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On 15/11/2022 at 20:17, littletedwest said:

Yeah best wishes mate.

Step daughters shaved her head this evening as the hair is falling off her. She's let her little lad do some of it. He then told her she looks like Paul the alien. 

Forgot to mention he also said " can I have a lock of your hair for when your dead? Not cancer dead,old age dead"


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8 minutes ago, Rico1304 said:

A lad in Izzy’s class has just been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour.   It’s spread to his spine but they will try and treat with chemo and radiotherapy.  He’s only fucking 9. 

Oh for fucks sake. That poor little lad.

It doesn't discriminate does it, it's just plain fucking evil.


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On 23/11/2022 at 12:07, tokyojoe said:

The Oncologist just called. PSA down to zero. Apart from a blood test every six months that's it.


You're all gonna have to put up with me for a bit longer yet!


Anyway, thoughts to all and any of you going through this shit but trust me there is light at the end of the tunnel.


so glad to hear this Dave.  Best Christmas present.

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1 hour ago, Rico1304 said:

A lad in Izzy’s class has just been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour.   It’s spread to his spine but they will try and treat with chemo and radiotherapy.  He’s only fucking 9. 

Awful. Poor kid and family. Puts things into perspective 

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2 hours ago, Rico1304 said:

A lad in Izzy’s class has just been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour.   It’s spread to his spine but they will try and treat with chemo and radiotherapy.  He’s only fucking 9. 

Awful news at any age but fuck me, I remember when I was I’ll seeing little ones in Alder Hey, broke my heart. 

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On 23/11/2022 at 12:07, tokyojoe said:

The Oncologist just called. PSA down to zero. Apart from a blood test every six months that's it.


You're all gonna have to put up with me for a bit longer yet!


Anyway, thoughts to all and any of you going through this shit but trust me there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Does this mean you’ll stop walking so slowly at the game, you auld cunt?

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20 hours ago, Rico1304 said:

He’s one of twins conceived by a donor so the mum is having to deal with it on her own.  Heartbreaking. 

That's absolutely terrible mate. Don't know what else to say but If there's any kind of collection set up for the poor family maybe throw a link up here? 



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On 15/11/2022 at 19:39, Skidfingers McGonical said:

I’ve been in an out of this thread for about 4 weeks now. Pondering whether to type anything or not. It wasn’t until tonight I felt I could. 

Found out 4 weeks ago that my uncle, who is only 3 1/2 years older than me, had suffered a dramatic loss weight a few months ago and wasn’t in as good a nick as I/ we had all thought. He’s had a delirious episode after running a marathon , after he’d been losing weight dramatically (the mad bastard) so he went to Dr’s, got bloods and found out he was anaemic. Then he said he just felt something wasn’t right and told the Dr and he referred for scans etc. 


They found a large mass on his kidney, so he got sent for more scans (CT I think) to check his lungs. So 4 weeks ago he gives me the news of where he was up to to that point. While he waited for the results, which came back as nothing on the lungs.

However the mass was obviously a worry still. He told me, just before the scan about the mass, and it floored me. I had a feeling from what he described as not fucking good. I had an hour long conversation walking 5 miles while we talked it over. When I got in I just couldn’t physically speak for being devastated at the potential.

I know I was potentially writing him off without a proper diagnosis, but life has taught me that those descriptions don’t mean good news. 

This man, is more than my uncle, he’s  the big brother I never had, my best mate, the best man at my wedding. I’m godfather to his daughter, as he is to mine (well if I was religious he would be, but he’s as good as) 


He stepped up when my Mum and Dad split when I was a small kid and looked after me, even though he was only 8 at the time.

He took me under his wing and guided me the best he could, when my Grandad was a cunt to me and my younger brother (he hated us because my Dad had upset his blue eye, my Mum, and held it against us, the cunt) but my uncle always looked out for me and took me out like my Grandad should have. 


He’s a hero that doesn’t wear a cape (to me anyway) 


Found out last week it’s cancer of the kidney and it’s spread to the lymph nodes around the kidney. So it’s more complicated than he had hoped.


However he doesn’t know the severity yet, so we don’t know what he is working with. 

I don’t think I have ever been so scared to potentially lose someone so close to me. I know it’s early days and I think it’s the not knowing part that’s hardest.


The anxiety of having the conversation about this being cancer that he had (and not just a growth that would mean his kidney having something simple and easily treatable with little impact to his life) had made me physically ill (he’d text me to say it was cancer and he asked for a day to process it)


All I wanted to do was give him a hug.

Fortunately we I’d arranged a night of pool  and a few beers with our mates and his lad who had just turned 18 a few weeks ago, last Friday. I felt I’d processed it and was able to deal with it, and when I’d finally got to see him I felt I was fine as he looked, and was in good spirits. 

I thought I’d processed it all (well as much as I could with the knowledge we have) but I’ve just had my head sent west by one of my mates ringing me to ask me how I am doing. And as much as I’ve told

him I am ok compared to what I had been, I just feel overwhelmed that I am being asked if I am ok. I wasn’t expecting this feeling at all. 


I know there’s a long path ahead for him, and my goal is to help him and his family through this by being there as much as I can, and we will always carry hope that he’ll get through it. 

But fuck me, it’s fucking hard. 

Reading some of the experiences in this thread over the years has given me some comfort (and will probably give me more over time) 


I lost my Nan (my Mum’s Mum) to cancer, so it’s not a new experience, but I was 17 then and less wiser to the world, this fucking sucks. 

I always avoided this thread after stevebaby had shared his last months with us. I found it a difficult thread post in as I never felt I had the right words for anybody.

As it was never a thread I felt I could get “involved” in other than share my wishes of hope via offer a measly rep to show someone I was thinking of them in a difficult time. I am grateful that it is here, because I don’t think I could have started a thread or he compelled to even share my ramblings of how this is a cunt of a disease.


Sending thoughts and wishes of hope to everyone who is dealing with it, or have people close to them going through it. 


My Dad has just said it best “It never gets a proper bastard who deserves it” 

Update (big thanks for the wishes too, humbled, very much)


Had his kidney and lymph nodes around it removed Monday just gone. As they were removing the lymph nodes meant going through the front instead of the back. So surgery was longer than originally thought. Tumour weighed a kilo. Recovery looking good so far, came

home yesterday and has been on form which is ace to see. 

Won’t find out for three months what stage the tumour was, which I did find strange but understand the logic, which once you realise, it’s about taking each stage of the process one step at a time, so the main focus at the moment is about getting physically well. And being strong for the next battle, whatever that may be. 

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Fucking hell, Skiddy, I've just seen this. It's absolutely horrible when someone that close to you is going through this - not just the thought of losing them, but the feeling of helplessness because they're suffering and you can't make it better (as if that's your job). 


Sounds like the operation went as well as can be hoped, so here's wishing you both a bit more of a relaxed and optimistic time from now on.

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8 hours ago, Harry's Lad said:

These are the days of miracle and wonder.


I can't imagine what her parents must be feeling, having thought that they were losing her to have the gift of her recovery. It's absolutely beautiful.

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12 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

Fucking hell, Skiddy, I've just seen this. It's absolutely horrible when someone that close to you is going through this - not just the thought of losing them, but the feeling of helplessness because they're suffering and you can't make it better (as if that's your job). 


Sounds like the operation went as well as can be hoped, so here's wishing you both a bit more of a relaxed and optimistic time from now on.

Cheers Mal, yeah he looks really well and is ready for anything after that. Positive vibes all the way now. That air for worry and fear has dissipated and back to taking the piss and being brutal with each other in the lads WhatsApp group. Holiday to Magaluf with all of us and the family, next year is the target. 


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