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Reds set to un-fire the Lazar?

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I like Markovic and will be happy to see him back. I think part of the reason for his struggles last season was the fact that Rodgers had no clue what to do with him. He excels on the left or behind the striker and yet Rodgers played him at wingback. He's much more talented than he's shown here and I think people are confused as to what type of player he is, and as a result, they expect things that he can't provide.


He's not a traditional winger who tries to get to the byline, and he doesn't excel at taking on players 1 on 1. His strengths are his ability to run with the ball on the counter, his workrate and his vision/movement. He is better in tight areas than he is out wide trying to beat a fullback.


He needs to provide more end product if he is to really make it here, but he's only 21 and he has the talent to do it.


His other impressive qualities are a wonderful first-touch and fast accurate pass.


Unfortunately, he is a bit of a tart who is too easily kicked out of a game.



However, he is a player of pace and skill which is what our attack lacks. I too will welcome him back.

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I'm probably in the vast minority here, but I would prefer to see Luis Alberto come back than Markovic. He's been excellent ever since coming back from injury. It's been a goal or an assist per game and usually with a stand-out performance to go with it. Unfortunately, I don't think it's gonna happen.

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I'm probably in the vast minority here, but I would prefer to see Luis Alberto come back than Markovic. He's been excellent ever since coming back from injury. It's been a goal or an assist per game and usually with a stand-out performance to go with it. Unfortunately, I don't think it's gonna happen.

Yes mate I agree he's looked good this season.
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It simply isn't possible to give less fucks than I do either way as to whether he comes back or not now.


There's just been too much revolving door of too many nondescript players for too much money over too long a period.


It was shocking and anger-inducing once, now it just merits a shrug; the natural consequence of the lack of expertise running things.

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It simply isn't possible to give less fucks than I do either way as to whether he comes back or not now.


There's just been too much revolving door of too many nondescript players for too much money over too long a period.


It was shocking and anger-inducing once, now it just merits a shrug; the natural consequence of the lack of expertise running things.


I'm hoping he comes home but only to enable Dave U to complete the brilliant "Lazer Pun" trilogy.  

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  • 3 weeks later...



Will be happy to see him back. One of the best passers we have at this club.

Youtube polishing turds shocker


If only he had as much space as he had in those clips playing in the PL he would be brilliant

Marked closely he coughs up the ball on a regular basis. I trust Klopp to make the right call on whether he's worth another run out 

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No doubt he was a victim of Rodgers politics but a quick look at his stats show he doesn't score many in Turkey.


Do we really need another non scoring attacking midfielder?.


Saying that hes at his 4th club by 21 he needs to settle somewhere. He probably needs to be playing week in week out. Will he get that here very doubtful.

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No doubt he was a victim of Rodgers politics but a quick look at his stats show he doesn't score many in Turkey.


Do we really need another non scoring attacking midfielder?.


Saying that hes at his 4th club by 21 he needs to settle somewhere. He probably needs to be playing week in week out. Will he get that here very doubtful.


I don't think he's changed clubs so often due to being unsettled. He left his first club Partizan because like other Eastern European clubs, they always end up selling their best players very young. Benfica got him on a deal which benefitted them hugely because he made an impact in Portugal and they got top whack for the player when selling him on - much like the top Portuguese clubs do in general. It's at Liverpool last season where his progression stalled, but he's again getting regular football in Turkey.


I agree though that he needs to be a lot more productive in terms of assists and particularly goals. He looks less timid in that video than he usually did when playing for us, but the Downing-esque tendencies need to go. I think Klopp would certainly like to see what he can do at close quarters, and he's the sort of coach capable of lighting a fire up certain players' arses if need be.

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In my view, he just needs to be used correctly. If he's told to hug the touchline and play like a true winger he'll struggle because he's not the sort to want to isolate players 1 on 1 and put a cross in. He should play either as a narrow winger or behind the striker because he's great at using his acceleration to find space in tight areas and he has good vision and passing technique.


I don't know if it's fair to blame Rodgers for his failures here last year simply because it's clear that he isn't the one who scouted and signed him. I don't think he knew what type of player he was and therefore, I don't think he knew what to do with him. We have the disconnect between Rodgers and the members of the transfer committee to blame for that.


Klopp will give him a chance simply because we have almost no wingers or quick players and he'll like his workrate and ability to run with the ball on the counter.

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In my view, he just needs to be used correctly. If he's told to hug the touchline and play like a true winger he'll struggle because he's not the sort to want to isolate players 1 on 1 and put a cross in. He should play either as a narrow winger or behind the striker because he's great at using his acceleration to find space in tight areas and he has good vision and passing technique.


I don't know if it's fair to blame Rodgers for his failures here last year simply because it's clear that he isn't the one who scouted and signed him. I don't think he knew what type of player he was and therefore, I don't think he knew what to do with him. We have the disconnect between Rodgers and the members of the transfer committee to blame for that.


Klopp will give him a chance simply because we have almost no wingers or quick players and he'll like his workrate and ability to run with the ball on the counter.

None of this please, he's had his chances through a handful of games i seven different positions. Let's fuck him off, try a new player and see if that works. We should know by the end of august any way, so if he's shit as well we can cut our losses before the window closes.
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None of this please, he's had his chances through a handful of games i seven different positions. Let's fuck him off, try a new player and see if that works. We should know by the end of august any way, so if he's shit as well we can cut our losses before the window closes.


Bit harsh. In fact, very harsh. Did show glimpes of what he could do although I admit, not very often. Plus, the team was playing shite all the time.


Id be inclined to get the lad back and see how he shapes up under Klopp. If he doesnt, nothing lost (except a fortune of his fee!). If he does, we could have a player on our hands.

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Bit harsh. In fact, very harsh. Did show glimpes of what he could do although I admit, not very often. Plus, the team was playing shite all the time.


Id be inclined to get the lad back and see how he shapes up under Klopp. If he doesnt, nothing lost (except a fortune of his fee!). If he does, we could have a player on our hands.

I totally agree. Attempted sarcasm in my previous post obviously failed faster than a new player at LFC. I'll get my coat.

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