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Israel - A Rant


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1 minute ago, TheHowieLama said:

From some fella named Abraham:


Nerve wracking. Hamas hasn’t delivered the hostages to the Red Cross yet. Israeli media reports that Hamas says Israel violated the ceasefire agreement. The grievances are reportedly the number of trucks and an issue with the list of released Palestinians. Tense and delicate.


Not  good that. Not good at all.

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A quarter of the population of the West Bank has spent time in an Israeli jail; it is a shared experience.

And more than 3,000 people have been arrested since the 7 October attacks - including almost 900 children - according to the Palestinian Prisoners' Club president, Abdallah Zughary. Many of these detainees have been placed in administrative detention without charge, he says.

"Most of them are civilians, not affiliated with any kind of political party or militant group," Mr Zughary told me.

"Since 7 October, there have been no visits by families or lawyers to prisoners. And six prisoners have died." He accuses Israel of using the justice system as a "revenge policy".

A spokesperson for the IPS told the BBC that over the past few weeks, "four national security prisoners died" in different circumstances and on different days. "We have no knowledge of the causes of death," they added.They refused to comment on the suggestion that families and lawyers had not been allowed to visit prisoners.





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