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Tory Cabinet Thread


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Just now, Bobby Hundreds said:

An outside enemy couldn't of done a better job to destroy the country than the Conservative party.


If it had happened in France they'd have been firebombing the streets every day several years ago. Outside of Western Europe there'd have been a military coup.


Almost every single facet of life for everyone outside the top richest 0.1% has got worse. Every public service is shitter.


Take every single Tory member, all 170k of the cunts, and chuck them in a volcano. 

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Analysis of Sunak’s rehashed “enemy within” speech. 

“Since Office
Enemy without — beaten him
& strong in defence
Enemy within — 
Miners’ leaders
Liverpool & some local authorities
— just as dangerous in a way more difficult to fight
But just as dangerous to liberty
Scar across the face of our country
ill motivated 
ill intentioned 
politically inspired.”


”excerpt from Margaret Thatcher’s notes for the “enemy within” speech to the 1922 Committee, July 19 1984.”


-Thatcher’s notes read like a poem from an alternate universe evil e.e. cummings, but she intended to double down on them at that year’s Tory Party conference before the Brighton bombing fatally changed the course of that event. A draft of the speech she never gave were released by the Margaret Thatcher Foundation in 2014. It revealed that she had planned to say: 


“ We meet today as free people in a free country. But everyone of us here senses the shadow that has fallen across this freedom since last we met. The shadow I speak of is the violence and intimidation which has scarred and wracked the coal industry, and particularly the working miners and their families…

… The shadow grows darker as influential men and women in our society question, even repudiate, the ideas of Parliamentary democracy and the rule of law.

From this dark cloud falls an acid rain that eats into liberty.

It can be seen above all in the natural home that these views and voices now find in the Labour Party. It explains why that party is so muted in its condemnation of picket violence; so muted in its praise for the hard-pressed police; so muted in its support for the tens of thousands of working miners; so muted in its advocacy of an NUM ballot; but so willing to trumpet the cause of the present NUM leadership in its extreme and uncompromising objectives. Yet the Labour Party in its present form, infiltrated by extremists, riven with factions, still stands upon the stage as the (principal) alternative to the Conservative Party in governing Britain. That, Mr. Chairman, is the measure of the shadow which has fallen across freedom since last we met.”





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2 hours ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

An outside enemy couldn't of done a better job to destroy the country than the Conservative party.


They're termites, always have been, whenever they leave office there's nothing left, then the stupid bastards vote them in again.


I was shitting my kecks at the 2010 election, absolutely nothing that's happened since has surprised me in the least.

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2 hours ago, Jairzinho said:


If it had happened in France they'd have been firebombing the streets every day several years ago. Outside of Western Europe there'd have been a military coup.


Almost every single facet of life for everyone outside the top richest 0.1% has got worse. Every public service is shitter.


Take every single Tory member, all 170k of the cunts, and chuck them in a volcano. 

We live in a country where the bootlickers are happy for millionaire Tories to swerve millions in tax,but object to children having free school meals. 

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8 hours ago, Section_31 said:


They're termites, always have been, whenever they leave office there's nothing left, then the stupid bastards vote them in again.


I was shitting my kecks at the 2010 election, absolutely nothing that's happened since has surprised me in the least.


I remember my wife being genuinely frightened on election night, then the massive sense of relief when they fell short. Didn't last long of course.



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39 minutes ago, Strontium said:

I posted it in the Starmer thread and was accused of trolling. go figure.

Why are you lying? It wasn’t that post that you were accused of trolling for and you know full well it wasn’t. Why don’t you ask the person who posted it for an explanation seeing as you’ve already mentioned it twice? 

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1 hour ago, Bjornebye said:

Why are you lying? It wasn’t that post that you were accused of trolling for and you know full well it wasn’t. Why don’t you ask the person who posted it for an explanation seeing as you’ve already mentioned it twice? 


It's literally the same poll.

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3 minutes ago, Strontium said:


It's literally the same poll.

He wasn’t calling you a troll because of that one poll. But anyway, like I said if you’re that bothered ask him. 

The poll you posted was relevant. I can see it changing rapidly if they jib Sunak and get Mourdant in. Maybe not enough but they will probably get a huge bump. 

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