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Israel - A Rant


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Switzerland of all folks - seriously??


The Swiss government has announced a draft law to ban Hamas by the end of February 2024.

"The Federal Council decided to draft a federal act banning Hamas, considering this to be the most appropriate response to the situation that has prevailed in the Middle East since October 7," the government said in a statement.

"The act will provide the federal authorities with the necessary tools to counter any Hamas activities or support for the organisation in Switzerland."

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Israel has "children' Palestine has 'young people under the age of 18'..


Hmm? Wonder if any of these 'young people aged 18 and under who are about to be released from Israeli prisons are also children?



The guardian.







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Qatar's Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed a truce between Israel and Hamas will begin at 7 AM on Friday.


  • Qatar says truce will include a comprehensive ceasefire in both north and south Gaza.
  • Qatar said it had received lists of civilians to be released from Gaza. 
  • Qatar expects Palestinians to be released from Israeli jails as result of hostage released from Gaza on Thursday. 
  • Qatar spokesperson said it hopes the truce will lead to a permanent ceasefire in Gaza.
  • Qatar said aid will be start to flow as soon as truce begins.
  • Qatar adds that the aid that be let in will be a fraction of what Gaza needs.
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