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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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1 hour ago, Lee909 said:


There's only ine reason the Government want a regulator. Amd it's to pull money away from the Premier League. They'll have the league funding the lower leagues and youth sports so they don't have to. 


The EFL is terribly managed. I heard something the other day that for every £100 they bring in they spend £250 on average. 


In League 1, the 100 top earners take home over 7k a week. The avg salary in League 2 is around 80k a year. Its completely unsustainable. No issue with money dropping down the pyramid but they need to get the house in order and start living within its means

I think this is a bit unfair and I'm not convinced it doesn't involve PL propaganda. The EFL has pressures on it because of how ridiculously disproportionate the money they get or generate versus the PL. 92 plus non league clubs being professional is far too many when countries such as Germany and Spain only have two genuine top leagues plus a third division which is largely reserves and feeder clubs. Even if the PL parts with more community money the EFL has to change dramatically. But with this government 'fairness' is not even in their dictionary.

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4 hours ago, TheHowieLama said:

 a third division which is largely reserves and feeder clubs.


A City or Chelsea B team would be better than many Championship clubs.

This highlights my 'disproportionate' part of the comment. The big clubs are also allowed to carry far too many players and that should be fucked off. Including loans and dodgy part ownership deals.

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31 minutes ago, VladimirIlyich said:

This highlights my 'disproportionate' part of the comment. The big clubs are also allowed to carry far too many players and that should be fucked off. Including loans and dodgy part ownership deals.



Agree with parts

I wouldn't ban loans but I would ban the amount of players you can loan out and also have a age cap on loans. 


92 Pro teams is too many, well it is if players in the lower league are being paid like they are in tbe lower leagues. If you are getting 7-10k through the turnstiles each week noway can you afford to be paying players money likes Mansfield pay Rhys Oates who earns 140k a year. 

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So far today my normally level headed Blue mate has brought up how Andy Burnham had a Sky interview on Everton and it wasn't aired so he's kicking off about it(corruption) and that Sky didn't show their banners/flags/'protest' enough and muted the crowd(corruption). So I guess thats where Tuesdays wheel of fury has landed.

I really thought some of them might keep a level headed view on all this but apparently they are all off down the rabbit hole it appears.

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6 hours ago, Lee909 said:


There's only ine reason the Government want a regulator. Amd it's to pull money away from the Premier League. They'll have the league funding the lower leagues and youth sports so they don't have to. 


The EFL is terribly managed. I heard something the other day that for every £100 they bring in they spend £250 on average. 


In League 1, the 100 top earners take home over 7k a week. The avg salary in League 2 is around 80k a year. Its completely unsustainable. No issue with money dropping down the pyramid but they need to get the house in order and start living within its means


The way lower league clubs are run is awful. I don't have much of an opinion on how much money should be distributed to the lower leagues, because I don't think we need to be paying people the money we do in those leagues and I don't think we need to be having these sides loaded with overseas players. I do think it's important we find a way to keep these clubs within their communities though, as most are community clubs.


2 hours ago, cloggypop said:


Fuck me. That seems to be a genuine product. 


104 euros. 



No wonder they all wear lonsdales. 

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5 minutes ago, Tenfolder said:

So far today my normally level headed Blue mate has brought up how Andy Burnham had a Sky interview on Everton and it wasn't aired so he's kicking off about it(corruption) and that Sky didn't show their banners/flags/'protest' enough and muted the crowd(corruption). So I guess thats where Tuesdays wheel of fury has landed.

I really thought some of them might keep a level headed view on all this but apparently they are all off down the rabbit hole it appears.


Did they really mute them? I could hear the protests pretty clearly. 

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4 minutes ago, Tenfolder said:

So far today my normally level headed Blue mate has brought up how Andy Burnham had a Sky interview on Everton and it wasn't aired so he's kicking off about it(corruption) and that Sky didn't show their banners/flags/'protest' enough and muted the crowd(corruption). So I guess thats where Tuesdays wheel of fury has landed.

I really thought some of them might keep a level headed view on all this but apparently they are all off down the rabbit hole it appears.

Rabbit hole is the right word. They've all gotten themselves convinced of corruption. 


I actually had a sensible conversation with a blue today and made the point to him they're being played by their board and ownership and what they should be focusing on is the ownership situation, 777 and who the fuck this image and media rights mob are who control who's buying the club, because the loans have change of ownership clauses. He actually acknowledged it, which shocked me. So they're not all fucking mental, just about 95% of them

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Who’s gonna tell him……..



Everton have stood with Liverpool for 34 years since Hillsborough Everton also stood with Liverpool over Heysel even though they suffered the chance to play in Europe for at least 4 successive seasons So why on earth are not supporting Everton over the 10 pts injustice
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4 hours ago, liverpoolsno9 said:

Who’s gonna tell him……..



Everton have stood with Liverpool for 34 years since Hillsborough Everton also stood with Liverpool over Heysel even though they suffered the chance to play in Europe for at least 4 successive seasons So why on earth are not supporting Everton over the 10 pts injustice

Hillsborough, yeah, what else they going to do. Everything else bullshit. I told my blue mate 10 points wasn't enough he said bitter red youse are just bitter, I just laughed and said I fully remember null and void, null and void, we only need 3 points to win the league before lockdown but somehow tough shit and they literally campaigned for null and void. Fuck them. 10 points is fine if it wasn't for their covid losses fraud those figures they diddled should be added to their punishment.

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46 minutes ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

Hillsborough, yeah, what else they going to do. Everything else bullshit. I told my blue mate 10 points wasn't enough he said bitter red youse are just bitter, I just laughed and said I fully remember null and void, null and void, we only need 3 points to win the league before lockdown but somehow tough shit and they literally campaigned for null and void. Fuck them. 10 points is fine if it wasn't for their covid losses fraud those figures they diddled should be added to their punishment.


They deffo did a march to get us our game with spurs replayed. My taxi driver this morning told me, it's why we have to back them up. 

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7 hours ago, liverpoolsno9 said:

Who’s gonna tell him……..



Everton have stood with Liverpool for 34 years since Hillsborough Everton also stood with Liverpool over Heysel even though they suffered the chance to play in Europe for at least 4 successive seasons So why on earth are not supporting Everton over the 10 pts injustice

He's got a point: the unlawful killing of 97 people and the subsequent cover-up and smear campaign is definitely comparable to a club being punished for persistently breaking the rules.


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7 hours ago, liverpoolsno9 said:

Who’s gonna tell him……..



Everton have stood with Liverpool for 34 years since Hillsborough Everton also stood with Liverpool over Heysel even though they suffered the chance to play in Europe for at least 4 successive seasons So why on earth are not supporting Everton over the 10 pts injustice

I can't help thinking that post is a trap to get the secret Reds on there to break cover.  Nobody could actually believe that shit, could they?

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