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Keir Starmer


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On 16/02/2024 at 19:13, Strontium said:

The term "religion of peace" was originally coined by Islamic leaders themselves, then used ironically by critics of extremist Islam in the wake of repeated violent acts perpetrated by religionists. Overused, if you ask me, which is probably why I only used it once before it became passe. But there's nothing wrong with criticising ideology or ideological extremists of any bent.

Yet you still used it labelling all Muslims. Your hypocrisy is laughable 


But as we are saying there is nothing wrong with criticising an ideology or extremists id like to take this opportunity to call all Zionists horrible cowardly evil racist cunts. That’s ok right? 

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2 minutes ago, Strontium said:


So that's me talking about a religion. Where's the bit where I "labelled all Muslims"?

Hahaha pathetic. I also remember you making derogatory terms against Islam. Just admit it, you’re a racist right? Are you? 

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2 hours ago, Bjornebye said:

Hahaha pathetic. I also remember you making derogatory terms against Islam. Just admit it, you’re a racist right? Are you? 


To the best of my recollection I've made dergoatory remarks about all major religions, as well as a multitude of other ideologies. Quite how that would make a person racist is beyond me.

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By the way Section is absolutely right about a lot of what he says and Starmer is just playing the game. Where we differ is that I don't believe that Starmer has any core belief in anything. Even Blair had his education and health reforms, that he made no secret of and stuck to.

There's not a thing from Starmer that leads me to believe it's not power for power's sake.

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17 minutes ago, Dicko said:

By the way Section is absolutely right about a lot of what he says and Starmer is just playing the game. Where we differ is that I don't believe that Starmer has any core belief in anything. Even Blair had his education and health reforms, that he made no secret of and stuck to.

There's not a thing from Starmer that leads me to believe it's not power for power's sake.


I think we're in broad agreement generally, I don't know if Starmer believes anything, I don't find him inspiring at all, I just view him as a means to an end.


Starmer’s labour might be Cameron lite, I don't know until they're in power, but they're not gangsters. We're literally run by gypsies, tramps and thieves. People who profiteer off pandemics and social strife, then brag about it on their own GB News channels.


The difference between Labour and Tory now is the same as Democrats vs Republicans. One is centrist, the other is a collection of thieves, liars, flat earthers and abject scum.


What absolutely bakes my noodle though is that there's people out there claiming to be left wing who'd happily see Starmer’s labour lose. They can't claim to care about ordinary folk and hold that belief, they just can't.


There's lots of people out there now, people with blogs, YouTube channels and all that bollocks - bums generally - who if they weren't obsessing over all this, it'd be lower league football or steam trains. They rant and rave in their own echo Chambers. Owen Jones makes money out of Starmer the way Alex Jones rants about gun control, monetised fume to the already initiated. 


But 99.9% of people through don't give a fuck, they just don't want to live in a country that's falling apart around them. I'm one of those people.

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10 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


I think we're in broad agreement generally, I don't know if Starmer believes anything, I don't find him inspiring at all, I just view him as a means to an end.


Starmer’s labour might be Cameron lite, I don't know until they're in power, but they're not gangsters. We're literally run by gypsies, tramps and thieves. People who profiteer off pandemics and social strife, then brag about it on their own GB News channels.


The difference between Labour and Tory now is the same as Democrats vs Republicans. One is centrist, the other is a collection of thieves, liars, flat earthers and abject scum.


What absolutely bakes my noodle though is that there's people out there claiming to be left wing who'd happily see Starmer’s labour lose. They can't claim to care about ordinary folk and hold that belief, they just can't.


There's lots of people out there now, people with blogs, YouTube channels and all that bollocks - bums generally - who if they weren't obsessing over all this, it'd be lower league football or steam trains. They rant and rave in their own echo Chambers. Owen Jones makes money out of Starmer the way Alex Jones rants about gun control, monetised fume to the already initiated. 


But 99.9% of people through don't give a fuck, they just don't want to live in a country that's falling apart around them. I'm one of those people.

Here here . Close the thread . Vote the tories out ffs and reopen when in power.  

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9 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


I think we're in broad agreement generally, I don't know if Starmer believes anything, I don't find him inspiring at all, I just view him as a means to an end.


Starmer’s labour might be Cameron lite, I don't know until they're in power, but they're not gangsters. We're literally run by gypsies, tramps and thieves. People who profiteer off pandemics and social strife, then brag about it on their own GB News channels.


The difference between Labour and Tory now is the same as Democrats vs Republicans. One is centrist, the other is a collection of thieves, liars, flat earthers and abject scum.


What absolutely bakes my noodle though is that there's people out there claiming to be left wing who'd happily see Starmer’s labour lose. They can't claim to care about ordinary folk and hold that belief, they just can't.


There's lots of people out there now, people with blogs, YouTube channels and all that bollocks - bums generally - who if they weren't obsessing over all this, it'd be lower league football or steam trains. They rant and rave in their own echo Chambers. Owen Jones makes money out of Starmer the way Alex Jones rants about gun control, monetised fume to the already initiated. 


But 99.9% of people through don't give a fuck, they just don't want to live in a country that's falling apart around them. I'm one of those people.

if there was a genuine centre left alternative, they may have a point.

but it’s a straight choice between another 5 years of these absolute cunts or Starmer.

and if so, many are opposed to him, why not build up a credible different option?

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3 hours ago, Anubis said:

It seems Starmer has chosen his words carefully and that he isn’t calling for an immediate ceasefire. I suppose his position will become clear on Wednesday.




Yep. I took it at face value. Appears he was just playing clever politics to appease the Scottish audience, although who knows? Às you say the vote Wednesday will clear a lot up. 

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7 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

all these crackpot right wing parties seem to consistently pop up.

there never seems to a centre left opposition.

Because they're all in Labour hoping they can move it leftwards.

Sharon Graham has the right idea just concentrate on small scale issues and build from that.

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On everyone's favourite villain Owen Jones (who's articles are very rarely linked or discussed).



I'm no fan and rarely read him as the issue of LBGT rights doesn’t interest me which he's obviously passionate about as a gay man. To be honest I could hardly care less. Their was a concerted effort to have him cancelled at the start of the Israeli invasion into Gaza by many in the media. I'm glad it wasn't successful.


He is a journalist. To try to say otherwise is ridiculous. He comes a working class background from Stockport, got top grades at Oxford, is left wing who's been writing for the guardian (amongst others) long before Starmer became an MP.  He's one of the few left wing political commentators in the media and he's definitely one of the most qualified. He can certainly be an annoying little twerp but like him or loathe him he hasn't been given his voice in our printed press or on our TV screens by coming third on Alan Sugars the Apprentice. 

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19 minutes ago, Gnasher said:

On everyone's favourite villain Owen Jones (who's articles are very rarely linked or discussed).



I'm no fan and rarely read him as the issue of LBGT rights doesn’t interest me which he's obviously passionate about as a gay man. To be honest I could hardly care less. Their was a concerted effort to have him cancelled at the start of the Israeli invasion into Gaza by many in the media. I'm glad it wasn't successful.


He is a journalist. To try to say otherwise is ridiculous. He comes a working class background from Stockport, got top grades at Oxford, is left wing who's been writing for the guardian (amongst others) long before Starmer became an MP.  He's one of the few left wing political commentators in the media and he's definitely one of the most qualified. Like him or loathe him he hasn't been given his voice in our printed press or on our TV screens by coming third on Alan Sugars the Apprentice. 


He's not a bad guy Jones but he's not a journalist he's an opinion writer (nothing wrong with that, but it's not the same).


He launched his own YouTube channel a couple of years back and YouTube depends on you having subscribers and the best way to get them is through knowing your audience.


I used to watch a couple of pop culture/sci fi YouTubers but don't watch them now as they've gone down the whole incels, "disney is woke" rabbit hole. It's monetised fume.


Jones knows his audience, it's the same as Skwarkbox and the like. I just don't see the point of it at all.


Jones hates Blair, but how many lives were made better under new Labour compared to what had gone before and what came after?


My happiest times living in this country were under Blair nationally and the Lib Dems locally, both "centrist" by any measure. Perfect, no, better than this shit, absolutely.


I saw someone, possibly Jones, posting a michael foot quote recently. Michael foot lost.

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6 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


He's not a bad guy Jones but he's not a journalist he's an opinion writer (nothing wrong with that, but it's not the same).


He launched his own YouTube channel a couple of years back and YouTube depends on you having subscribers and the best way to get them is through knowing your audience.


I used to watch a couple of pop culture/sci fi YouTube but don't watch them now as you've gone down the whole incel/disney is woke rabbit hole. It's monetised fume.


Jones knows his audience, it's the same as Skwarkbox and the like. I just don't see the point of it at all.


Jones hates Blair, but how many lives were made better under new Labour compared to what had gone before who came later?


My happiest times living in this country were under Blair nationally and the Lib Dems locally, both "centrist" by any measure. Perfect, no, better than this shit, absolutely.


Loads have YouTube channels, blogs, etc. It's just another way to communicate. Youtube reaches a younger audience. I don't watch it but some kids might. He's hardly on strictly come dancing with Ed Balls. 


Edit; Nothing wrong in quoting Foot.  He  lost mainly because of the Falklands, he was clear in the polls up until the invasion. 

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1 hour ago, Section_31 said:



There's lots of people out there now, people with blogs, YouTube channels and all that bollocks - bums generally - who if they weren't obsessing over all this, it'd be lower league football or steam trains. They rant and rave in their own echo Chambers. Owen Jones makes money out of Starmer the way Alex Jones rants about gun control, monetised fume to the already initiated. 


Are you just going to take that @YorkshireRed ?

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18 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


He's not a bad guy Jones but he's not a journalist he's an opinion writer (nothing wrong with that, but it's not the same).


He launched his own YouTube channel a couple of years back and YouTube depends on you having subscribers and the best way to get them is through knowing your audience.


I used to watch a couple of pop culture/sci fi YouTubers but don't watch them now as they've gone down the whole incels, "disney is woke" rabbit hole. It's monetised fume.


Jones knows his audience, it's the same as Skwarkbox and the like. I just don't see the point of it at all.


Jones hates Blair, but how many lives were made better under new Labour compared to what had gone before and what came after?


My happiest times living in this country were under Blair nationally and the Lib Dems locally, both "centrist" by any measure. Perfect, no, better than this shit, absolutely.


I saw someone, possibly Jones, posting a michael foot quote recently. Michael foot lost.


Life under Blair was Utopia compared to the current shite. I can't see how anyone would object to that level of living standard again.


I think he should have paid for his Iraq shenanigans however. 

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40 minutes ago, ZonkoVille77 said:


Life under Blair was Utopia compared to the current shite. I can't see how anyone would object to that level of living standard again.


I think he should have paid for his Iraq shenanigans however. 

the only decent period of relative prosperity ive ever knows was that mid 90s-ealy/mid 2000s' period.

under thatcher half the country was on fire,austerity decimated everything and we have the current hellscape, where you are waiting 3 days in a and e to see a dr.

and even still,you get these fucking dribbling peasants saying..never labour.

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If we are going to have an ideology-free Labour government, then let’s have one that at least improves the NHS, education provision, goes after the fraudster fuckers that are seemingly everywhere, fair and increased funding for local councils, a coherent transport policy and a definite answer to the beans and breakfast question. 

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Open warfare at the top end Labour ranks. Luke the Nuke Vs Sue Gray. I'm on Sue's side, sounds a good idea. 


Luke and his buddies should be nuked into space. Fuck off Hodges. 













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