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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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4 minutes ago, Anubis said:





Doesn't sound promising, that answer about getting unsatisfactory answers.

It really is comedy gold and everything they deserve. Unless you read the snivelling piece of shite sky have written.

FFS, people on both sides have died but the poor little blues lost some dodgy money.


Mistakes have undoubtedly been made by the club's hierarchy but the challenge they face with an ever-changing set of rules and restrictions and a huge blow with the onset of a war in Europe which led to them losing a major income stream has left those at the club and the fans believing that it is help which is needed from the authorities, not punishment.

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You're not that relevant fella.


  • The PL have positioned themselves so they can relegate us


    …. this season at a time of their choosing. Probably in the last week where they leave us 4 points short of safety with a second points penalty imposed.

    Looking at the timescales we are now pushed into a corner that’s impossible to get out of.
    Waiting for our first appeal result they could give us 4,6, or zero points back it’s irrelevant.
    Further charges then to be heard.
    We appeal.
    Waiting for appeal of second charges.
    They see how we are going in the last 17 league games.

    Appeal result is announced in the last week or so of season, they can do their sums, another 4, 6, 10, 12+ whatever it will take to relegate us.

    They want us gone and I fear they are now 100% in control of that outcome.

    Is this a possible scenario given the timescales?

    It is not too far fetched for this corrupt bunch of twats.

    I sincerely hope I am wrong
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"they want us gone" is absolutely fucking mental talk. Why would the PL want rid of them at the expense of the likes of Luton, Sheff Utd, Wolves, Bournemouth or whoever? Makes no sense, they might be shite but they're a historically big club and the PL would benefit in no way from them going down. It wouldn't harm the league either (no-one would miss them), but there's no benefit to be had in relegating them and all this tinfoil hat shite coming from them is embarrassing.

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5 minutes ago, dave u said:

"they want us gone" is absolutely fucking mental talk. Why would the PL want rid of them at the expense of the likes of Luton, Sheff Utd, Wolves, Bournemouth or whoever? Makes no sense, they might be shite but they're a historically big club and the PL would benefit in no way from them going down. It wouldn't harm the league either (no-one would miss them), but there's no benefit to be had in relegating them and all this tinfoil hat shite coming from them is embarrassing.


And you'll never get a sensible answer from them because the only possible reason they could have for thinking it would be cos "der Redshite" want them gone.  But admitting that would mean admitting we're a fucking massive club who could have such enormous levels of influence over the PL and beyond.  But they could never, ever admit to that.

It's a subconscious thing with them and it's driving them mad.


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6 minutes ago, dave u said:

"they want us gone" is absolutely fucking mental talk. Why would the PL want rid of them at the expense of the likes of Luton, Sheff Utd, Wolves, Bournemouth or whoever? Makes no sense, they might be shite but they're a historically big club and the PL would benefit in no way from them going down. It wouldn't harm the league either (no-one would miss them), but there's no benefit to be had in relegating them and all this tinfoil hat shite coming from them is embarrassing.

It's because they stood up against the "scab six"

Ignore the fact they were all fined and new rules put in place by the very same people who are now deducting points.

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12 hours ago, Redder Lurtz said:


You need a bit of that.


Can we have Annie Road on the next pod telling you how he's gonna fight everyone? 

Not if I’ve got anything to do with it. I’ve got a date pencilled in. I’ll be in town having a meal for my uncle’s birthday on the last weekend of February. I can easily spare 20 minutes to meet him and end this once and for all in Williamson Square, outside the club shop. 


6 hours ago, Bjornebye said:


They robbed Spurs blind there. Turdseye could score at Old Trafford. 


I’ve only been there once in my life and we won 5-0 and half of their fans left at half time. I fucking love the place. 

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2 hours ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

Stop cheating then..it has to be a sporting punishment. What's a fine to the Saudis or Abu Dhabi.  Everton knowingly and willingly went over the limit because they thought fuck you, you won't touch us. Parry is a fucking bell end.  


Man city should be stripped of everything they've "won" they cheated sides who played by the rules, it doesn't matter whether you like the rules or not if they exist you follow them and if you break them you pay the price.



I think Wengers doping analogy was accurate and you treat doping by expunging records and severe punishment. The thing is you are reliant on owners of Premier League clubs to act to protect sporting integrity when they will be looking at what is best for the bottom line. They all get to participate in marking their homework. 


The Premier League are meeting next month to discuss this squad cost ratio Parry mentioned. You need 14 to change rules right. I suspect the clubs who are charged will try and use this to their advantage. When I hear Parry and the tory chair mentioning retrospective punishment as a weakness, I'm like what are they cooking. It's not farfetched to think the Premier League are looking for a way not to punish their shareholders. 


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Forest are absolutely guilty and the excuse on the Johnson deal need ignoring. They spent ridiculous amounts on a ridiculous amount of players. If they knew the accounts wouldn't work out they shouldn't have bought a player or two


Everton can fuck off aswell. They admitted to spending on midfielders and had the accounts all worked out providing they finished in the top 10. They didn't. They are a vegas gambler that went all in and lost going back home on Monday morning telling the wife it's not their fault, they had a good hand and that the casino is corrupt. Only in this case the wife is a nut job and believes him and is currently outside the hotel with little red placards 

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5 minutes ago, Lee909 said:

Forest are absolutely guilty and the excuse on the Johnson deal need ignoring. They spent ridiculous amounts on a ridiculous amount of players. If they knew the accounts wouldn't work out they shouldn't have bought a player or two


Everton can fuck off aswell. They admitted to spending on midfielders and had the accounts all worked out providing they finished in the top 10. They didn't. They are a vegas gambler that went all in and lost going back home on Monday morning telling the wife it's not their fault, they had a good hand and that the casino is corrupt. Only in this case the wife is a nut job and believes him and is currently outside the hotel with little red placards 

Red placards?  Red? Red!?!

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The premier league should just yeah find let's relook at the books and your covid loses


Please explain how you lost more money that all the clubs with bigger stadiums,some three or four times more. And then dock them points based on the actual numbers not the fantasy shit they let them off on

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1 hour ago, littletedwest said:

It's because they stood up against the "scab six"

Ignore the fact they were all fined and new rules put in place by the very same people who are now deducting points.

The line is that they stood up for the integrity of football over the ESL so the Cartel (which actually consists of just 3 clubs who play in red - us, Arsenal and Utd - I shit you not) want them gone.

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2 hours ago, dave u said:

"they want us gone" is absolutely fucking mental talk. Why would the PL want rid of them at the expense of the likes of Luton, Sheff Utd, Wolves, Bournemouth or whoever? Makes no sense, they might be shite but they're a historically big club and the PL would benefit in no way from them going down. It wouldn't harm the league either (no-one would miss them), but there's no benefit to be had in relegating them and all this tinfoil hat shite coming from them is embarrassing.

Just thinking the same . Relegating Everton is certainly not what the PL want to do but they have given themselves no option but to apply the rules in exactly the same way as they did a couple of months ago . Anyway a season in the Championship with the parachute money probably wouldn’t kill them and they would finally be in with a real chance of a league title 

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What's this business about the some of the accounting periods being the same on both charges for Everton, i.e. that they've already been punished for that period? Surely they have a point with that, or is there more to it?


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