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*Shakes head* Everton again.


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The shitter they have got and the less relevant they have become, the more they have amped up the bitterness and the bollocks they spout - including shamefully all the '39 Italians' etc shite.....


I said it earlier today this points deduction is an absolute boon for them as fans.


They have fuck all to shout about on the park - are largely irrelevant to everyone, nobody really has a rivalry with them bar us because they are no threat to anyone - and they whore themselves out to pretty much every other set of fans to try and get at us....


So following them is duller than a long rainy weekend in Rhyl.


This actually gives them something to get involved in, a bit of media coverage, some pats on the head (which the needy meffs need) from other fans and the chance to shout some shite and hang some badly painted bedsheets up - Some colour in what is an incredibly drab club to follow these days.


All the anger and hurt and embarrassment they carry about how garbage they are, how badly their club is run, about all the money they have wasted that eats them up inside is now being projected via their response to this punishment for their offence.


The rest of that anger and hurt and embarrassment is usually projected through their stupidly OTT shite about us and their shameful using of death to attempt to score points and grab the moral high ground.


They go on about our OOT support, daytrippers and Norwegians etc and on about their support being local....some sort of supposed 'victory' for them that....


But as usual they can't even be consistent with that - as as soon as they sign someone like that James Rodriguez (who took the piss out of them hilariously) they are all at it with shouts of 'millions of toffees all over south america, lad' shite and of course the sewage farm stadium is gonna bring them in from all over....



They can't even just build their new ground and get in it and then see what happens - it has to be something they ram down everyone elses throats constantly - like no other club has ever built a new ground before - they desperately need attention - they are like the kid who never gets noticed by the girls at school so he starts acting increasingly loudly to get noticed and when he still does not get noticed he starts slating everybody else to make himself feel better.


They go on about how this new stadium is going to be a game changer - and it of course will help if they get it right, but there is no realism in how they frame it, because they are desperate for people to take notice so they claim all sorts is going to happen when it is open.....Ultimately they are increasing their capacity from 39,000 to 52,000 - lifting them from 10th in the PL for stadium capacity all the way up to wait for it; wait for it....8th....At a cost of what 3/4 of a billion? It is progress and fair do's but FFS they really do have the most unrealistic, bizarre expectations of what it will deliver for them.


They are largely beyond parody now and it is getting worse all the time - they are stuck in an endless cycle that is just turning and turning and their behaviour gets stranger and stranger as they double down and double down over and over and over on the madness as they have nothing else now - problem is it is killing them, but they are too far gone to stop the bleeding now - bleeding that is totally self inflicted.



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2 hours ago, TheHowieLama said:
Can someone explain what’s the point of fireworks?

It is a gesture, a point trying to be made. More points made the merrier. No reason to complain about other Evertonians trying to do what they believe is trying to make a point. Better than doing nowt and let it all fade into nothing. Keep up the pressure on the PL.



They could do with winning some points.

I thought you used fireworks when you wanted to celebrate something. 

Did they celebrate going a goal down or was it the points deduction they celebrated?

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The most deluded, easily led set of toxic scruffs you ever did see. They literally have no argument here. The corrupt shouts started about 2 seasons ago when a few decisions went against them. Strangely the same season we were going for the Quadruple. Last season - barely a peep when we fell off a cliff. This season they've resurrected it because they were caught cheating and must have been expecting what......a small fine? Harsh language? The Birch? Absolute mentalist fanbase.

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47 minutes ago, an tha said:

The shitter they have got and the less relevant they have become, the more they have amped up the bitterness and the bollocks they spout - including shamefully all the '39 Italians' etc shite.....


I said it earlier today this points deduction is an absolute boon for them as fans.


They have fuck all to shout about on the park - are largely irrelevant to everyone, nobody really has a rivalry with them bar us because they are no threat to anyone - and they whore themselves out to pretty much every other set of fans to try and get at us....


So following them is duller than a long rainy weekend in Rhyl.


This actually gives them something to get involved in, a bit of media coverage, some pats on the head (which the needy meffs need) from other fans and the chance to shout some shite and hang some badly painted bedsheets up - Some colour in what is an incredibly drab club to follow these days.


All the anger and hurt and embarrassment they carry about how garbage they are, how badly their club is run, about all the money they have wasted that eats them up inside is now being projected via their response to this punishment for their offence.


The rest of that anger and hurt and embarrassment is usually projected through their stupidly OTT shite about us and their shameful using of death to attempt to score points and grab the moral high ground.


They go on about our OOT support, daytrippers and Norwegians etc and on about their support being local....some sort of supposed 'victory' for them that....


But as usual they can't even be consistent with that - as as soon as they sign someone like that James Rodriguez (who took the piss out of them hilariously) they are all at it with shouts of 'millions of toffees all over south america, lad' shite and of course the sewage farm stadium is gonna bring them in from all over....



They can't even just build their new ground and get in it and then see what happens - it has to be something they ram down everyone elses throats constantly - like no other club has ever built a new ground before - they desperately need attention - they are like the kid who never gets noticed by the girls at school so he starts acting increasingly loudly to get noticed and when he still does not get noticed he starts slating everybody else to make himself feel better.


They go on about how this new stadium is going to be a game changer - and it of course will help if they get it right, but there is no realism in how they frame it, because they are desperate for people to take notice so they claim all sorts is going to happen when it is open.....Ultimately they are increasing their capacity from 39,000 to 52,000 - lifting them from 10th in the PL for stadium capacity all the way up to wait for it; wait for it....8th....At a cost of what 3/4 of a billion? It is progress and fair do's but FFS they really do have the most unrealistic, bizarre expectations of what it will deliver for them.


They are largely beyond parody now and it is getting worse all the time - they are stuck in an endless cycle that is just turning and turning and their behaviour gets stranger and stranger as they double down and double down over and over and over on the madness as they have nothing else now - problem is it is killing them, but they are too far gone to stop the bleeding now - bleeding that is totally self inflicted.



I love the way they are still going on about us being jealous of their new stadium. When they first announced it their first thought was that it was going to piss off der redshite and it took them about six years to start building it. 


They go on about it being better than ours. Anfield is famous all over the world and will have a capacity of 61,000. It will have 8,000 more seats than their new build and will host European football next season. They have to be included in the Euro 2028 bid to get any other football yet they celebrated that like some victory over us. 


Along with the Nou Camp, Bernabau, Wembley, Maracana, Aztec, Bombonera and Old Trafford, Anfield is usually on most foreign fans wish list to visit. It will still have more visitors on a non match day than theirs ever will. 

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9 hours ago, an tha said:

The shitter they have got and the less relevant they have become, the more they have amped up the bitterness and the bollocks they spout - including shamefully all the '39 Italians' etc shite.....


I said it earlier today this points deduction is an absolute boon for them as fans.


They have fuck all to shout about on the park - are largely irrelevant to everyone, nobody really has a rivalry with them bar us because they are no threat to anyone - and they whore themselves out to pretty much every other set of fans to try and get at us....


So following them is duller than a long rainy weekend in Rhyl.


This actually gives them something to get involved in, a bit of media coverage, some pats on the head (which the needy meffs need) from other fans and the chance to shout some shite and hang some badly painted bedsheets up - Some colour in what is an incredibly drab club to follow these days.


All the anger and hurt and embarrassment they carry about how garbage they are, how badly their club is run, about all the money they have wasted that eats them up inside is now being projected via their response to this punishment for their offence.


The rest of that anger and hurt and embarrassment is usually projected through their stupidly OTT shite about us and their shameful using of death to attempt to score points and grab the moral high ground.


They go on about our OOT support, daytrippers and Norwegians etc and on about their support being local....some sort of supposed 'victory' for them that....


But as usual they can't even be consistent with that - as as soon as they sign someone like that James Rodriguez (who took the piss out of them hilariously) they are all at it with shouts of 'millions of toffees all over south america, lad' shite and of course the sewage farm stadium is gonna bring them in from all over....



They can't even just build their new ground and get in it and then see what happens - it has to be something they ram down everyone elses throats constantly - like no other club has ever built a new ground before - they desperately need attention - they are like the kid who never gets noticed by the girls at school so he starts acting increasingly loudly to get noticed and when he still does not get noticed he starts slating everybody else to make himself feel better.


They go on about how this new stadium is going to be a game changer - and it of course will help if they get it right, but there is no realism in how they frame it, because they are desperate for people to take notice so they claim all sorts is going to happen when it is open.....Ultimately they are increasing their capacity from 39,000 to 52,000 - lifting them from 10th in the PL for stadium capacity all the way up to wait for it; wait for it....8th....At a cost of what 3/4 of a billion? It is progress and fair do's but FFS they really do have the most unrealistic, bizarre expectations of what it will deliver for them.


They are largely beyond parody now and it is getting worse all the time - they are stuck in an endless cycle that is just turning and turning and their behaviour gets stranger and stranger as they double down and double down over and over and over on the madness as they have nothing else now - problem is it is killing them, but they are too far gone to stop the bleeding now - bleeding that is totally self inflicted.



A truly epic read.

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Just now, Barrington Womble said:

Had the BBC news on this morning and they covered the protest. All their flags are just words from songs. "We will fight fight fight with all our might" and "run, run wherever you may be", strangely forgetting the latter is a song about football violence. They're fucking weird. 


I'm really pissed off they've abandoned those Cat in the Hat type phrases they kept coming up with, they were funny as fuck.

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Yesterday summed up Everton and their situation. The only shot Utd had in the first half was a 1 in million job and it flies in. Their most expensive player, the one they couldn't afford to sign, is injured so they lack aggression. The 47 year full back, the type of the player they should have been allowed sign, is hanging out dangly 47 year old legs and giving away penalties. Soon after that game the Old Lady kick off against Inter. Juventus had a 10 point deduction too, for financial cheating, they also had Moise Kean come on late to complete the circle. Another Everton shambles, best young player in the world to a waste of space in about 2 months.

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All the slogans are versions of "We're angry and powerful and you're going to regret annoying us".  None of them say what it is that the Premier League has done wrong or what Everton are going to do about; because of course, the PL has done nothing wrong and there's fuck all Everton can do.


"Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war" is the wrong Shakespeare quote.  A more appropriate one would be

"It is a tale told by an idiot; full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."

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Say what you like about the crowd at Goodison Park, but they are really good at booing. They’ve had plenty of practice in recent years, of course, but, still, there was something viscerally impressive about the boos before kick-off. It began as a low moan, like the agonised groan of a brontosaurus dying in a distant valley, then built slowly, rumbling mournfully through the old stadium, gaining in depth and plaintiveness and volume to finally break in a mighty foghorn of despair summoned from the guts of all Evertonians.

They had already booed the two blokes in dark rain-jackets who brought out the Premier League signage, as well as the six ballboys who, with an understandable degree of hesitation, unfurled the Premier League flag.

Poor John Brooks, the referee, was booed as a representative of the evil empire that has done Everton down before even blowing for kick-off

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12 minutes ago, Section_31 said:




Say what you like about the crowd at Goodison Park, but they are really good at booing. They’ve had plenty of practice in recent years, of course, but, still, there was something viscerally impressive abo ut the boos before kick-off. It began as a low moan, like the agonised groan of a brontosaurus dying in a distant valley, then built slowly, rumbling mournfully through the old stadium, gaining in depth and plaintiveness and volume to finally break in a mighty foghorn of despair summoned from the guts of all Evertonians.

They had already booed the two blokes in dark rain-jackets who brought out the Premier League signage, as well as the six ballboys who, with an understandable degree of hesitation, unfurled the Premier League flag.

Poor John Brooks, the referee, was booed as a representative of the evil empire that has done Everton down before even blowing for kick-off



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23 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

All the slogans are versions of "We're angry and powerful and you're going to regret annoying us".  None of them say what it is that the Premier League has done wrong or what Everton are going to do about; because of course, the PL has done nothing wrong and there's fuck all Everton can do.


"Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war" is the wrong Shakespeare quote.  A more appropriate one would be

"It is a tale told by an idiot; full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."


This is it really, it's a real highlight to turn on whatever social media I use each day and see what new straw they are clutching at to prove their point, whatever that is past CORRUPSHION, none of them have any real idea what they are arguing for or why they are arguing for it, it's just simple hive minded conspiracy theorising that is stoked by other clueless 'personalities'/politicians(looking at Mr Burnham as the latest one to put his totally none biased oar in).


I used to have a bit of a soft spot for the blues tbfh but over the last decade or so theyve done a really good job of eroding any nice feeling towards them with this shit, they love to claim we have a victim mentality....

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if any club was going to do a coordinated boo as a protest, it could only be the bloos.


this last week or so has been epic. Hiring planes, then realising no fucker can see what the banner says, millions boycotting dominoes, protesting about something they have already admitted too.


absolutely priceless.

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Manchester United fans responded with, “You cheating bastards, you know what you are”.



Hang on, weren't the Utd fans going to stand with them? I guess the fans in the ground didn't get the message from the Utd fan groups. Either that, or having raided the buffet, they no linger needed to pretend.

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