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Israel - A Rant


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On 05/11/2023 at 15:53, Poor Scouser T said:

I don't do KFC or Otterspool etc but if I ever have the fortune to meet you I will make your nose stick out the back of your head.


On 07/11/2023 at 23:38, Poor Scouser T said:

Might be a month. Might be 6 might be 12 but i'll be seeing you.


On 07/11/2023 at 23:45, Poor Scouser T said:

Stay on your guard pal.

You thick racist lying cunt.


oops, wrong thread.

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26 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

Has anyone asked why Israel have got palestinian kids banged up yet?


Apparently around 1 in 5 Palestinians have spent time in prison under the Israeli regime. It's due in part to one of their laws which is designed to block any type of civil rights protests, and another to label such protests as "terrorism". Law summary similar  to - "hostile propaganda and prohibition of incitement". They also arrest and keep children in prison until they can be tried as adults. 




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On 21/11/2023 at 19:45, polymerpunkah said:

Why does Israel have Palestinian children in jail?





BBC international had a bit on it yesterday morning as I was driving to work.


8000 Palestinians of all ages in Israeli jails, 2000 of them since the attacks by Hamas.


Some have been tried and convicted, but many are being held without trial, or even charge.

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Just now, Section_31 said:

Jews saying the Nazis showed some restraint isn't a take I can say I ever expected to read. 

Hamas are worse than Nazis is quite the take especially given that hostages were freed yesterday, mentally scarred no doubt but seemingly healthy and already told not to give interviews incase they say they were treated well.  

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