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Israel - A Rant


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2 minutes ago, Poor Scouser T said:

Such as?

Answer him? 
Tell him to go away? 
Tell him that you’d discuss your position with him but not on a train whilst being recorded? 
Tell him that you’ve already outlined your position and you’ve got nothing to add? 

All better options than just sitting there looking like a bit of a gorm who’s lost for words and by showing yourself to be a person who is running for public office but doesn’t appear to be willing to engage with the public. 

Like in the pub landlord incident (a bit - he was an angry knobhead though) or when he ran away from a couple of teenagers who polite asked him about climate change. 

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2 minutes ago, Nelly-Szoboszlai said:

Answer him? 
Tell him to go away? 
Tell him that you’d discuss your position with him but not on a train whilst being recorded? 
Tell him that you’ve already outlined your position and you’ve got nothing to add? 

All better options than just sitting there looking like a bit of a gorm who’s lost for words and by showing yourself to be a person who is running for public office but doesn’t appear to be willing to engage with the public. 

Like in the pub landlord incident (a bit - he was an angry knobhead though) or when he ran away from a couple of teenagers who polite asked him about climate change. 

And do it to everyone that approaches him recording it on a phone for clicks?

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We need much more of this kind of thing. It’s a matter of urgency and an emergency now. 7000 innocent children have been slaughtered. 

Every single public figure who has expressly backed this or failed to go beyond mealy mouthed non-condemnation needs to be regularly reminded of their disgraceful behaviour until the images of dead Palestinian children haunt their sleep. 


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1 hour ago, Section_31 said:

He didn't really vote for genocide though to be fair. He told his MPs to abstain on a bear trap vote by the SNP which would have had no - zero - none impact on subsequent events, at all.


These people are bonkers.


His comments are fucking grim though. If he genuinely believes the stuff he's said about Israel/Palestine then he deserves all the shit he gets. If he doesn't, and it's just focus group inspired tactics (which I assume it is), then he has to expect there will be some backlash. 


Perception is everything. It's largely irrelevant to the public whether or not he has the power to do anything. He's in the public eye and what he says will be scrutinised. Especially in a world where every cunt and their dog has a social media account.

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7 minutes ago, Jairzinho said:


His comments are fucking grim though. If he genuinely believes the stuff he's said about Israel/Palestine then he deserves all the shit he gets. If he doesn't, and it's just focus group inspired tactics (which I assume it is), then he has to expect there will be some backlash. 


Perception is everything. It's largely irrelevant to the public whether or not he has the power to do anything. He's in the public eye and what he says will be scrutinised. Especially in a world where every cunt and their dog has a social media account.


They're undoubtedly grim, but it's hyperbole in the extreme to suggest he had/has any influence on what's happening. The idea that 'Starmer voted for genocide' is pure parody. 

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5 minutes ago, Jairzinho said:


His comments are fucking grim though. If he genuinely believes the stuff he's said about Israel/Palestine then he deserves all the shit he gets. If he doesn't, and it's just focus group inspired tactics (which I assume it is), then he has to expect there will be some backlash. 


Perception is everything. It's largely irrelevant to the public whether or not he has the power to do anything. He's in the public eye and what he says will be scrutinised. Especially in a world where every cunt and their dog has a social media account.


Whilst I agree with the rest of your post on this issue I don't think Starmers guided by focus groups. Polling suggests a massive majority of all voters support a ceasefire. Scotland Ireland, Wales and even Macron in France have now called for a ceasefire, its not an unpopular position to take.

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44 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


Whilst I agree with the rest of your post on this issue I don't think Starmers guided by focus groups. Polling suggests a massive majority of all voters support a ceasefire. Scotland Ireland, Wales and even Macron in France have now called for a ceasefire, its not an unpopular position to take.


The majority of voters are irrelevant. 


The only thing that will matter to him is what a Times reading, BBC noshing, volvo driving, man in his late 40s from Coventry South thinks.

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3 minutes ago, Jairzinho said:


The majority of voters are irrelevant. 


The only thing that will matter to him is what a Times reading, BBC noshing, volvo driving, man in his late 40s from Coventry South thinks.


I think it's simply because those at the top of the Labour do genuinely support Israel and all that comes with it and Israel supports them back. You only have to look at the amount of Labour bigwigs back and forth there, constantly pushing Israeli propaganda.

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Hamas at it again! Loading the Israelis up with drugs to make them happy!! They've obviously spiked them with ecstasy to make them sing a couple of nice folk songs. 



isn't their a row over America about college kids singing songs?



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