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Man City - the new bitters?


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2 hours ago, Vincent Vega said:

Not looking forward to that match, our recent record at their place is awful. I might go and watch Napoleon in the cinema instead of putting myself through that. 

As bad as their record at Anfield. 

I was actually thinking about our record there with Klopp the other day…


15/16 - Won 4-1.

16/17 - Drew 1-1.

17/18 - Lost 5-0 (although we were down to 10 men after 35 mins, at a point we were well in the game) and won 2-1 in the CL.

18/19 - Lost 2-1 by the finest of margins.

19/20 - Lost 4/5-0. I genuinely can’t remember. We’d won the league by then anyway.

20/21 - Drew 1-1.

21/22 - Drew 2-2, maybe somewhat fortunate that day.

22/23 - Lost 4-1 after taking the lead and were lucky they stopped at 4. 

I can’t lie, I’m a bit nervous about Saturday as well, however, when there has been some significant on the line, we’ve generally performed well, albeit not got a win. 

Like the Washington Generals v the Harlem Globetrotters, we’re due a win. 

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6 hours ago, Scott_M said:

As bad as their record at Anfield. 

I was actually thinking about our record there with Klopp the other day…


15/16 - Won 4-1.

16/17 - Drew 1-1.

17/18 - Lost 5-0 (although we were down to 10 men after 35 mins, at a point we were well in the game) and won 2-1 in the CL.

18/19 - Lost 2-1 by the finest of margins.

19/20 - Lost 4/5-0. I genuinely can’t remember. We’d won the league by then anyway.

20/21 - Drew 1-1.

21/22 - Drew 2-2, maybe somewhat fortunate that day.

22/23 - Lost 4-1 after taking the lead and were lucky they stopped at 4. 

I can’t lie, I’m a bit nervous about Saturday as well, however, when there has been some significant on the line, we’ve generally performed well, albeit not got a win. 

Like the Washington Generals v the Harlem Globetrotters, we’re due a win. 

The only time I’ve been to that ground was for the 4-1. That was lovely. Phil and Bobby tore them a new arsehole that day. I didn’t realise that was our only win there under Klopp. I don’t hold out much hope for this weekend tbh. 

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8 hours ago, Redder Lurtz said:


I know that's what I though too. I don't understand where Romano is coming from. 

Not all 3rd place get play offs. There's 10 groups, the top 2 go through. Germany are the hosts, which makes 21 of 24 teams. The final 3 places to to play offs between the 6 3rd placed teams that has something to do with the nation's league. I've no idea how that works or Norway's standing, but I'm guessing that's the issue..

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45 minutes ago, Anubis said:

Journalist Nick Harris, who has been on City’s case for ages, has shared this post from Blue Moon about him. Some pretty grim twats in their fan base.



Honestly, would you be surprised if they've not considered it? The only thing that would stop them imo is he's not the only journalist on their case and it'd achieve nothing. 

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8 hours ago, Barrington Womble said:

Honestly, would you be surprised if they've not considered it? The only thing that would stop them imo is he's not the only journalist on their case and it'd achieve nothing. 


Based on what I've heard about the people in their press office, I'd be amazed it if hadn't been discussed.

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30 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

Are there any referees from anywhere but greater Manchester? 


I've mostly been alright with kavanagh to be honest. And he's one of the few who seems capable and fit enough to keep up with play. 

Is it true his brother is a city season ticket holder. If it is true whether he's good or not he should not be officiating ours or citys games.


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20 minutes ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

Is it true his brother is a city season ticket holder. If it is true whether he's good or not he should not be officiating ours or citys games.


On the flip side, if he does not support the same team as his brother, is there a better feeling than fucking up your brothers weekend when it comes to anything football related?

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30 minutes ago, Code said:

On the flip side, if he does not support the same team as his brother, is there a better feeling than fucking up your brothers weekend when it comes to anything football related?

So rather than boring old sentiments like ‘neutrality’ or ‘professionalism’, the Premier League relies on things like ‘hoping the referee doesn’t get on too well with his brother.’ Sound.

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Doesn’t matter if Kavanaughs brother has a City season ticket or not, he shouldn’t be near any game involving City, or United, because of the close proximity to those clubs that he lives.


The same goes for any official being appointed similarly.


Webb should be hauled over the coals for a) putting his official(s) in a potentially awkward position in the first place and b) allowing the PGMOL to be questioned about its “neutrality” by not appointing officials who live away from the area of the clubs they are officiating.

It is of course still possible that an official who comes from, say, Kent could still be a City or, more likely, a United fan, but it’s taking the piss and flipping the bird to everyone to continue making these appointments when there is so much controversy in so many games due to the officials.



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35 minutes ago, coachpotato said:

Doesn’t matter if Kavanaughs brother has a City season ticket or not, he shouldn’t be near any game involving City, or United, because of the close proximity to those clubs that he lives.


The same goes for any official being appointed similarly.


Webb should be hauled over the coals for a) putting his official(s) in a potentially awkward position in the first place and b) allowing the PGMOL to be questioned about its “neutrality” by not appointing officials who live away from the area of the clubs they are officiating.

It is of course still possible that an official who comes from, say, Kent could still be a City or, more likely, a United fan, but it’s taking the piss and flipping the bird to everyone to continue making these appointments when there is so much controversy in so many games due to the officials.



Webb didn't care about officials being paid by the same people who own a premier League club, so he's not going to worry about little things like their club and geographical affiliations.


He realises the press in this country don't want to countenance the idea of any bias, conscious or sub conscious, by the officials in this country. That's for Johnny foreigner and anyone who says otherwise is in the tin hat brigade. 

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