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Reds set to un-fire the Lazar?

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Christ, some people writing the lad off after what, 20 bit part appearances? And since when did we have to sign a usain bolt speed merchant?


Hopefully Klopp will give him a chance to shine before any decision is finally made to cut our losses.



There was actually some utter whopper on here, the other day, who was calling him "Euro-Downing"

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The entire transfer committee should have been sacked on the spot for allowing 20m to be paid for Markovic.

Especially when Chelsea had first refusal at £12m and turned the option down. Why we decided £20m was the going rate when no other teams were willing to pay is just madness.

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The Guardian says were after this lad anyway.



Has Funneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee scouted him?  If not I'm not interested.


The Dutch league is fucking gash.  Half the defenders were falling over/tackling each other in that video.

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First paragraph is complete bullshit. Who would cause the bad feeling between the two? Fuck if I or anyone else knows. Rodgers picks a team to win? No, he picked his players as an act of defiance to the committee he was on. He cut his nose to spit his face there. Better players ahead of Marko? Extremely debatable, as they all played shite. Marko should get on with the job and bot complain? I didn't hear a single negative thing that ge said whilst being misused by you.


Your second paragraph, gross stupidity. Milner, by trade, is a right midfielder. It's unarguably his best position. Marko is not, nor will he ever be a RWB. Big difference.


Damn you are stupid...

Markovic said he didn't have a good relationship because he didn't play in his position enough, he also said in the summer he was the one who asked for the move as he wasn't prepared to sit on the bench.


I can understand his viewpoint but that kind of attitude doesn't help the team, most of the other players who have complained about BR were bad eggs who were rightly shown the door, others like Agger are upset because BR didn't rate them.


The common thing I see with all of them is they are pissed they were sold and want to put the blame elsewhere, some fans have come to the conclusion those complaining are highlighting examples of bad management.


Milner started as a winger and made it big at Villa as a cm, he has been a squad player at city since then playing a lot of different positions and came here because he was promised games in the centre.If he's moved to the right he won't be happy about it but he will get on with it because he's a professional, it seems players like Sterling and Markovic did not take that approach.



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On phone calls, it was: ‘I think you should go.’ To my face it was: ‘You’ll start every week’. It was mixed messages. He was messing with my head. I lost respect for him, to be honest. He used to phone me up and tell me I was a wonderful guy, and would I like to go and see Tinie Tempah live at the Arena with him - and then he'd not phone back and go with someone else.



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On phone calls, it was: ‘I think you should go.’ To my face it was: ‘You’ll start every week’. It was mixed messages. He was messing with my head. I lost respect for him, to be honest. He used to phone me up and tell me I was a wonderful guy, and would I like to go and see Tinie Tempah live at the Arena with him - and then he'd not phone back and go with someone else.



He's actually smaller than somebody called Tinie

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Markovic said he didn't have a good relationship because he didn't play in his position enough, he also said in the summer he was the one who asked for the move as he wasn't prepared to sit on the bench.


I can understand his viewpoint but that kind of attitude doesn't help the team, most of the other players who have complained about BR were bad eggs who were rightly shown the door, others like Agger are upset because BR didn't rate them.


The common thing I see with all of them is they are pissed they were sold and want to put the blame elsewhere, some fans have come to the conclusion those complaining are highlighting examples of bad management.


Milner started as a winger and made it big at Villa as a cm, he has been a squad player at city since then playing a lot of different positions and came here because he was promised games in the centre.If he's moved to the right he won't be happy about it but he will get on with it because he's a professional, it seems players like Sterling and Markovic did not take that approach.

Yer ma.

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Markovic said he didn't have a good relationship because he didn't play in his position enough, he also said in the summer he was the one who asked for the move as he wasn't prepared to sit on the bench.


I can understand his viewpoint but that kind of attitude doesn't help the team, most of the other players who have complained about BR were bad eggs who were rightly shown the door, others like Agger are upset because BR didn't rate them.


The common thing I see with all of them is they are pissed they were sold and want to put the blame elsewhere, some fans have come to the conclusion those complaining are highlighting examples of bad management.


Milner started as a winger and made it big at Villa as a cm, he has been a squad player at city since then playing a lot of different positions and came here because he was promised games in the centre.If he's moved to the right he won't be happy about it but he will get on with it because he's a professional, it seems players like Sterling and Markovic did not take that approach.

Yet more inane drivel.


Markovic said that AFTER BR was ousted you dumbass. And yes, all the players who were shown the boot by your man crush have expressed resentment, and guess what? Most of them have a fucking case. Beyond Balloteli who are these bad eggs you're on about? And yes, it reeks of bad management. How many ex players have been vocal about leaving a club? Rafa had very few, Kenny had none, even fucking Hodgson had very few. Almost every player that's left us in Rodgers time has expressed resentment toward him. Sahin, Aspas, Markovic, Carroll, Agger, Sterling, and Sakho who fortunately outlasted the turd. That's fucking ridiculous, as are you and your views. Kindly do one, you idiot.

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On phone calls, it was: ‘I think you should go.’ To my face it was: ‘You’ll start every week’. It was mixed messages. He was messing with my head. I lost respect for him, to be honest. He used to phone me up and tell me I was a wonderful guy, and would I like to go and see Tinie Tempah live at the Arena with him - and then he'd not phone back and go with someone else.



Pretty phenomenal quote that in terms of showing both the hyper-sensitivity of millionaire footballers and what an odd man Brendan is.

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On phone calls, it was: ‘I think you should go.’ To my face it was: ‘You’ll start every week’. It was mixed messages. He was messing with my head. I lost respect for him, to be honest. He used to phone me up and tell me I was a wonderful guy, and would I like to go and see Tinie Tempah live at the Arena with him - and then he'd not phone back and go with someone else.


Which episode of Being: Liverpool was this?

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