now every club will think we are loaded and want 10m extra every time we bid for someone so there is abit of a down side in that respect

Well I'd rather that than us pick up 4 x players for £15m, one of them make it then we sell them for £50m


If we want to be a big club we have to act like one. Don't sell any of our players unless they're surplus and sign big players for good wages.


It's a mentality thing more than anything.

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If these are reports are true, it's truly a remarkable feat from Klopp. Never hidden how highly I rate Van Dijk but never really thought we were ever going to get him. Chelsea and City finished above us and have been far more successful than us in recent years, and to most outside players must look likely to do so again in the future given their squads and usual spending. And, even with Klopp's pulling factor, we are up against two of the biggest names in management in Pep and Conte, who have even better CVs than Jurgen. If Jurgen has really managed to sell our project to Van Dijk over that of City's and Chelsea's, it cannot be understated what an amazing feat Jurgen has achieved here. Just got to hope FSG can finish the job off now.

Absolutely, also Gini had a big part in convincing him about the project.


Spoke to Van Dijk at a Sony event ahead of CL final. Described #LFC as a "beautiful club" & said he's talked to Wijnaldum about Klopp etc

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Over the moon if we sign this lad.  Been a big fan of his for ages and I could not give one fuck how much the Yanks will have to pay to get him.  Just get him. 


Big,  fast,  strong ,  good on the ball,  great in the air,   proven experience,  exactly the right age,  vocal and he's a fucking leader! 


Did I mention I couldn't give a fuck how much he'll cost? 

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Not so sure on a player who hasn't kicked a ball in over 4 months, but having said that -  the amount of fume from our brethren and the 180 degree about-face turnaround by every other set of fans whos team, was once linked with him - is worth every single penny of the signing on fee.


Sometimes in life you're allowed to be a little bit smug and gloat, and this is one of them moments. 



I fart in the general direction of the rest of the premier leagues fanbase.  


Im pretty sure he'll have a medical before we hand a cheque over!

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