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Russia v Ukraine


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6 hours ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:

There's always some merit to what Pilger says, that's what makes his instinctive anti-imperialist reaction to similarly overlook the evils of non-Western authoritarian regimes so sad. He's an invaluable tool in holding our own government to account, but he's also a polemicist who'll gloss over human rights abuses. I'm glad he lives in a society where he's able to say these things though.

He is a tool alright.


And poor Eastern European workers are really struggling since the warm supportive embrace of the Soviet Union has been crudely removed.

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3 hours ago, SasaS said:

He is a tool alright.


And poor Eastern European workers are really struggling since the warm supportive embrace of the Soviet Union has been crudely removed.

Some would say they are; not all Disney land in the land of milk and honey.

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  • 4 weeks later...
8 minutes ago, Captain Willard said:

This looks like it is kicking off again. Russia supplies 40% of European gas so an invasion in a cold February would put us in a tricky spot re sanctions etc. I’m sure that nice mr Putin has thought of that too. 

The UK imports most of it's gas from Norway. Putin cutting gas would affect mainland Europe more.

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Top one for me and I'm certain thats the same hotel I stayed in in Sharm El Sheikh. Constantly Russian (or Eastern European women) posing for photographs all day while you're just sat off drinking and trying not to let your missus (or their grock fellas) catch you perving. 

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25 minutes ago, Captain Willard said:

I read today that if the Russians do invade it is likely that they will invade through the area around Chernobyl, the most radioactive area on the planet. That’s going to be fun to defend.



Its been open as a tourist venue (site of cultural significance) since 2011. 

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The thought of this mob leading us in any kind of foreign policy crisis terrifies me, I mean genuinely terrifies me. 


"As a report was due to be published into Boris Johnson's debauchery, the Prime Minister has challenged Xi Jingping to unleash his nuclear arsenal at the UK, saying the RAF will give it a 'good boffing'." 

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23 minutes ago, dockers_strike said:

Does Ukraine want to be under Putin's control. That's the pertinent question. And the answer appears to be Mr Putin doesnt give a fuck what Ukraine and the rest think or want.


Be afraid and concerned.


Watched a report on the Ukraine border and the answer from the older generation was yes, they'd welcome the tanks rolling in to restore some order. The Ukraine has witnessed massive gun culture and is suffering right wing ideological factions looking to take control once the plentiful EU/USA money roles in.


We should stay the fuck out.


Coming to a city near you, 




Leave them where they are ffs.

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"Putin was said to have been left baffled when on a zoom call Dominic Raab was getting fed baby food as he laid out plans for retaliation while Jacob Rees Mogg who didn't realise he was muted read from a book, Michael Gove bobbed his head and Truss and Johnson who were sharing an account didn't realise they had left the camera on while he goosed her from behind on the zebra print sofa Truss and Johnson" 

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9 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

Doesn't really make sense for things to get out of hand. Putin and his mob are gangsters, but all they really care about is money, and you can't make money if you're going to the mattresses. 


It won't get out of hand and the west know it, the Beijing winter Olympics are due to start and Putin would not want to overshadow his Chinese mates after their difficult couple of years, plus a few Russian winners boosts moral back home. In short, not going to happen.


Ps, wait till Stig and a few other EU lovers on here who constantly complain about Britiain, one of the most diverse and liberal country's in the world meet Ukraine, the EUs newest bessie mates. God help us.

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3 minutes ago, M_B said:

Surprised anyone doesn't think it'll happen. The Russians will stroll into Kiev, or at least to the dneiper. The only thing likely to make them think twice are threats of severe sanctions. 

The Chinese and the forthcoming winter Olympics, it won't happen.

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17 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


It won't get out of hand and the west know it, the Beijing winter Olympics are due to start and Putin would not want to overshadow his Chinese mates after their difficult couple of years, plus a few Russian winners boosts moral back home. In short, not going to happen.


Ps, wait till Stig and a few other EU lovers on here who constantly complain about Britiain, one of the most diverse and liberal country's in the world meet Ukraine, the EUs newest bessie mates. God help us.

What the fuck are you on about? Britain is a shithole and that makes it all ok because the Ukraine is different? Fuck the Uk government. Stop chatting shit especially when you've slagged this government off yourself you fucking see-saw 

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3 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

What the fuck are you on about? Britain is a shithole and that makes it all ok because the Ukraine is different? Fuck the Uk government. Stop chatting shit especially when you've slagged this government off yourself you fucking see-saw 


You've totally missed the point but hey hoy.

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6 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


You've totally missed the point but hey hoy.

Less racism in one place than another doesn't make instances of racism less of an issue in the lesser place. depending on your fume intake since lunchtime that might take you anywhere between 2 minutes and a few hours to get your head around but either way, don't bring me into your waffle. 


That aside, I know a girl from the Ukraine (Linnie) and she is bloody lovely. A genuine sound girl, she's moved back to Kiev and is now married and loving life but we knew her when she worked and came out on the ale with us and you'd be hard pushed to find a nicer warmer soul. There are cunts everywhere, there are also decent human beings. 

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