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Tory Cabinet Thread


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1 minute ago, skend04 said:


There's literally only 10,000 of them. The level of influence on national politics is insane.

I read this yesterday and it sort of explains how we’ve got where we are. Long read but well worth it. 

‘Well grubbed, old mole!’: The press, the Institute of Economic Affairs and the propagation of neo-liberalism in the UK“





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10 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

Hasn't that Guido twat got some kind of Russian connection? Rule Britania etc.

He was at uni and pals with people who wore hang Mandela t shirts but apparently he never did. Some of them are high up Tory operators now, real black ops shit. 


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6 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

I've only came across him on twitter 



I think he had a column in that rag. His journalists (if you can call them that) are then platformed by the BBC. For example a then unknown Tom Haywood (now the idiot political commentator on GB news) was strangely given a slot on BBC question time shortly after working as a researcher/journalist for Staines. He went on to be platformed on all the major TV channels spouting his dim-witted right wing nonsense. 

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1 hour ago, Gnasher said:


I think he had a column in that rag. His journalists (if you can call them that) are then platformed by the BBC. For example a then unknown Tom Haywood (now the idiot political commentator on GB news) was strangely given a slot on BBC question time shortly after working as a researcher/journalist for Staines. He went on to be platformed on all the major TV channels spouting his dim-witted right wing nonsense. 

someone shady  is defo funding him

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Tory Council meeting. Good little warm up this before the game this. Gets good when a loopy Tory lady starts dancing and singing la la la la in an attempt to silence the lady protester. All she does is make things worse. Love seeing the oldies going in for a bit of political argy bargy me 





They're saying well done the old tory twat could be up for assault in the morning.



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9 minutes ago, an tha said:

Nasty little cunt playing the victim because people are actually starting to stand up...



Wants protesting stopped then says it’s a threat to our democracy. No you little Tory cunt it’s a threat to your ‘democracy’

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3 hours ago, Gnasher said:

Tory Council meeting. Good little warm up this before the game this. Gets good when a loopy Tory lady starts dancing and singing la la la la in an attempt to silence the lady protester. All she does is make things worse. Love seeing the oldies going in for a bit of political argy bargy me 





They're saying well done the old tory twat could be up for assault in the morning.



He is a cunt that attic 

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6 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


The tories and their backers set it all loose, brexit and all the "enemies of the people" and "crush the saboteurs" language.


I think that little pantomime in Parliament last week gave them the perfect excuse. Hoyle didn't mention MPs safety till returning from the backroom meeting with Starmer. All this shit is a result of protecting Israel. 

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