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A very good mate of mine has been diagnosed with stomach cancer.  Known him since I was 3, grown up together, same schools, been on holidays, attended each others weddings, kids same age etc.  Lost 5st since December, was told yesterday he faces two rounds of chemo and a 12 hour operation just for starters.  Absolutely fucking gutted.  Cried in work when I was told about his diagnosis which he kept quiet from everyone outside of his family until recently.  He's 45, great job, young family.  Horrible, horrible disease.

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29 minutes ago, Furmedge said:

A very good mate of mine has been diagnosed with stomach cancer.  Known him since I was 3, grown up together, same schools, been on holidays, attended each others weddings, kids same age etc.  Lost 5st since December, was told yesterday he faces two rounds of chemo and a 12 hour operation just for starters.  Absolutely fucking gutted.  Cried in work when I was told about his diagnosis which he kept quiet from everyone outside of his family until recently.  He's 45, great job, young family.  Horrible, horrible disease.

Awful news. Let’s hope he finds a way through it.

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  • 1 month later...

My uncle is on his way out with oesophageal cancer. I’m not particularly close to him but my mum is really upset. 

He was struggling to keep food down and lost loads of weight and ended up going for the camera down the throat thing, followed by a biopsy when abnormalities were found. 

He was then diagnosed with oesophageal cancer, with the specialists fearing that it had spread too. 

That was about two months ago. They were giving him a stent to help him eat and keep stuff down and we’re then going to discuss chemotherapy/treatment options. But, my mum spoke to him today and he told her that the specialist has told him to think hard about his options as he’s been given a survival prognosis of 3 to 6 months without treatment and 6 to 12 months with. 

It’s a devastatingly savage disease, the way it just consumes people in such a short space of time. My mum said he sounded really down on the phone and she thinks he’ll probably go down the without treatment route. 

He’s approaching his 80s so has had a decent innings but still sad news.

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6 hours ago, Nelly-Szoboszlai said:

My uncle is on his way out with oesophageal cancer. I’m not particularly close to him but my mum is really upset. 

He was struggling to keep food down and lost loads of weight and ended up going for the camera down the throat thing, followed by a biopsy when abnormalities were found. 

He was then diagnosed with oesophageal cancer, with the specialists fearing that it had spread too. 

That was about two months ago. They were giving him a stent to help him eat and keep stuff down and we’re then going to discuss chemotherapy/treatment options. But, my mum spoke to him today and he told her that the specialist has told him to think hard about his options as he’s been given a survival prognosis of 3 to 6 months without treatment and 6 to 12 months with. 

It’s a devastatingly savage disease, the way it just consumes people in such a short space of time. My mum said he sounded really down on the phone and she thinks he’ll probably go down the without treatment route. 

He’s approaching his 80s so has had a decent innings but still sad news.

Sorry mate. Bloody horrible.

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5 hours ago, Nelly-Szoboszlai said:

My uncle is on his way out with oesophageal cancer. I’m not particularly close to him but my mum is really upset. 

He was struggling to keep food down and lost loads of weight and ended up going for the camera down the throat thing, followed by a biopsy when abnormalities were found. 

He was then diagnosed with oesophageal cancer, with the specialists fearing that it had spread too. 

That was about two months ago. They were giving him a stent to help him eat and keep stuff down and we’re then going to discuss chemotherapy/treatment options. But, my mum spoke to him today and he told her that the specialist has told him to think hard about his options as he’s been given a survival prognosis of 3 to 6 months without treatment and 6 to 12 months with. 

It’s a devastatingly savage disease, the way it just consumes people in such a short space of time. My mum said he sounded really down on the phone and she thinks he’ll probably go down the without treatment route. 

He’s approaching his 80s so has had a decent innings but still sad news.

Sorry to hear this mate.

We had a neighbour diagnosed with it years back just after he retired and was gone shortly after.  Lovely fella he was. Crying shame he didn't get to enjoy the retirement he'd earned.

I hope they can make your uncle as comfortable as possible.



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Sorry to hear this mate. My father in law had that. They had to remove his oesophagus and couldn't repair it (they usually connect your throat to your bowel as a sort of replacement) but his bowel had scarring so they couldn't do it.


He's tube fed now. He's cancer free thankfully and otherwise healthy, but the feed goes on about 7pm and lasts through the night. He can't even have a sip of water. Just an incredibly cruel situation. I can't imagine how torturous that must feel to a human being.


I used to love having a whisky with him before bed when we were over staying and taking him and the mother in law out for good food when they'd stay here. It's heartbreaking.


His brother has just had cancer return too having fucked it off about 10 years ago. It's in his prostate, lung and bones. I think they're treating it.


I don't care what anyone says I'm convinced it's far more prevalent than it was. Between us we know loads of people who've had it, most thankfully recovered.


It'll come out in the future that it's plastics in our food, bluetooth or mobile networks or some shit, or if it is they probably already know.

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Fella in our team at work died a couple of weeks ago. Prostate. When he first got it and to be fair for almost a year after he was really positive - wasn't going to let it stop him etc. The markers came right down and he was right as rain. But then cancer did what it often does - gave him a glimmer of hope and then smashed it to pieces. It spread like wildfire and he went downhill fast.


It was so sad to see him change - you could see over a few weeks it just ate him alive. And then he was gone, almost overnight. 


It really is an absolute cunt of a disease. 

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2 hours ago, johnsusername said:

Fella in our team at work died a couple of weeks ago. Prostate. When he first got it and to be fair for almost a year after he was really positive - wasn't going to let it stop him etc. The markers came right down and he was right as rain. But then cancer did what it often does - gave him a glimmer of hope and then smashed it to pieces. It spread like wildfire and he went downhill fast.


It was so sad to see him change - you could see over a few weeks it just ate him alive. And then he was gone, almost overnight. 


It really is an absolute cunt of a disease. 

I was lucky. I had prostate cancer and my GP spotted it early. Had 20 days of radiotherapy and it was sorted.


Still scared thinking about it. Luck of the draw I suppose.

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45 minutes ago, tokyojoe said:

I was lucky. I had prostate cancer and my GP spotted it early. Had 20 days of radiotherapy and it was sorted.


Still scared thinking about it. Luck of the draw I suppose.


Good stuff. But yeah luck plays a huge part.


I remember my work mate telling me about his bad back. I told him to get to a physio. Little did we know that was actually the start of the cancer.

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My niece found a lump in her boob a couple of weeks ago.


A biopsy has confirmed it's cancer and she has to have more tests to determine exactly what type she's dealing with.


Her mum had to have a mastectomy due to breast cancer which had also spread to lymph nodes under her arm.

She died the last week in January from something unrelated, but the poor girl's in bits obviously fearing the worst.


Absolute cunt of a disease.


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1 hour ago, Harry's Lad said:

My niece found a lump in her boob a couple of weeks ago.


A biopsy has confirmed it's cancer and she has to have more tests to determine exactly what type she's dealing with.


Her mum had to have a mastectomy due to breast cancer which had also spread to lymph nodes under her arm.

She died the last week in January from something unrelated, but the poor girl's in bits obviously fearing the worst.


Absolute cunt of a disease.


Terrible news mate. Hope everything works out OK for her.

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2 hours ago, Harry's Lad said:

My niece found a lump in her boob a couple of weeks ago.


A biopsy has confirmed it's cancer and she has to have more tests to determine exactly what type she's dealing with.


Her mum had to have a mastectomy due to breast cancer which had also spread to lymph nodes under her arm.

She died the last week in January from something unrelated, but the poor girl's in bits obviously fearing the worst.


Absolute cunt of a disease.


Thoughts with all your family. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
4 hours ago, Nelly-Szoboszlai said:

Another potentially exciting and game changing development.*

*Or, another ruse to help bring about the zombie apocalypse, depending on which side your bread is buttered on, re: mRNA vaccines. 


Fuck sake, Le Tissier will be all over this soon.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My fight with this fucking disease carries on. Earlier in the year something was picked up from a surveillance scan. After more scans I was referred to the Christie in Manchester to try a procedure only they do and one other place in the UK. This time my cancer had moved to my peritoneal - having started in the bowel, the last bout in the bladder and now onto this, which they think is where the bladder had been touching the stomach lining previously. I had this surgery which include chemo washing my innards this week and I'm now recovering in hospital. The surgery was pretty major and I expect to be in hospital for 2 weeks, but the aim was to give me a cure to this fucking thing. 

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1 minute ago, Barrington Womble said:

My fight with this fucking disease carries on. Earlier in the year something was picked up from a surveillance scan. After more scans I was referred to the Christie in Manchester to try a procedure only they do and one other place in the UK. This time my cancer had moved to my peritoneal - having started in the bowel, the last bout in the bladder and now onto this, which they think is where the bladder had been touching the stomach lining previously. I had this surgery which include chemo washing my innards this week and I'm now recovering in hospital. The surgery was pretty major and I expect to be in hospital for 2 weeks, but the aim was to give me a cure to this fucking thing. 

Sorry to hear that BW, hope and pray that your surgery is a 100% success.


My mam was diagnosed with cancer of the oesophagus in November. She’s been through a bad time and was in The Royal for two weeks at the end of February. She’s currently midway through her chemotherapy and had a CT scan this week to see if the tumour has shrunk. She’s dramatically lost weight and is down to 7 stone. Long term prognosis isn’t good, we’re just hoping she will be around for as long as possible.

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28 minutes ago, Vincent Vega said:

Sorry to hear that BW, hope and pray that your surgery is a 100% success.


My mam was diagnosed with cancer of the oesophagus in November. She’s been through a bad time and was in The Royal for two weeks at the end of February. She’s currently midway through her chemotherapy and had a CT scan this week to see if the tumour has shrunk. She’s dramatically lost weight and is down to 7 stone. Long term prognosis isn’t good, we’re just hoping she will be around for as long as possible.


That sounds shit. From my experience and everything they tell you, try everything you can to get the calories in. I'd lost 7st on my first run with this and I started eating those little gu pots and shit like that. I don't really have a sweet tooth, but it's 300 calories in just a couple of bites. 


I'm expected to lose 2.or 3 stone through this process, but that won't do me any harm! Even though I'm fat though, before surgery they were encouraging me to pile on the pounds. 

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