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Go fuck yourselves FSG

Neil G

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13 hours ago, No2 said:

Bordeaux have folded. Sad to see but can probably be traced back to the day Qatari money appeared in French football.


Looking at the Premiership, City are the saviours of football from the Red Cartel…

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5 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

I had assumed they were carrying on, just in that league below. It's just with @No2saying they've folded, that might be them done all together. 


They still exist, they've just gone in to the regional leagues, all contracts cancelled, training ground closed, and become a semi-pro club.


They're trying to keep the academy going.

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18 minutes ago, TD_LFC said:


They still exist, they've just gone in to the regional leagues, all contracts cancelled, training ground closed, and become a semi-pro club.


They're trying to keep the academy going.

Is right.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thieir pursuit of the Celtics is popular amongst the fanbase...



Let me be as crystal clear as I possibly could about this. John Fenway and FSG need to STAY THE FUCK AWAY from the Boston Celtics. I don't care who they go with as long as it's not John Henry. You want the Saudi oil money? Fine. You want to fork your franchise over the Jeff Bezos like we all have done with almost every aspect of our lives with Amazon? Go nuts. You want to give it to Pags because he's been on this ride the whole 20+ years? Fantastic choice.

But under no circumstances should Wyc/the Celts even consider selling this team to John Henry. That is a death sentence. In my opinion there would be no quicker way to destroy all the good will that this NBA title has brought Wyc and the team other than forking things over to that asshole. And I get it, he turned around the Sox and won 4 World Series. That was awesome. It was also at a time when he actually cared. Ever since FSG became a thing, John Henry has destroyed the Sox. 

You think John Henry is going to be open to paying the $400M luxury tax bills this current roster is set to start having? The same guy who fumbled Mookie Betts, Xander Bogaerts etc? No chance in hell. At this point John Henry and FSG care about one thing and one thing only. Turning a profit. If you have to pay a shit ton of money to keep your talent, it cuts into your profit.


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Had to laugh listening to the Anfield wrap saying Liverpools greatest ever transfer window was the Harvey Elliot one because we won the league the following year, like if we bought a top class player theres no way we would of won it as that specific league win was like Dr Strange declaring in all the infinite realities the one where we buy Elliot, Berg and Adrian is the only one we win in, it somehow justifies not buying players this season or every single season as the proof of the pudding is in the eating and that year we ate.

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3 minutes ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

Had to laugh listening to the Anfield wrap saying Liverpools greatest ever transfer window was the Harvey Elliot one because we won the league the following year, like if we bought a top class player theres no way we would of won it as that specific league win was like Dr Strange declaring in all the infinite realities the one where we buy Elliot, Berg and Adrian is the only one we win in, it somehow justifies not buying players this season or every single season as the proof of the pudding is in the eating and that year we ate.


The lack of critique from that lot is tedious, the TLW pod is a lot better at giving a truthful reflection on  how the club is doing. 

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19 hours ago, Anubis said:

The likes of TAW and Redmen TV won’t do anything to jeopardise the little doggy treats the club throw them, like the odd manager or backroom staff interview.


It's sad really, as TAW was decent early on. It was funny, some decent discussion between the guests and I think a real fan experience. But it's morphed now, they just play the club line, get petrified of saying something with a bit of reactive passion in case it comes back to haunt them, and it's now all even more bland than listening to the guardian football weekly or something. 

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20 hours ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

Had to laugh listening to the Anfield wrap saying Liverpools greatest ever transfer window was the Harvey Elliot one because we won the league the following year, like if we bought a top class player theres no way we would of won it as that specific league win was like Dr Strange declaring in all the infinite realities the one where we buy Elliot, Berg and Adrian is the only one we win in, it somehow justifies not buying players this season or every single season as the proof of the pudding is in the eating and that year we ate.


I've only listened to it a few times but from what I heard they like to act as if they are the definitive voice on all things Liverpool related.


Just people spouting know-nothing shite but stating their opinions as fact and then sitting there smelling themselves about how clever and original they are. That Neil Atkinson is insufferable with it.

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21 hours ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

Had to laugh listening to the Anfield wrap saying Liverpools greatest ever transfer window was the Harvey Elliot one because we won the league the following year, like if we bought a top class player theres no way we would of won it as that specific league win was like Dr Strange declaring in all the infinite realities the one where we buy Elliot, Berg and Adrian is the only one we win in, it somehow justifies not buying players this season or every single season as the proof of the pudding is in the eating and that year we ate.

I was waiting to see how long this amazing logical line would take to come out. 

Bought no one, won league, so obviously I'll be devastated if we buy someone now.

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TAW is as most people have said above boring as fuck. The only one mildly tolerable in my eyes is that Gareth Roberts as he's written some good stuff about Heysel and tragedy chanting.


All the others are smug and up their own arses who brag about meeting the players and Klopp. One of them is also extremely smug about himself and his life in general rather than being thankful that he's found something he likes and can make some money from it. 


Redmen TV also charged people to watch an interview with Klopp and got a huge backlash over it. None of them will ever call FSG out on anything, even tickets and the membership shite. 


If FSG signed Pepe Reina on a free to replace Allison you'd get them all saying how it's clever business and then regale everyone with tales of the Rafa days. 

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Apparently with this goalie they are and I shit you not “ exploring what a deal could look like” but it’s “premature to say that a deal is close”  as a proud “bed wetter” I’ve honestly got no words. Please just sell and go. We need these out 

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On 13/08/2024 at 18:20, Pidge said:

And then Neil Atkinson made a single sentence last a full twelve minutes


And everyone stood and applauded


I wouldn't mind a bloo sending that tosser to Wallasey on the wrong bus.

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17 hours ago, Barrington Womble said:


It's sad really, as TAW was decent early on. It was funny, some decent discussion between the guests and I think a real fan experience. But it's morphed now, they just play the club line, get petrified of saying something with a bit of reactive passion in case it comes back to haunt them, and it's now all even more bland than listening to the guardian football weekly or something. 

Get the right people on and it’s still the best mainstream football podcast out there - pity about the cunt hosting it though. 

BGD can be a contrary twat but also very funny the pant shitting Irish pisshead. 
Phillipe Auclair 

Lars Sivertsen 

Ewan Murray

Sid Lowe

Jonathan Wilson


All can be a brilliant listen. 


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