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Israel - A Rant


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"Zionist murderers don't just attack from the air. He conducts his propaganda war on social media from this troll center. They manage social media accounts in every country and every language. They also admit that they disable comments on posts that receive a lot of reactions. It is also significant that they all speak with flawless American accents. That's why it's important for us to be active on social media. Don't underestimate it. Tweet, share, announce the oppression."


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I don't know if it was intentional, I'd imagine not considering the amount of pitiful propaganda we can see on British telly and in newspapers, but Israel has succeeded in making themselves utterly despised as a country.  They've basically taken a massive shit on the lives of those who were lost on Oct 7. 


An abysmal nation which should be universally boycotted until the regime can prove itself to be better than a barbaric, genocidal gang of psychopaths. 


Utterly shameful from Europe as well. You expect the US to be cunts, it's what they do, but the level of rank shithousery from individual European nations (with a few exceptions) and even more so from the EU collectively has been stomach churning. 


Gnasher is wrong about many things regarding the EU, but he's right about Ursula. A truly detestable human.

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