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  • 2 weeks later...

Mums husband had a fall on Wednesday and it was put down to a suspected stroke.


Had all the scans and they said it was caused by a bleed on the brain. 


They’re now saying the bleed was caused by the cancer spreading to his brain.


Been in to visit him this afternoon and he’s lost all use of the right side of his body and vision in his right eye. He’s got horrendous ‘pressure headaches’ as he describes them. 

Waiting for MDT on Wednesday to hear if they’ll even attempt any treatment. 

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6 minutes ago, lifetime fan said:

Mums husband had a fall on Wednesday and it was put down to a suspected stroke.


Had all the scans and they said it was caused by a bleed on the brain. 


They’re now saying the bleed was caused by the cancer spreading to his brain.


Been in to visit him this afternoon and he’s lost all use of the right side of his body and vision in his right eye. He’s got horrendous ‘pressure headaches’ as he describes them. 

Waiting for MDT on Wednesday to hear if they’ll even attempt any treatment. 

That's horrible. Poor fella.

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On 30/04/2023 at 14:59, ZonkoVille77 said:


I read something a while ago saying they've been using AI in the states for some time and the NHS wanted to use it too. In normal cases I think all scans get review by 2 people. All they've done in the states is reduce that to 1 person and a computer. When the diagnosis disagree, they bring in a 3rd person. It's been more effective in catching cancer, but also increased the speed of getting results. I don't know if it's all cancers (or all states for that matter), but it's supposedly made a massive difference to survival rates. 

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3 hours ago, lifetime fan said:

Mums husband had a fall on Wednesday and it was put down to a suspected stroke.


Had all the scans and they said it was caused by a bleed on the brain. 


They’re now saying the bleed was caused by the cancer spreading to his brain.


Been in to visit him this afternoon and he’s lost all use of the right side of his body and vision in his right eye. He’s got horrendous ‘pressure headaches’ as he describes them. 

Waiting for MDT on Wednesday to hear if they’ll even attempt any treatment. 


Sorry to hear this mate.

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1 hour ago, lifetime fan said:

Gra has deteriorated and has been rushed from Cheltenham Hospital to Southmead in Bristol for emergency brain surgery. 

They reckon he’ll be in surgery for between 10 and 14 hours. 

Sending you love mate. 

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3 hours ago, lifetime fan said:

Gra has deteriorated and has been rushed from Cheltenham Hospital to Southmead in Bristol for emergency brain surgery. 

They reckon he’ll be in surgery for between 10 and 14 hours. 

Hoping for the best mate.

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My Dad's pancreatic cancer has shrunk following chemo. Great news but we all know it's likely to come back sometime. He's 83 this month and doing really well considering. 


Then I've an auntie on The Wirral who's been having treatment for leukaemia for about 6 months. The last option was going to be bone marrow transplant but she was told last week that's not going to be a solution and that it's terminal. They can't put a prognosis together; could be 5 months or 5 years. 


Fucking shite. 

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2 minutes ago, Redder Lurtz said:

My Dad's pancreatic cancer has shrunk following chemo. Great news but we all know it's likely to come back sometime. He's 83 this month and doing really well considering. 


Then I've an auntie on The Wirral who's been having treatment for leukaemia for about 6 months. The last option was going to be bone marrow transplant but she was told last week that's not going to be a solution and that it's terminal. They can't put a prognosis together; could be 5 months or 5 years. 


Fucking shite. 

Best wishes to them both mate.


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4 years today since my dad died from bladder cancer.

I mentioned my sisters mate who was in remission from bowel cancer. They've diagnosed her with a genetic condition called lynch syndrome which means she now has to have her womb and ovaries removed as she is High risk which is awful for her.

Step daughter starts radio soon but she's doing well her hair is growing back and she's much more like herself 

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5 hours ago, lifetime fan said:

Gra has deteriorated and has been rushed from Cheltenham Hospital to Southmead in Bristol for emergency brain surgery. 

They reckon he’ll be in surgery for between 10 and 14 hours. 

Sounds daft mate but hopefully thats a decent sign  if there was no hope I'm sure they wouldn't operate 

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1 hour ago, littletedwest said:

4 years today since my dad died from bladder cancer.

I mentioned my sisters mate who was in remission from bowel cancer. They've diagnosed her with a genetic condition called lynch syndrome which means she now has to have her womb and ovaries removed as she is High risk which is awful for her.

Step daughter starts radio soon but she's doing well her hair is growing back and she's much more like herself 


Fucking hell mate you've all been through the mill. Glad your stepdaughter is feeling a bit better.

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16 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


Fucking hell mate you've all been through the mill. Glad your stepdaughter is feeling a bit better.

Genuinely feels like cancer is everywhere at the moment. My dad's best mate is ill still. My nephews best mates dad is a well known retired rugby league player . He was in the s*n the other week as he had cancer. At primary school there was 4 of us in a gang, one has a terminal brain tumour and the other has just done radio for a tumour in his neck. 

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Gra was in surgery for 13 hours, they’ve removed as much of the tumour as they could and think they’ve sorted the bleed on the brain. 

We won’t know how much cancer is left (if any) on the brain for a while but he’s going to be in hospital for a significant amount of time. 

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  • 2 weeks later...



Blood test for 50 types of cancer could speed up patient diagnosis, study suggests

NHS trial results of liquid biopsy suggest Galleri test has potential to spot cancer in people with symptoms


A blood test for more than 50 forms of cancer could help speed up diagnosis and fast-track patients for treatment, a study suggests.


NHS trial results of the liquid biopsy, published at the world’s largest cancer conference in the US, suggest the Galleri blood test has the potential to spot and rule out cancer in people with symptoms.


Some good/hopeful news 

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  • 3 weeks later...

So on a pre radio scan they found a suspicious lymph node. Referred for a PET scan which found suspicious tissue in the breast and a definite Cancer in lymph node. Also found thank god no sign of spread. So full mastectomy on one breast and more lymph nodes removal on the 30th.


She is seeing the positive in the no sign of spread. 

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1 hour ago, littletedwest said:

So on a pre radio scan they found a suspicious lymph node. Referred for a PET scan which found suspicious tissue in the breast and a definite Cancer in lymph node. Also found thank god no sign of spread. So full mastectomy on one breast and more lymph nodes removal on the 30th.


She is seeing the positive in the no sign of spread. 

Best of luck for her Ted. I think from my experience if they get the surrounding lymph nodes and they are clear, it is supposed to be a very good measure of no spread, supposedly it's incredible rare for it to "jump" past nodes, so if the surrounding ones are good it's great news. 

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On 23/03/2023 at 10:54, Carradona said:

16 year old lad from back home broke his leg playing football last year and developed a rare form of cancer during the healing process. Died yesterday, an absolute freak tragedy 

16? That is beyond awful.

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On 23/03/2023 at 10:54, Carradona said:

16 year old lad from back home broke his leg playing football last year and developed a rare form of cancer during the healing process. Died yesterday, an absolute freak tragedy 

16? That is beyond awful.

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  • 2 months later...

So my stepdaughter had a pre radiotherapy scan on Monday as she was expecting to begin finishing treatment. Had the horrible news there are signs of cancer in her armpit. And they're 99% sure on her liver. She went for an emergency full body scan on Thursday. Blood tests on Friday to see if she's suitable for immunotherapy. We see the oncologist tomorrow. 


On Wednesday and Thursday I don't remember ever feeling as anxious and depressed. When my dad died I was in bits but I also know that's the way of life, your parents die before you.


She has an 8 year old. Whilst we don't know it's the worst news I do know its very very bad.


I then had a row with my boss on Wednesday. Took the day off after we got a call Tuesday evening with the news. I rang her to say I'd work from home the next few days. She told me I was needed in the office as we were low on managers. I told her I was needed with my family as my stepdaughter doesn't drive and I provide lifts. She told me again I had to come in the office. I then rang her boss. She apologised the next day saying it wasn't like her and she was going to apologise anyway. Problem is she'd spoke to me that morning, been arsey with me and only called to apologise after her boss had bollocked her.


It's tough because I need to try and be strong for my Mrs and I know others are feeling it but at moment my heads in bits.


More news tomorrow afternoon. And yes I will be working from home.

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5 minutes ago, littletedwest said:

So my stepdaughter had a pre radiotherapy scan on Monday as she was expecting to begin finishing treatment. Had the horrible news there are signs of cancer in her armpit. And they're 99% sure on her liver. She went for an emergency full body scan on Thursday. Blood tests on Friday to see if she's suitable for immunotherapy. We see the oncologist tomorrow. 


On Wednesday and Thursday I don't remember ever feeling as anxious and depressed. When my dad died I was in bits but I also know that's the way of life, your parents die before you.


She has an 8 year old. Whilst we don't know it's the worst news I do know its very very bad.


I then had a row with my boss on Wednesday. Took the day off after we got a call Tuesday evening with the news. I rang her to say I'd work from home the next few days. She told me I was needed in the office as we were low on managers. I told her I was needed with my family as my stepdaughter doesn't drive and I provide lifts. She told me again I had to come in the office. I then rang her boss. She apologised the next day saying it wasn't like her and she was going to apologise anyway. Problem is she'd spoke to me that morning, been arsey with me and only called to apologise after her boss had bollocked her.


It's tough because I need to try and be strong for my Mrs and I know others are feeling it but at moment my heads in bits.


More news tomorrow afternoon. And yes I will be working from home.

Sounds like you’re going through a really horrible time. 

All I have here is just to wish your stepdaughter, you, and all your family the very best. 

You are in my thoughts. 

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