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New Girl on Countdown


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6 minutes ago, cloggypop said:


I want less Stig not more. 

Buy a membership 


4 minutes ago, Strontium said:


If you think he should go on a diet, just tell him straight.

Oy you. I’ve been on one. 

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6 minutes ago, Toxteth O'Grady said:

And did Hitler have a point? Asking you as an expert.

Oh I think the perceived wisdom is that Hitler was very much wrong.  Apart from amongst massive racists - you know the type who are willing, in an open forum, to ask that question.  

It’s not just that you felt comfortable asking the question, but the absolute lack of condemnation that worries me.  

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14 hours ago, Toxteth O'Grady said:

I think it's probably about time the narrative was changed.

Hundreds of years have been spent wondering why Jews are always the victims of just about anything and everything, probably time to start asking, why have they been persona non-grata everywhere apart from radicalised, fundamentalist Christian nations like America and to a lesser extent the UK.

Since I've been alive, they've been basically allowed to do whatever the fuck they want, when they want and with the backing of the military industrial complex of nation states who are well versed in destabilising every other nation that has either a different sky god or who, more importantly aren't 'democratically' right wing.

Probably time to adjust thinking from perpetual 'victim' status to Lebensraum, Nuclear, western backed puppet state who get a free pass.


Just because some people are gaslighting the conversation here doesn't mean you go and do the same thing times 10. There's a distinction between the actions of the government and the Israeli people. To conflate both is as bigoted as the tweet that bumped this thread.

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11 minutes ago, skend04 said:


Just because some people are gaslighting the conversation here doesn't mean you go and do the same thing times 10. There's a distinction between the actions of the government and the Israeli people. To conflate both is as bigoted as the tweet that bumped this thread.

One breaks cover.  Will anyone else outraged by RR have the bollocks to do the same? 

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49 minutes ago, skend04 said:


Just because some people are gaslighting the conversation here doesn't mean you go and do the same thing times 10. There's a distinction between the actions of the government and the Israeli people. To conflate both is as bigoted as the tweet that bumped this thread.


Actually, could have made a better distinction here myself. Should have been Israeli government and Jewish people in line with the original post. My bad. Knuckles rapped (or is it wrapped?).

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2 minutes ago, skend04 said:


Actually, could have made a better distinction here myself. Should have been Israeli government and Jewish people in line with the original post. My bad. Knuckles rapped (or is it wrapped?).

It's only wrapped if you are a boxer.

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Think the ‘was hitler right’ is an unhelpful distraction from the original conversation. Of course not and no right minded person would actually think that.


In the same way that no right minded person would use a religion, Judaism, as a cover for what Zionism is which is Neo colonialism based on perceived supremacy over another people. All under the cover of ‘anti-semitism’ if called out on this behaviour.


Israel and Zionism does not equal the Jewish cause and thankfully there are lots of non brainwashed Jewish people who recognise the obvious distinction. Rachel Riley isn’t one of them, and clearly neither are the defenders of her racist actions and intent on this forum.


To make clear if you support or defend words and behaviour like this, you are a racist and a bigot. It’s that simple.


And no amount of trying to deflect, or whataboutery will change that fact.

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18 hours ago, Toxteth O'Grady said:

I think it's probably about time the narrative was changed.

Hundreds of years have been spent wondering why Jews are always the victims of just about anything and everything, probably time to start asking, why have they been persona non-grata everywhere apart from radicalised, fundamentalist Christian nations like America and to a lesser extent the UK.

Since I've been alive, they've been basically allowed to do whatever the fuck they want, when they want and with the backing of the military industrial complex of nation states who are well versed in destabilising every other nation that has either a different sky god or who, more importantly aren't 'democratically' right wing.

Probably time to adjust thinking from perpetual 'victim' status to Lebensraum, Nuclear, western backed puppet state who get a free pass.


Roald Dahl over here. Fucks sake, what a muddled, factually incoherent and racist post.


As someone's said, you're conflating the actions of Israel in the modern day with those of Jews historically, going back over 2500 years. If the narrative needs changing, then, if the Jews weren't victims during the Babyonian captivity  why not? If the Jews weren't the victims during the Roman invasion of their land and the persecution of their people then why not? If the Jews weren't victims when Edward I launched a smear campaign leading to hundreds of Jews deaths in this country at the hands of bigotted gullible cunts, eventually kicking them out the country rather than paying his debts, then why not? If the Jews weren't victims when your man Hitler chose them as a scapegoat for Germany's post-war ills, leading to their persecution and near fucking extinction in his gas chambers, then why not?


Fucking state of this place that people who trumpet their progressive inclusive anti-racist credentials turn into ostriches whenever someone spouts racist abuse against Jews. I'd hardly be surprised if GCHQ are monitoring the site for evidence of far-right activity.



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38 minutes ago, etho said:

Think the ‘was hitler right’ is an unhelpful distraction from the original conversation. Of course not and no right minded person would actually think that.


In the same way that no right minded person would use a religion, Judaism, as a cover for what Zionism is which is Neo colonialism based on perceived supremacy over another people. All under the cover of ‘anti-semitism’ if called out on this behaviour.


Israel and Zionism does not equal the Jewish cause and thankfully there are lots of non brainwashed Jewish people who recognise the obvious distinction. Rachel Riley isn’t one of them, and clearly neither are the defenders of her racist actions and intent on this forum.


To make clear if you support or defend words and behaviour like this, you are a racist and a bigot. It’s that simple.


And no amount of trying to deflect, or whataboutery will change that fact.

Another one.  

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1 hour ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:

Imagine being the GCHQ operative that draws that straw.


"We're taking you off the Libyan sleeper cell Terry, we need you to read this Countdown girl thread. We're getting pings for Hitler and the IRA."


They will just kick it down to the Slough House.

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