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Keir Starmer


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8 minutes ago, Strontium said:


How is his husband's nationality of any relevance, unless you're a massive racist?


Because the Labour friends of Israel, who many believe are linked and funded by the Israeli government are imo having a negative impact direction off the Labour Party.

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2 minutes ago, Gnasher said:

Because the Labour friends of Israel, who many believe are linked and funded by the Israeli government are imo having a negative impact on the Labour Party.


Oh well, if many people believe it, it must be true.


Looking forward to this logic being applied universally in future.

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3 minutes ago, Strontium said:


Oh well, if many people believe it, it must be true.


Looking forward to this logic being applied universally in future.


Nothing against him personally but Israel or any other country shouldn't have such a big influence in our political parties and Israel are all over the Labour Party. Look at the state of American politics. Its not healthy. 

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40 minutes ago, Strontium said:


How is his husband's nationality of any relevance, unless you're a massive racist?

The only relevance here is that his husband is associated with the IDF and, by association, enjoys seeing the deaths of innocent children. 

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Always a point to liberalism, not least because Lib Dems can beat the Tories in places where Labour can't, like Somerton and Frome last year, a by-election where Labour lost its deposit, which I of course didn't crow about at the time, because that's just what happens when voters unite behind one anti-Tory candidate, and I'm not a pathetic trolling piece of excrement that should be flushed down the nearest bog.

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12 minutes ago, Strontium said:

Always a point to liberalism, not least because Lib Dems can beat the Tories in places where Labour can't, like Somerton and Frome last year, a by-election where Labour lost its deposit, which I of course didn't crow about at the time, because that's just what happens when voters unite behind one anti-Tory candidate, and I'm not a pathetic trolling piece of excrement that should be flushed down the nearest bog.


Do you genuinely believe this? Seriously? No, seriously? 





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19 minutes ago, Strontium said:

Always a point to liberalism, not least because Lib Dems can beat the Tories in places where Labour can't, like Somerton and Frome last year, a by-election where Labour lost its deposit, which I of course didn't crow about at the time, because that's just what happens when voters unite behind one anti-Tory candidate, and I'm not a pathetic trolling piece of excrement that should be flushed down the nearest bog.

no, you’re just a horrible genocide advocating rat.



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6 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

Do you genuinely believe this? Seriously? No, seriously?


It is a matter of fact that I didn't once mention Labour losing its deposit last year in the by-election that the Lib Dems won. A person who was intent on trolling Labour supporters would have done so, without question.


On the other hand, Nelly "Jew-hating piece of vermin" Freeloader has already mentioned the Lib Dems losing theirs in identical circumstances three times today.


You either don't know what a troll is, or you're just too oblivious to notice.


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1 minute ago, Strontium said:


It is a matter of fact that I didn't once mention Labour losing its deposit last year in the by-election that the Lib Dems won. A person who was intent on trolling Labour supporters would have done so, without question.


On the other hand, Nelly "Jew-hating piece of vermin" Freeloader has already mentioned the Lib Dems losing theirs in identical circumstances three times today.


You either don't know what a troll is, or you're just too oblivious to notice.



Nelly hates Jews because the Lib Dems lost their deposits in two bi-elections? I can't fucking keep up me. 


Some might suggest that given your history of posts about Muslims that you're a "Muslim hating piece of vermin"


Food for thought. 

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4 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

Nelly hates Jews because the Lib Dems lost their deposits in two bi-elections? I can't fucking keep up me. 


Some might suggest that given your history of posts about Muslims that you're a "Muslim hating piece of vermin"


Food for thought. 


He's just called me a rat. I'd use the word "trope", but you neg me every time* I do. Yay free speech.


Some people can suggest whatever they want, and some people would be talking complete and utter bollocks without any basis in fact.

Still, congratulations on yet again being the useful idiot for the very worst elements of this forum.






*not every time, just six occasions - so far

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1 minute ago, Strontium said:


He's just called me a rat. I'd use the word "trope", but you neg me every time I do. Yay free speech.


Some people can suggest whatever they want, and some people would be talking complete and utter bollocks without any basis in fact.

Still, congratulations on yet again being the useful idiot for the very worst elements of this forum.


That's a lie and I've even suggested on the Israel thread that people are better off not using that term in reference to Zionists. But it's not like you to invent stuff eh? 


You called him 'vermin' by the way. Just saying. 


You most certainly have posted negative things about Muslims you even managed to do so on the India thread in the last 24 hours although I'm sure you'll pretend that you weren't having a dig at them. 


I'm not defending Nelly here, that's for you two to sort out but you suggesting you're not a troll is fucking hilarious. 



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1 minute ago, Arniepie said:

thought they had a pact in certain seats?.


that gone out the window?


There's no formal pact, nothing like it. There is an unspoken understanding that each party will soft pedal in by-elections where the other has a much better chance of beating the Tories.

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2 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

You most certainly have posted negative things about Muslims you even managed to do so on the India thread in the last 24 hours although I'm sure you'll pretend that you weren't having a dig at them. 


I'm not defending Nelly here, that's for you two to sort out but you suggesting you're not a troll is fucking hilarious. 


I freely admit to having posted negative things about SOME Muslims. Chiefly the ones who fly planes into buildings, bomb trains, rape and murder people at peace festivals, and that sort of thing. This doesn't make a person an anti-Muslim bigot. Anyone decent would be appalled by such acts of depravity.


You're "not defending Nelly" but you did rep 2/3 of his posts crowing about Lib Dems losing their deposits. Well okay then.


If I post something which is deliberately intended to wind people up, then you can call me a troll. Until then...

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6 minutes ago, Strontium said:

If I post something which is deliberately intended to wind people up, then you can call me a troll. Until then...



I think you're forgetting Rule 1 of historical revisionism - nothing is ever the fault of Muslims.


This was you yesterday, no?

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