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Russia v Ukraine


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5 hours ago, Strontium Dog™ said:


Eye-opening thread from a while ago:



"Eye-opening" indeed.


11 tweets to say "Stop the War oppose the wars our government engages in in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, etc. and also opposes threats to repeat the same deadly mistakes in Iran".

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1 hour ago, Anubis said:

War! Huh!

What is it good for?

Distracting from Christmas lockdown

Say it again!











The above is a joke, and not a conspiracy theory. Just before you start in.

I feel like the annoying kid who spends the whole game goal hanging on the other teams six yard box berating his own teammates for not passing him the ball but I thumping your inch perfect pass which has left their keeper in no man's land and me alone two yards out straight into the back of the fucking net,


Over to you Edwin;



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1 hour ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

Pffft. Kasparov.

What would he understand about strategy and tactics?


I was reading a piece on Carlson the other day, he's threatened to not compete in the World Championship next year as there's nobody to really challenge him, except an 18 year old prodigy.


As you're reading it you realise that he's actually playing chess with the governing body and looking at all these permutations and percentages ect.




Quite remarkable to see and understand the world in those terms.



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11 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:


I was reading a piece on Carlson the other day, he's threatened to not compete in the World Championship next year as there's nobody to really challenge him, except an 18 year old prodigy.


As you're reading it you. realise that he's actually playing chess with the governing body and looking at all these permutations and percentages ect.




Quite remarkable to see and understand the world in those terms.



Did you keep an eye on his match with Nepo Bruce?  Won game six (longest classical game ever recorded) after the first 5 were drawn and ran away with it from there on in. The guys a machine. He actually looked bored during the match so I'm not totally surprised at what he's said about stepping back from it.

I wonder if Fide will change the format of the final from now on to keep him sweet? 

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1 minute ago, KMD7 said:

Did you keep an eye on his match with Nepo Bruce?  Won game six (longest classical game ever recorded) after the first 5 were drawn and ran away with it from there on in. The guys a machine. He actually looked bored during the match so I'm not totally surprised at what he's said about stepping back from it.

I wonder if Fide will change the format of the final from now on to keep him sweet? 


Yeah, kept up with it, he came out and said he was bored at one point as there wasn't much point seeing it through after he broke him as he knew he'd won, though that's part of the game as well I s'pose, damn he's good.


Imagine being that peerless, must be a lonely place.

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4 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:


Yeah, kept up with it, he came out and said he was bored at one point as there wasn't much point seeing it through after he broke him as he knew he'd won, though that's part of the game as well I s'pose, damn he's good.


Imagine being that peerless, must be a lonely place.

Yep. Not much else he can aim for now except try and break into the 2900 rating.  It's funny as he was (for his high standards) not firing on all cylinders during the meltwater online championship earlier this year but still ended up winning it. Peerless indeed.

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12 hours ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:

Wondered how long it'd take Pilger to tell everyone it's the West's fault.

Not without merit though, the west has for decades embarked on a policy of steamrolling into eastern Europe for the purpose of controlling assets, gaining cheap labour and the USA getting one up on those nasty Russians. In return the west bungs the new hierarchy of these countries a load of money, and tells its people they're going to have a pocket full of lovely 'freedom'. Unfortunately the new government the USA rubber stamps often consists of some of world's worst right wing nutjobs.



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5 minutes ago, Gnasher said:

Not without merit though, the west has for decades embarked on a policy of steamrolling into eastern Europe for the purpose of controlling assets, gaining cheap labour and the USA getting one up on those nasty Russians. In return the west bungs the new hierarchy of these countries a load of money, and tells its people they're going to have a pocket full of lovely 'freedom'. Unfortunately the new government the USA rubber stamps often consists of some of world's worst right wing nutjobs.



There's always some merit to what Pilger says, that's what makes his instinctive anti-imperialist reaction to similarly overlook the evils of non-Western authoritarian regimes so sad. He's an invaluable tool in holding our own government to account, but he's also a polemicist who'll gloss over human rights abuses. I'm glad he lives in a society where he's able to say these things though.

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26 minutes ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:

There's always some merit to what Pilger says, that's what makes his instinctive anti-imperialist reaction to similarly overlook the evils of non-Western authoritarian regimes so sad. He's an invaluable tool in holding our own government to account, but he's also a polemicist who'll gloss over human rights abuses. I'm glad he lives in a society where he's able to say these things though.

Fair enough.

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