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Go fuck yourselves FSG

Neil G

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It's quite a list the ferguson christmas club. Moyes, fat sam, martinez, steve bruce and peter reid haha


Do FSG even know of its existence?

Its maybe too cultural and too subterranean for them.


Rafa took them on.

The events of last season show why we need him back.

I wasn't particularly gutted when he was sacked last time but Taggart and his French poodle have upped the game.


Circle the fucking wagons.


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I do know. I'd have had no problem with them sacking him if he repeated this season's performance next season, and nor would a good 90 per cent of the rest of his supporters on here.


It was one season Robbie. ONE full fucking season.


Spot on. I am still gutted about Kenny. We had some bad results but overall the performances were far and away better than under Bodge. We started to see Shelvey, Henderson and Carroll come into their own. A couple of signings and I really think we were good for top four next season. Kenny make mistakes for sure, but if there was one man who was going to stand up and correct those and work tirelessly until we were back on our perch, it was him. Still haven't got over and I hope the owners have a bloody good long term plan, because sacking Kenny after one season was nothing short of a disgrace. I'm angry at FSG now and they have a lot to live up to now.

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As long as the manager is the correct appointment the commercial appointments are less important to me.


The commercial people are concerned about making money off the pitch and that will always happen so as long as they do their job the owners will be happy.


My man concern is the manager as without relative success on the pitch those other positions cannot work as well.


The definition of success has changed dramatically though and this is where us older supporters are at loggerheads with the new owners philosophy.


I will be delighted if we make the CL regularly but if we have no chance of winning it then being there will be pointless for me.

I dont object to being run like Arsenal in a business sense but I dont want to lower our expectation level to theirs.

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Hoist with their own retard. It's hard for me to read this and see anything other than an irrepressible conflict brewing.



Pep Guardiola and Fabio Capello on Anfield list as Liverpool cast net wide in manager search - Premier League - Football - The Independent


Liverpool moved rapidly to replace Kenny Dalglish yesterday with plans to approach at least eight managers from across Britain and Europe, including Wigan Athletic's Roberto Martinez, Swansea City's Brendan Rodgers, and even an ambitious bid to ascertain Pep Guardiola's interest.


Fenway Sports Group's determination to cover all options available to them makes an approach to Fabio Capello, also currently out of work, quite possible. It is understood that Andre Villas-Boas is also among the managers approached on the continent, with initial contact having come through his agent. He is believed to be receptive to the idea, though Roma provide competition, having approached him first. Guardiola is the most intriguing name and Liverpool possess a link to him through his brother Pere, the agent of Luis Suarez. That approach is highly speculative, though, and unlikely to yield a result after the Spaniard's decision to step down from Barcelona.


The Wigan chairman, Dave Whelan, has granted Liverpool permission to speak to Martinez, though as of early yesterday evening Swansea had not provided clearance for FSG, Liverpool's owners, to speak with Rodgers. Chairman Huw Jenkins has a record of being a formidable negotiator. He made it difficult for Martinez to leave Swansea for Wigan and would demand every penny of Rodgers' £5m compensation clause.


Liverpool's problem may be convincing managers on their wishlist that they are a big enough for them. Though the CV of Borussia Dortmund's Jürgen Klopp – two Bundesliga titles with minimal outlay on wages or transfers - is impeccable, the view from Germany last night was that it would be profoundly difficult to attract him to Anfield. The 44-year-old is under contract until 2016, totally wedded to the club and next season's Champions League campaign, and Dortmund would not release him for any price. As The Independent reported yesterday, Villas-Boas would be far easier to attract. So would Marseilles' Didier Deschamps, after a tough year at the club, the fans' desire to see him gone and his own aspiration to manage in England. Deschamps has two years left on his contract but is not the team player Liverpool seek, having been unable to work with Marseilles' director of football José Anigo.


The Americans have hired unnamed external consultants to aid their pursuit of a manager. Ayre would not disclose details, nor confirm whether they had experience of Premier League football. "They are sufficiently experienced enough to be in a position to advise," he said, and had not been involved in the decision to dismiss Dalglish. It is understood that FSG have also engaged London-based management consultants for assistance on the appointment of a chief executive and the creation of what one source describes as a player-development fund.


On a day which revealed fascinating evidence of FSG's determination to hollow out much of the top management at Liverpool and initiate a restructure, Ayre disclosed that Damien Comolli, former director of football, will be replaced by two senior personnel, within the next two weeks. It seem that one will handle the technical director portfolio and another will deal with the football administration side. Those two appointments will be announced quickly because Liverpool are keen to avoid undermining a new manager by appointing them after him.


Ayre revealed yesterday that his own contract as managing director has been extended, with a replacement for the former commercial director Graham Bartlett, who recently left the club, also about to join.


Ayre admitted that Dalglish would have been dismissed even if he had delivered Liverpool the FA Cup, because the club cannot afford the continued loss of Champions League revenue which is allowing other clubs to power ahead of them financially. In a clear break with the club's past, Ayre said cup success was no longer enough to sustain the club in the modern era.


"The Carling Cup and the FA Cup don't generate the revenue and the success that is needed to keep investing," Ayre said. "If you want to be successful, you have got to keep investing. People don't want to hear that football is a business. They don't. They want to see us put lots and lots of money into the football team and win lots of trophies and games. But you have got to have both. You have got to have continued progress in the league. If you don't do well in the league and you don't get into the Champions League, you are writing cheques from your own pocket, aren't you? That is not a sustainable way, going forward."


He did not dispel the idea of Dalglish's successor losing his job if he failed to deliver the owners' targets. "It will be about a set of measurements that are expected to be achieved. I'm sure if they are not, we would make a change – wouldn't you?"


To the question of whether prospective managers would feel the allure of Liverpool, Ayre said: "I think that if you lined up some of the big names you are alluding to, Liverpool still gets everyone excited and interested. If you are a manager at that level or you are a manager aspiring to get there, I still think this is one of the biggest jobs in world football.

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Pretty damning that e-mail against Kyall, also why would an LFC website delete posts in order that an individual may gain a post which would mean personal gain but may damage the club, doesn't read well that.

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Guest ShoePiss
Pretty damning that e-mail against Kyall, also why would an LFC website delete posts in order that an individual may gain a post which would mean personal gain but may damage the club, doesn't read well that.


Hold on a second mate, from what I remember it wasn't like that at all. ATK asked to have his account deleted and it was, as always, with it went all of his posts unless someone quoted them.


TLW didn't go through deleting posts to hide anything.

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Pretty damning that e-mail against Kyall, also why would an LFC website delete posts in order that an individual may gain a post which would mean personal gain but may damage the club, doesn't read well that.


Haven't you been over that same shit a dozen times in the other thread, and had it explained to you one more than one occasion?

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No way. We played some fantastic football under Kenny, we just needed someone to put the ball in the net. Not that FSG would know that as they couldn't even be arsed to watch us.


We could have gone places with Kenny, but we'll never know now.


Quick point of order, we spent nearly 85 million pounds on players to both score and create chances in that time.

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Quick point of order, we spent nearly 85 million pounds on players to both score and create chances in that time.




We had the makings of a 'decent' squad but needed some world class attacking talent. One would expect a £35m number nine, a £20m midfielder and a £20m winger to do that. Pretty much everyone on here had serious reservations about these players and the money paid for them (Carroll less so, but more in hope than expectation IMO for most) and all of them lived up to their billing.


To say Kenny just needed more backing this summer just doesn't cover it for me, because an owner - any owner - has the right to ask what was done with their previous investment, and to ask what's to guarantee the same won't happen again.

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but overall the performances were far and away better than under Bodge. We started to see .. Carroll come into their own. .

Hodgson won as many home league games in half a season as Kenny managed in the entire season.


Carroll,bought as the eighth most expensive player in the history of world football scored four league goals, just over a quarter of Grant Holts totsl, bought for £400k and on £15k a week, not £35m and £80k a week.


I thought Kenny should be given another season too, but to reverse, not continue what he was doing. However I accept that the avalanche of adverse statistics ( pick your own) mean that there was a case for Kenny to go.


Listening to 5live this morning Roy Evans was expressing his concern about FSG's capacity to make any balanced judgement - he is right.

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It's becoming clear now that these malignant twats (FSG) have absolutely no respect for our club and what it stands for. To sack the man who has done more than any other for LFC, both on and off, is disgraceful. If they were so hell bent on getting a new manager in, there were better ways of doing it. And for this reason I will never forgive them.

Their interest in LFC is purely a financial one and one that appears to be short term. Still nothing on the new stadium and still no strategy to take us forward on the pitch. Snidey bastards haven't even put that much of their own money into the squad.

They aren't really exhibiting signs that they have a long term agenda which is going to benefit LFC at all. For a bunch of twats who are so precious about their own corporare images, they haven't half taken a massive risk by treating us all like muppets abd running roughshod over our proud club. Gave they forgotten the damage we did to G&H's image worldwide?

Something tells me that we aren't far away from a total boycott of all their goods and 'Henry Out' banners being rolled out at Fenway Park.

Incompetent bastards don't have a clue about the sport and how to take us forward. But the least they could do is show us some respect and actually put their hands in their pockets. Snidey bastards.

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Guest San Don
Quick point of order, we spent nearly 85 million pounds on players to both score and create chances in that time.


So no if's or but's, what you are saying is those players bought for that amount og money should have settled in immediately and been banging them in for fun? Bit like Shevchenko should have? Bit like veron should have been creating chances for fun?


Football is litttered with big money signings, in ANY era, struggling in their first season. What you demonstrate, is the sky generation's impatience. Give it to me now, no excuses!


Yep, ok.

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Guest San Don
Hodgson won as many home league games in half a season as Kenny managed in the entire season.


Carroll,bought as the eighth most expensive player in the history of world football scored four league goals, just over a quarter of Grant Holts totsl, bought for £400k and on £15k a week, not £35m and £80k a week.


I thought Kenny should be given another season too, but to reverse, not continue what he was doing. However I accept that the avalanche of adverse statistics ( pick your own) mean that there was a case for Kenny to go.


Listening to 5live this morning Roy Evans was expressing his concern about FSG's capacity to make any balanced judgement - he is right.


Hodgson displayed a mind numbingly small club mentality in his time with us. Even if his results had of bettered the King's, he should still have been jibbed for that reason alone.


Of course, you can ignore it all you want but I'd like to bet we score more goals next season that go in off the post than we did this year. I'd also bet we dont hit the post as much next season.


Pretty much as bayern's name wasnt on the champions cup last night, our name wasnt to be in the top 4.


Grant Holt is likely to be a one season wonder. he's also 31 so doesnt have much time on his side. Besides, if he wa such a prolific scorer at a bargain price, how come norwich and not newcastle snapped him up?


People are droning on about newcastle signing this or that player on the cheap and arent they great yet they missed holt? That shows how fickle a mistress football is.


I agree with evans though. As far as a managerial search goes, FSG dont know the first thing about finding a new manager

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Quick point of order, we spent nearly 85 million pounds on players to both score and create chances in that time.



Really? Wow! I missed that. When did this happen, and why has nobody mentioned it before?


When deciding whether or not to sack a manager you need to look ahead to see what he might do, not just back at what he's already done. With two or three good signings under Kenny we'd have had at least as good a chance of getting top four next season as we do now with any of the replacements we're likely to attract.


We were a lot closer to being a very good side than the league table suggests. We were certainly a lot closer than we were in Rafa's last season when we finished with 7 more points and 10 points closer to fourth place, but for much of which we were totally dysfunctional and played turgid, desperate football.

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We had the makings of a 'decent' squad but needed some world class attacking talent. One would expect a £35m number nine, a £20m midfielder and a £20m winger to do that. Pretty much everyone on here had serious reservations about these players and the money paid for them (Carroll less so, but more in hope than expectation IMO for most) and all of them lived up to their billing.


To say Kenny just needed more backing this summer just doesn't cover it for me, because an owner - any owner - has the right to ask what was done with their previous investment, and to ask what's to guarantee the same won't happen again.



There can be no guarantee that Kenny would have got it right. Just as there can be no guarantee that whoever we get to replace him will either.


If FSG wanted to put in some safeguards though, they could easily have placed more stipulations on the kind of player they wanted Kenny to sign – i.e. foreign, reasonably young, and successful in another league in order to maximise potential resale value if they didn't work out. If they can't grasp those basic concepts of the transfer market after 18 months in post, or can't be bothered to try, then we have a big problem.


I've got no problem with football boards taking an active role in deciding who the manager can and can't sign, as long as they know a reasonable amount about football. If the claims that the board prevented Rafa from spending £25m on Barry and selling Alonso for £12m are true, then they were absolutely right to veto it. As long as the board doesn't sign players the manager doesn't want, then it's fine and indeed necessary to have some kind of informed oversight. Far better that than saying "here you go, here's £x million, spend it however you want but if it doesn't work out you’re fired", which is apparently the approach they took last summer.


They could also have taken a punt on the possibility that the man who took Blackburn from the second tier to the league title in four years, all on the back of his own signings, might still know a bit about buying players and be able learn from his mistakes and put them right, rather than conclude that all his transfer savvy had been permanently sucked out of his brain after one bad summer.


I think our squad could have been a lot better than 'decent' with a few more signings, but I doubt we'll agree on that.

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So no if's or but's, what you are saying is those players bought for that amount og money should have settled in immediately and been banging them in for fun? Bit like Shevchenko should have? Bit like veron should have been creating chances for fun?


Football is litttered with big money signings, in ANY era, struggling in their first season. What you demonstrate, is the sky generation's impatience. Give it to me now, no excuses!


Yep, ok.


There's a huge area between the two extremes that they could have slid into, the transfers were, by and large, a catastrophe and the lack of performance by both the new and old players were what led to Dalglish's sacking be it through lack of ability, lack of effort or the manager just not getting the best out of them.

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AVB strongly linked in Express today.


I went to the Europa Final in Dublin last year and spoke to a load of Porto lads. They all idolised the feller, couldn't speak any higher of him.


I've got to say, I wouldn't be too against his appointment. He will have learnt a couole of things from Chelsea and that experience probably won't do him any harm. I'd be very excited to see what he can do.

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Really? Wow! I missed that. When did this happen, and why has nobody mentioned it before?


When deciding whether or not to sack a manager you need to look ahead to see what he might do, not just back at what he's already done. With two or three good signings under Kenny we'd have had at least as good a chance of getting top four next season as we do now with any of the replacements we're likely to attract.


But with the massive waste of money that had already happened on players that were nowhere near worth what was paid was that a risk worth taking. It may have been that as bad as the last batch had been the next batch could have been good but how often is that the case.

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