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Tory Cabinet Thread


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We've heard from the ERG's lawyers - and shortly we will be hearing from their chairman, Mark Francois.

Francois is a veteran member of the right-wing group and came to prominence in the years after the Brexit vote when he was a vocal critic of Theresa May's government.

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6 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

reckon there is a definitely a move to somehow have farage there. That will finish them off once and for all.


It possibly explains why Starmer is moving more towards the centre too, it's the red wall types who'll vote for idiots like Farage if he ever takes the Tory reins, no point trying to compete for them at all, go for the people who may have voted for May's Tories.

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7 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


It possibly explains why Starmer is moving more towards the centre too, it's the red wall types who'll vote for idiots like Farage if he ever takes the Tory reins, no point trying to compete for them at all, go for the people who may have voted for May's Tories.

he literally has one policy,well apart from wanting to sell off the NHS

starmer would utterly destroy him.

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Still can't believe they've managed to get themselves into such a state over a ridiculous, obviously unworkable policy, to the point there's an outside chance of bringing the whole government down and a fair chance that Sunak might resign. It's another one of these Osborne-like wheezes that probably sounded really good on paper- puts Labour on the back foot, is cruel enough to appease the Brexity gammons and the likes of the Mail, opens up the prospect of leaving the ECHR, and takes the spotlight off the rest of their manifest failures. But it's such utter nonsense that it's completely backfired on them. Nearly £300 million spent so far, not a single asylum seeker sent to Rwanda and even if it gets off the ground, we'd have to break a boatload of international laws, and it would only account for a few hundred people a year (possible not even that net, with rumours that Rwanda would send people the other way in reciprocation) and won't do a thing to 'stop the boats'. Just sums up the chaotic mess they are and have been for years.

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1 hour ago, Section_31 said:

Was Johnson's rise encouraged by some sort of left wing genius to destroy the tories from within? Or was it just a happy coincidence?


My heart sank when I saw they're giving odds now on that kemi bandinock getting the gig next, she's a seriously annoying twat.

its absolutely glorious how much he has utterly destroyed them.

Anyone even on nodding terms with his past knows he is a self serving cunt,yet he has utterly trashed the entire party,and even now,there are people who want him back.   

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8 minutes ago, Mudface said:

Still can't believe they've managed to get themselves into such a state over a ridiculous, obviously unworkable policy, to the point there's an outside chance of bringing the whole government down and a fair chance that Sunak might resign. It's another one of these Osborne-like wheezes that probably sounded really good on paper- puts Labour on the back foot, is cruel enough to appease the Brexity gammons and the likes of the Mail, opens up the prospect of leaving the ECHR, and takes the spotlight off the rest of their manifest failures. But it's such utter nonsense that it's completely backfired on them. Nearly £300 million spent so far, not a single asylum seeker sent to Rwanda and even if it gets off the ground, we'd have to break a boatload of international laws, and it would only account for a few hundred people a year (possible not even that net, with rumours that Rwanda would send people the other way in reciprocation) and won't do a thing to 'stop the boats'. Just sums up the chaotic mess they are and have been for years.

they have to focus on Immigration.

what else can they do?Health?the economy?public services?Standard of living?

They have literally trashed everything, so all they have left is to appeal to the flag shaggers and racists.The fact that they know the country would be utterly fucked without immigration,yet if they admit this,they would be toast,is the icing on the cake.

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Yvette Cooper giving them hell at the beginning of the debate. 

Not very Cleverly and Sunak looking dismissive on the front bench. Patel gurning and looking like a rejected Bond villain from the very back bench. 

Basically it’s Labour telling them it’s a shambles versus some Tories who don’t think it’s a shambles, some Tories who think it’s a shambles but pretend it isn't, and some Tories who think it’s a shambles but are currently playing silly games.


The Lib Dem’s are probably there as well. 

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1 hour ago, Arniepie said:

they have to focus on Immigration.

what else can they do?Health?the economy?public services?Standard of living?

They have literally trashed everything, so all they have left is to appeal to the flag shaggers and racists.The fact that they know the country would be utterly fucked without immigration,yet if they admit this,they would be toast,is the icing on the cake.


Aye, but immigration's not exactly their strong point either. The numbers are massively up compared to what they promised/ lied about and the whole refugee processing system is fucked. They really have absolutely nothing at the moment.

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2 minutes ago, Mudface said:


Aye, but immigration's not exactly their strong point either. The numbers are massively up compared to what they promised/ lied about and the whole refugee processing system is fucked. They really have absolutely nothing at the moment.


Their standard tactic of blaming someone else for their failings,is blowing up in their face.

The party is utterly split aswell,there is no way he can keep those ERG mentalists and the one nation tories happy,at the same time.

They are fucked.

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1 hour ago, YorkshireRed said:

Yvette Cooper giving them hell at the beginning of the debate. 

Not very Cleverly and Sunak looking dismissive on the front bench. Patel gurning and looking like a rejected Bond villain from the very back bench. 

Basically it’s Labour telling them it’s a shambles versus some Tories who don’t think it’s a shambles, some Tories who think it’s a shambles but pretend it isn't, and some Tories who think it’s a shambles but are currently playing silly games.


The Lib Dem’s are probably there as well. 


She has them on toast time after time after time. 

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