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Tory Cabinet Thread


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Woke up this morning to see Mone has admitted to benefitting from this PPE thing BUT, only when her husband croaks. Thus, further shafting these Tory cunts as they also seek to drag her and husband over the coals. It's going to get very messy is this.


I could write stuff about her looking like she's absolute filth but I'll restrain myself...for my own thoughts.

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On 21/11/2023 at 15:24, Section_31 said:

Tories always have a villain, this is why I've got no time for all these road to Damascus types like Rory Stewart and Wasi.


They're happy to tag along when it's disabled people paying bedroom tax or whatnot until the crosshairs expand to include people they like. 






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The entitlement is sickening. "I lied to protect my family" shouldn't have stole millions off us then you fucking vulture 


Playing the victim after making all that money and sucking her way into the House of Lords? Fucking sick of these cunts. They live in a bubble surrounded by yes people and simply can't see why they should ever be scrutinised. Rees-Mogg saying that his personal financial affairs are not in the public interest especially after the shit he comes out with about working class people and people on benefits sums up the arrogance that surrounds this government. Capitalism is a cunts model. Toryism is a disease on society. 


The country is on its knees, people are mentally fed up and mentally struggling. Financially people are suffering due to greed being processed by those in charge so their donors make even more money. They're dividing us so we don't all revolt. They know they've got their flu wavers who will swallow their own lives going down the pan in the name of racism/patriotism etc.


Truly depressing. 

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If Mogg thinks his failure to pay tax is not the public’s business then he has no business taking public money for his MP’s wage and can be dragged from Parliament, stripped to his Y fronts and vest, and wet towel whipped down the M25.

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6 hours ago, Gnasher said:

Not sure if it was wise for her to bring this fella along to that interview.




You just wonder how the my little pony lookalike will manage to get by without the 60mill of public money she didn't nothing wrong to get , Well apart from lying to the press 

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I've certainly got no sympathy for her but I doubt very much if it was just them.

The entire thing needs looking into.

I read somewhere when the pandemic began,the government sent out an e mail telling mps about "business opportunities'

So in the midst of a global pandemic their 1st thought was 'how can we make some more dough.?

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28 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

I've certainly got no sympathy for her but I doubt very much if it was just them.

The entire thing needs looking into.

I read somewhere when the pandemic began,the government sent out an e mail telling mps about "business opportunities'

So in the midst of a global pandemic their 1st thought was 'how can we make some more dough.?

Well they are Tories for a reason pal , there first thought is always how can WE as a group not the country make capital out of anything. 

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5 minutes ago, Tj hooker said:

Well they are Tories for a reason pal , there first thought is always how can WE as a group not the country make capital out of anything. 


You have to hand it to them.

Their entire raison d'etre is to look after the interests of the rich,and they still somehow continually get working class people to vote for them.

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39 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

I've certainly got no sympathy for her but I doubt very much if it was just them.

The entire thing needs looking into.

I read somewhere when the pandemic began,the government sent out an e mail telling mps about "business opportunities'

So in the midst of a global pandemic their 1st thought was 'how can we make some more dough.?

Her not being the only one doesn't excuse her being a fucking thief. Get To Prison.

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Sad state of affairs when people are so used to this sort of greed, dishonesty, cronyism and frankly fucking bullshit, that people are largely not arsed....It'll blow over, fuck all of note will happen to the cunts involved and the corrupt, stinking wheel that these cunts are on will keep turning and they and their ilk will continue to line their pockets.


Just fuck off with the pathetic, peformative shite we've seen from them and especially her today.

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