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17 minutes ago, littletedwest said:

So my stepdaughter had a pre radiotherapy scan on Monday as she was expecting to begin finishing treatment. Had the horrible news there are signs of cancer in her armpit. And they're 99% sure on her liver. She went for an emergency full body scan on Thursday. Blood tests on Friday to see if she's suitable for immunotherapy. We see the oncologist tomorrow. 


On Wednesday and Thursday I don't remember ever feeling as anxious and depressed. When my dad died I was in bits but I also know that's the way of life, your parents die before you.


She has an 8 year old. Whilst we don't know it's the worst news I do know its very very bad.


I then had a row with my boss on Wednesday. Took the day off after we got a call Tuesday evening with the news. I rang her to say I'd work from home the next few days. She told me I was needed in the office as we were low on managers. I told her I was needed with my family as my stepdaughter doesn't drive and I provide lifts. She told me again I had to come in the office. I then rang her boss. She apologised the next day saying it wasn't like her and she was going to apologise anyway. Problem is she'd spoke to me that morning, been arsey with me and only called to apologise after her boss had bollocked her.


It's tough because I need to try and be strong for my Mrs and I know others are feeling it but at moment my heads in bits.


More news tomorrow afternoon. And yes I will be working from home.


Ah mate that's tough, well  in though for showing your boss up to be a right twat. Thoughts with you all mate.

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20 minutes ago, littletedwest said:

So been told its now incurable also been told there is a lesion on her lung. Guess we sort of knew it was incurable. So we find out next week on whether she can have immunotherapy and what sort of chemo to slow it down.


Shit news mate. Let's hope they can slow it right down.


My Dad's pancreatic cancer is in remission. 2 years ago they gave him 6-18 months. In his last scan they've spotted a couple of points of concern on a lung but no more than that just yet. 


I've got an auntie in Arrowe Park hospital who's badly with leukaemia. She's in her early 70s and has been ill for over a year. My mum spoke to the hospital yesterday and they said we might like to think about visiting as soon as possible. My parents live in Devon so they're driving up tonight. We're a small family so it's going to hit us hard I fear. It's my uncle I worry for; he's stone deaf, doesn't have a clue how to cook or do anything domestic, even paying bills etc. My auntie has dine everything for him all his life. He'll be left living in Eastham with nobody. 


Cunt disease. 

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3 hours ago, littletedwest said:

So been told its now incurable also been told there is a lesion on her lung. Guess we sort of knew it was incurable. So we find out next week on whether she can have immunotherapy and what sort of chemo to slow it down.

Awful news, ted.

I’ve got everything crossed for her/all of you.

You’ve not had your troubles to seek. 
Look after yourselves 

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3 hours ago, Redder Lurtz said:


Shit news mate. Let's hope they can slow it right down.


My Dad's pancreatic cancer is in remission. 2 years ago they gave him 6-18 months. In his last scan they've spotted a couple of points of concern on a lung but no more than that just yet. 


I've got an auntie in Arrowe Park hospital who's badly with leukaemia. She's in her early 70s and has been ill for over a year. My mum spoke to the hospital yesterday and they said we might like to think about visiting as soon as possible. My parents live in Devon so they're driving up tonight. We're a small family so it's going to hit us hard I fear. It's my uncle I worry for; he's stone deaf, doesn't have a clue how to cook or do anything domestic, even paying bills etc. My auntie has dine everything for him all his life. He'll be left living in Eastham with nobody. 


Cunt disease. 

Sorry to hear this too.


And another reminder to always have your own lives, your own friends and know how to look after yourself. My brother just discovered that his father in law had been living without a fridge since his wife developed dementia because he didn’t know how to buy a new one. He’s absolutely crumbled without her

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Found out Friday she can't have immunotherapy. From some reading quite a lot of people can't. So starting chemo possibly tomorrow. 


Her strength of mind is amazing. She got in the car last week with her partner, told me the news and said I don't want any moping then went straight to watch my grandson play football.


Even in these horrible times there is some humour. My Mrs said her sister ( Sam's auntie) wished she could visit more often and was told " no chance I could live for years and that's the last thing I want"


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On 20/08/2023 at 10:03, littletedwest said:

So my stepdaughter had a pre radiotherapy scan on Monday as she was expecting to begin finishing treatment. Had the horrible news there are signs of cancer in her armpit. And they're 99% sure on her liver. She went for an emergency full body scan on Thursday. Blood tests on Friday to see if she's suitable for immunotherapy. We see the oncologist tomorrow. 


On Wednesday and Thursday I don't remember ever feeling as anxious and depressed. When my dad died I was in bits but I also know that's the way of life, your parents die before you.


She has an 8 year old. Whilst we don't know it's the worst news I do know its very very bad.


I then had a row with my boss on Wednesday. Took the day off after we got a call Tuesday evening with the news. I rang her to say I'd work from home the next few days. She told me I was needed in the office as we were low on managers. I told her I was needed with my family as my stepdaughter doesn't drive and I provide lifts. She told me again I had to come in the office. I then rang her boss. She apologised the next day saying it wasn't like her and she was going to apologise anyway. Problem is she'd spoke to me that morning, been arsey with me and only called to apologise after her boss had bollocked her.


It's tough because I need to try and be strong for my Mrs and I know others are feeling it but at moment my heads in bits.


More news tomorrow afternoon. And yes I will be working from home.


Employers can be right bastards when it comes to cancer because cancer is something we hide from - even to the point of being a heartless bitch like your boss seems to have been. Before cancer took people in my family, and then I got it, I remember wishing people would stop talking about it. But it fucking exists, and I'm so glad we have this thread. I wonder if other posters feel the sense of dread I do when I open the thread. I don't really know any of you but cancer is a fucking bastard, and I dread hearing one of you, or one of your close ones have it. Best wishes, Ted.

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37 minutes ago, Jarvinja Ilnow said:

I wonder if other posters feel the sense of dread I do when I open the thread.

It’s why I don’t open it often. I drop in occasionally to try and show some support (for whatever that’s worth), but I can feel the anxiety rising when I do. 

Funny old game as I’ve never knowingly met anyone from here, and I’m very unlikely to do so in the future.


Anyway, since I’m here. Wishing all those currently dealing with the impact, directly or indirectly, of this nasty piece of work all the very best. 

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7 hours ago, littletedwest said:

Found out Friday she can't have immunotherapy. From some reading quite a lot of people can't. So starting chemo possibly tomorrow. 


Her strength of mind is amazing. She got in the car last week with her partner, told me the news and said I don't want any moping then went straight to watch my grandson play football.


Even in these horrible times there is some humour. My Mrs said her sister ( Sam's auntie) wished she could visit more often and was told " no chance I could live for years and that's the last thing I want"


Really feeling for you Ted.

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I'm really sorry to hear this Ted, and my sympathies and best wishes go out to you and the family and to those of everyone who has posted on here with symptoms or family with symptoms.  It's a horrible condition and I'm humbled by the bravery of those dealing with it.  


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