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Rodgers slams England over Sturridge treatment

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Brendan Rodgers has spoken in greater detail about why he feels Daniel Sturridge’s injury - sustained on international duty with England - could have been avoided.


A clearly irritated Rodgers claims that Sturridge was injured on what would usually have been a “rest day” had the striker been with his club rather than his country. Furthermore, not only was Sturridge training on that day (Friday), he was playing a full intensity 11 a side game less than 48 hours after playing the full ninety minutes of England’s 1-0 win over Norway on Wednesday night.


You don’t need a sports science degree to know that a player with a history of muscular problems should not be overworked like that.


And as if that wasn’t bad enough, Rodgers also revealed that Sturridge warned the England staff he was at risk of being injured if his specialist training routine was disrupted. Those warnings were ignored, and lo and behold Sturridge was injured. Still, he’s due back for England’s next international, so no harm done eh Roy?


These are quotes from Rodgers in today’s Daily Telegraph


“From images I’ve seen Daniel’s actually sprinted with the ball nearly 50 yards, three-quarters of the pitch, to shoot and that’s when he pulls up. That’s where the issues are. We’re obviously disappointed because we feel it was an injury which could have been prevented.


“Here we look at the individual player. Think of Daniel’s week. He plays a high-level game at Tottenham on Sunday, goes away and meets up with the [England] squad on Monday. I believe on the Tuesday they did a session which he was involved in. Then he played a second game on the Wednesday. On the Friday it would be an active recovery for us. After the game, 48 hours later, is critical for recovery.


“I think clubs work differently at times to international teams. It’s more the recovery strategy. When we look at our players here, we look at them individually in terms of what their needs are. Fast players would have a second day’s recovery, while other players can work on that day. When you are that type of quick player like Daniel Sturridge, Raheem Sterling and boys like Danny Welbeck, you need to recover them. Sturridge has worked so hard over pre-season and looked very fit and strong in our last game against Tottenham."


Asked if the England team were made aware of Sturridge’s particular training programme, Rodgers said:


“Absolutely. The players go there and tell the associations how they work. Of course it’s always up to the manager of the association. And on that second day they can do tactical work but for us and the methods of how we work, that can only be low to moderate intensity in small spaces, or you get injuries.


“I have good relations with Roy [Hodgson]. We speak, I give him the run-down on all our young players, their positioning, and all that. I’m one who is very pro the national teams. I am an Irishman and I actually want to help England. The core of our team is based around that.


"Look at Jordan Henderson the other night, playing in a diamond and he’s very fluid because he knows how to work it. Look at Raheem, he knows how to work it. We want to help them but this doesn’t help them and certainly doesn’t help us, especially when they know how we work.”


The worst part of it all is that there is absolutely nothing to prevent this happening again next time. Liverpool’s players have their own individually tailored training programmes but when they go and join up with their countries (not just England) that goes out of the window.


It seems farcical that clubs pay these players such vast amounts of money but have no control over what happens when they join up with their countries.If Roy Hodgson wants to “test a player’s resolve” by making him play when he’s injured, there’s nothing in place to stop him. If he wants to dismiss the advice of Liverpool’s medical people and ignore the concerns of a player who knows his own body much better than the England staff could possibly do, there’s nothing to stop him.


This isn't the first time it's happened, and you can be sure it won't be the last either.


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That made me livid, reading that.


If we pay his wages then we should be calling all the shots & if we say he doesn't train the day after a game then he shouldn't be fucking training.


Load of utter bollocks.


We should also sue the FA for incompetence & pull him out of the next lot of games.

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Quite a polite 'slamming' that. Must have just had a steamy romp to cheer him up.


It's a lot more than I remember any other manager recently saying about it, and he backs it up with solid science.


Effectively, he's accused the England set-up of not understanding how to train footballers properly. He's done well.

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Craig Dawson is a mate of mine and he really didn't get on with Roy at West Brom, he said his training methods are so old fashioned and that players would get in trouble for being "creative" or "flashy" in training.


It's the same with Moyes, these old fashioned shite managers can't handle injury prone players because they're too stuck in their own ways to alter their methods for modern players.

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Surely this won't happen many more times for the players themselves to say fuck off to the national coaches. And if they still get ignored, then just ditch it. 


I'm not a professional footballer, but I think it's pretty obvious. If you have two choices 1) Be a top club player and top international player, or 2) Be a nearly top club player and nearly top international player because the national team fucks you over getting you injured.

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I love the way Rodgers is teaching Roy how to use a diamond system with Henderson and Sterling at the heart of it.


No coincidence they beat Switzerland with Rodgers calling the shots!


Roy's a fucking retard, he'll use the diamond until it actually matters or they lose - which ever comes first, then he'll go back to his shite 4-4-2 that hasn't worked and never will.

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Previous managers couldn't say much when Stevie was out giving his all for England. Remember him getting injured before Arsenal at home when we still had a chance for the CL. Capello even refused to let him stay home for one friendly and demanded a medical from the England staff, iirc.


The time for Rodgers to speak is before the call-up. Ferguson would never have put up with it - you only have rights if you're willing to assert them.

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Hodgson's attitude isn't even just short-termist, selfish and dismissive towards Liverpool's best interests, medium-term he's displaying exactly the same lack of concern towards the national side, and as usual Cunt London of the UK media will only twig and report this after the fact, in a couple of years when he's long gone and some other manager has half the Daniel Sturridge at his disposal, because the pompous prick keeps misusing him so dangerously. Not to mention the risk to the player himself's career.


We've seen it all before with Owen and Torres in terms of what repeat injuries strip away from a pacy striker's game, yet Roy's "40 years in management" shtick means there's more chance of him getting offered a job back at Liverpool than there is him accepting he knows less on the subject than anyone else, let alone seemingly everyone else.

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It's pretty clever how Rodgers has worded his grievance here. Rather than openly attack Hodgson, he's pointed out that the England staff are not doing enough to properly look after the fitness of the players in their care, and why ignoring such issues is leading to so many players returning injured to their clubs. Indirectly, he saying that Hodgson's tried-and-trusted methods are seriously flawed and out of date, and also telling the FA that they'd better make sure their compensation budget is topped up because it's going to get a severe caning while Hodgson is in charge of the national team.


All those fuckwits that keep banging the drum abut Hodgson and his abilities have created a fucking monster because Hodgson himself keeps bigging up his credentials in press conferences and interviews. He's been taken in by all the arse-licking guff from the likes of Barclay and Winter too and believes he has nothing to prove to anybody and nothing to learn.

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Before he came here, there was lots of talk about Hodgson's methods, and almost every account of his training regime was anachronistic bollocks about hard methods getting players well drilled.


It's what many lower level managers who specialise in avoiding relegation do. They end up with a starting eleven of reasonable players with low injury records who can follow simple instructions but little else.

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I'm glad Brendan is asserting more authority here. It augurs well for the future. England will get on board and improve how they handle the players, or I suspect less Liverpool players (especially speed merchants like Sturridge and Sterling) will be available for England friendlies. 


We have a stick to hit them with here. We have leverage. At the moment Rodgers is being diplomatic, but also quite forceful. It's good to see. 

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He's done it 4 times now. It's about time he was called to account for his and his coaching teams wanton disregard for the clearly laid out training regimen for our players. It's completely unprofessional and it's just another facet of his awful management style. An arrogant man whose refusal to follow simple instruction seems to actually border on vindictiveness against our players. Doesn't take a genius to see he doesn't like us because we saw right through his act and got rid of the twat. He really makes my blood boil.

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I hope Daniel Sturridge got a proper bollocking from Rodgers over this. It is not like Roy was chasing him down the wing with a whip. He knows better than to go sprinting three quarters of the length of the pitch when he's supposed to be on a recovery day. No need Danny, no fucking need.

All the same Roy Hodgson is a cunt.

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