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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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7 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

the numbers involved when protesting against the club always seemed quite small scale,it appears many more are happy to blame the premier league.


It's the equivalent of getting your excuses in early isn't it? They know they're heading down at some point so they've already got someone to blame, even if they don't go down for five years this will be the turning point. Everton prefer to lose and moan about it than win. If you gave a bitter a straight choice between winning Istanbul, or losing Istanbul and Collina being the ref on the night - they'd 100% take the latter deal. 

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16 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:


oh, they deffo are pointing their anger in the wrong place. there's no doubt about that. and as a consequence they'll sleep walk into either the worst possible ownership or administration if 777 do not get approved. i find it astonishing they're not doing everything in their power to find out who is behind RMFL. They blocked the MSP Cap deal. They seem to be not wanting to block the 777 deal, another company with questionable access to money. there's clearly some dodgy shit going on there, yet they're more arsed about a plane over the etihad than they are about what is happening with the future of their club. 


edit - in fact even worse than that, i think i am more concerned about it than any of them are! 


Exactly, this is what I find truly astonishing. Its 20 fucking 23, there is unbelievable amount of information available in the public domain about almost any business. And yet, instead of accepting the fact that they are in a shit position and choosing the right battles, they somehow think the punishment should not apply to them using the same rules they fucking voted for. 


10 points penalty is absolutely nothing compared to the shit they might find themselves under soon. 

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1 hour ago, Section_31 said:

This tweet below is what I mean about the way the narrative around their fanbase is shaped. You can see with your own eyes and ears how shite they are but then have to sit through some psyops telling you up is down because a director or a player fears for their safety, or because a hasbeen former player is trying to sell a ticket for "an audience with". 


It's like having a simple kid who you have to keep telling is really clever purely because they haven't shit their pants today, even thought they're 36.


"You made a banner that said 'fuck the PL' and set a rocket off outside a corner shop, that's very, very good. Now it's time for your nap, you know how upset you get if you don't have your nap before Button Moon."



There’s no way he wrote that. Absolutely stinks of when Anichebe got caught out because he didn’t remove the ‘please can you tweet something like’ before copying and pasting.

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5 hours ago, Section_31 said:




Say what you like about the crowd at Goodison Park, but they are really good at booing. They’ve had plenty of practice in recent years, of course, but, still, there was something viscerally impressive about the boos before kick-off. It began as a low moan, like the agonised groan of a brontosaurus dying in a distant valley, then built slowly, rumbling mournfully through the old stadium, gaining in depth and plaintiveness and volume to finally break in a mighty foghorn of despair summoned from the guts of all Evertonians.

They had already booed the two blokes in dark rain-jackets who brought out the Premier League signage, as well as the six ballboys who, with an understandable degree of hesitation, unfurled the Premier League flag.

Poor John Brooks, the referee, was booed as a representative of the evil empire that has done Everton down before even blowing for kick-off

like the agonised groan of a brontosaurus dying in a distant valley hahahaha brilliant stuff

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20 minutes ago, Block305 said:

Been sent a vid of a red taxi driver arguing with a particularly aggressive blue in the back of his cab on Friday. In fact I'm almost certain it's the "afterbirth" fella. I'd stick it up here but not sure the lad wants the video out.


Get it posted, man. You can’t say that and then not share the video!

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49 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

that wouldn't surprise me. and of course the attitude will have been driven by uzmanov who is used to getting his own way. they'd have probably been alright too had the ukraine war not stopped uzmanov pumping cash in. the fact the PL let it go that he paid 30m for first option on naming rights for the stadium proves just that. 

That 30m is another fact they should have used in their defence. Simply point out the ludicrously of anyone believing that was real. Attach about 40 articles and a million tweets pointing out how fake that was. It's a sound argument to point out nobody believed the rules were real.

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5 minutes ago, Anubis said:

Actually, take it down. They’ll just report it to licensing to try and get him into trouble. I’ve dealt with a lot of licensing appeals so I know what the council are like.


Yeah wasn't sure of that meself. It was doing the WhatsApp rounds so I assumed the fella wasn't too arsed.


Took it down anyway mate.

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Amazed that no one else has bid for the stadium naming rights after seeing the new ground rising on the banks of the Royal Blue Mersey. 


Very strange that Evertons comically inept commercial department were able to pull off the masterstroke of getting someone to pay £30m which was roughly what they would have been in breach of ffp rules around that time when they hadn't started the stadium. 


All these business geniuses must have left since then seeing as no other offers have come in.

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