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Tory Cabinet Thread


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12 hours ago, Jairzinho said:

Shame on the BBC for allowing someone from the left on the programme. I know it's only once a year, but it really is a disgrace. 


Hoping next week they can go back to four empty suits viciously debating the tiny fraction of acceptable political opinion.


Once in 20 years in Monibots case and that only by chance.






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7 minutes ago, Jairzinho said:

Johnny Mercer saying our immigration possibly has been a success because numbers are lower than in Italy.


I wonder if he knows how maps work.


GB news Tom Harwood could help him out. Sharp as a tack is our Tom. This is what a 20 grand a year private school education buys you.





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On 05/12/2023 at 15:29, littletedwest said:

Could wind up a few thick racists by saying that the government is demanding that foreigners earn 38k while us poor British earn 11 quid an hour 

I think this is serious point. We should be asking where is the training and skills for British workers to have those jobs. Isn't this what they claimed Brexit was for? 

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3 hours ago, Barrington Womble said:

I think this is serious point. We should be asking where is the training and skills for British workers to have those jobs. Isn't this what they claimed Brexit was for? 

This is the crux of the issue and should have been central to everything.


Actual long term strategy and long term planning to build capacity and supply side changes.


None of this was done as, as we know, it was ideological grandstanding to enrich a few at the top quickly at the expense of every other poor cunts rights, options, futures and lives.


Cunts to a man.

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57 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:

This is the crux of the issue and should have been central to everything.


Actual long term strategy and long term planning to build capacity and supply side changes.


None of this was done as, as we know, it was ideological grandstanding to enrich a few at the top quickly at the expense of every other poor cunts rights, options, futures and lives.


Cunts to a man.


Never seems to get a mention. If they want the population to do these jobs they have to train and educate them with the necessary skills. They've cut workforce training investment over the last 13 years.


If they don't want a cheap immigrant workforce for largely government funded sectors such as social care then they have to spend more to ensure wages are not 20% less than they should be. It might have helped if they hadn't privatised the sector so the investment doesn't go into the back pocket of privately owned nursing homes etc. 


Even then we'll always need immigrant workers because we're an ageing population. Perhaps if the elderly xenophobic Tory voters didn't live quite so long.....



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