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Tory Cabinet Thread


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16 minutes ago, Champ said:

She’s very good.


Cooper for Labour leader


I like her too Cath, she's not ideal with a bit of a dodgy voting record in the past but as a leader I'd have complete faith she'd get stuff done properly. She doesn't miss a trick. Her fella's a bellend though. 

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These rat bastards always get away with it don't they - not a single one of them voted against it. Even if their objections were for even worse reasons than the reasons it was thought up in first place, they have ultimately put self interest and political survival first again.

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14 minutes ago, an tha said:

These rat bastards always get away with it don't they - not a single one of them voted against it. Even if their objections were for even worse reasons than the reasons it was thought up in first place, they have ultimately put self interest and political survival first again.

They have merely kicked the can down the road . The battle will commence when amendments are introduced. Today was sabre rattling and drawing battle lines ,  .

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9 minutes ago, magicrat said:

They have merely kicked the can down the road . The battle will commence when amendments are introduced. Today was sabre rattling and drawing battle lines ,  .

Yeah true enough.


Just over eager for the total destruction of those bastards and anything that delays it irritates me....


Patience, an tha....patience...

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On 11/12/2023 at 08:09, Harry's Lad said:

This Government is sickening. Absolute filth.


BBC News - Elite Afghan troops face return to Taliban after UK 'betrayal'


"a disgrace, because it reflects that either we're duplicitous as a nation or incompetent".


This government is literally both these things. 

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I'm impressed by those who can sustain the level of engagement shown in this thread. The prospect of venal kleptocratic looters continuing to run the country into the floor to be potentially replaced by slightly less venal, technocrats who defecate their trousers every time the press say boo, is seriously uninspiring. Granted I live in a safe seat, but unlikely to bother my backside to vote next time.


It would be nice if someone in the media could actually be bothered to lay out all of the issues the country faces as that would at least give people a bit more of an understanding why things feel like they've fallen off a cliff (for the majority of Conservative voters this is essentially that house prices aren't continuing to rocket).

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13 hours ago, Section_31 said:

Imagine living in Blackpool and voting Tory, richly deserved punishment for them.


Her emails.


There's a reason the Tories have been lurching further and further to the right and become an attractive prospect for places like Burnley and Blackpool with their rhetoric on immigration and 'foreigners' in general being the cause of depravation.



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