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Government appeals Hillsborough Files Release


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THE Government today announced it would appeal against an order to release the hidden ‘Hillsborough Thatcher’ files to the public.


Earlier this month, the Information Commissioner said confidential reports detailing the discussions then-PM Margaret Thatcher had in the aftermath of the 1989 stadium disaster should be made public.


The publication of the papers, said to include reports presented to the prime minister and correspondence with Home Secretary Douglas Hurd, would have come before the findings of the Hillsborough Independent Panel, which is currently deciding what information should be released to the public.


At the time of the Information Commissioner’s decision, the Cabinet Office said it would be wrong to put anything out before the panel had given it the green light and the families of those who lost their lives had seen it.


And today, it announced it will appeal the decision.


A Cabinet Office spokesman said: “We are appealing the Information Commissioner Office’s decision.



The Government’s view is that it is in the public interest for the process that is underway through the Hillsborough Independent Panel be allowed to take its course.


“The terms of reference for that process includes the intention to disclose information to the Hillsborough families first.


“The Cabinet Office absolutely agrees with the principle of providing information to families about the Hillsborough stadium disaster, but we believe it is important that any release of information should be managed through the Panel’s processes and in line with their terms of reference.


“The Cabinet Office is fully committed to the disclosure process in line with the Terms of Reference and is working with the Panel to achieve that.


“The Panel have had access to all the information covered by this decision notice.”




Read More Government to appeal Information Commissioner order to release hidden 'Hillsborough Thatcher' files to the public - Liverpool Local News - News - Liverpool Echo


Read More Government to appeal Information Commissioner order to release hidden 'Hillsborough Thatcher' files to the public - Liverpool Local News - News - Liverpool Echo

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Jeremy Hunt is a lying cunt.


The 'ongoing process' can only be aided in reaching a conclusion after all the relevant documents have been made available to them. Surely anything that assists the Hillsborough Panel get to the facts concerning the events of 1989, and their aftermath, should be provided without any prevarication by a government that professes to being committed to the truth.


But it is the Tories - and they are protecting that diseased and dying (hopefully painfully) old snatch. Any appeal should be dismissed out of hand. But what are the odds on that happening?

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utter utter fucking cunts, they were liars when that old slag was in charge and they are liars now every document should be released and made available to he public-and the fact that they don't want that to happen tells you everything you need to know about the Government and the fucking police.

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Anyone who thinks the government (any government) has the people's best interests at heart needs to have a word with themselves



It would be better for people to have "a word" with the fuckers who deny the best interests of the people. That 'word' may be emphasised as forcibly as any individual deems necessary.

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A disgrace, an absolute fucking disgrace.


Whatever information is available, all of it should definitely be made available to the families first, there's no question about that in my mind - some of those people have waited for over 20 years to discover why their family and friends died. Hillsborough touched every fan of our club in one way or another though and after those directly affected have finally had their questions answered, this information should be released into the public domain.


I'm not remotely surprised that this bunch of venal, self-interested fucking parasites want to block it though because as always, it's say one thing and do another. More openness, honestly and engagement between people and government - that's what Little Lord Fauntleroy promised ahead of the election. Yet another promise that wasn't worth the breath it took to utter it.


Go here:


WriteToThem - Email or fax your Councillor, MP, MEP, MSP or Welsh, NI, London Assembly Member for free


Stick your postcode in to get to your MP's page, fill in your name and address and use that page to e-mail them asking them to raise the issue in the house. I can pretty much guarantee that some MPs will be disgusted by this decision either because of the specific issue of Hillsborough, or because of the wider implications of Cameron and his cronies looking after their own again. That goes double coming on the back of the NOTW/News International debacle.


There's another issue beneath all of this that's important as well - how utterly laughable it is that a party that believes in small government is yet again sticking it's oar in and interfering with a decision made by the professional body with legal responsibility for this matter, for what must be political purposes.


All I can add is that there must be some pretty damning stuff in those files because otherwise, what possible reason can the government have for wanting them blocked? It's not even as if we're going to be shocked at the fact that the government of the day saw Liverpool football fans as drunken hooligans, I think most of us came to terms with that fact a long time ago.


To me, this smacks of nothing more than an already embattled party seeking to delay or remove another set of revelations that will reflect badly on them but this isn't some political game to be played out behind closed doors in the commons, this is about people's lives.

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A disgrace, an absolute fucking disgrace.


Whatever information is available, all of it should definitely be made available to the families first, there's no question about that in my mind - some of those people have waited for over 20 years to discover why their family and friends died. Hillsborough touched every fan of our club in one way or another though and after those directly affected have finally had their questions answered, this information should be released into the public domain.



Well, isn't that what this is about?


At the time of the Information Commissioner’s decision, the Cabinet Office said it would be wrong to put anything out before the panel had given it the green light and the families of those who lost their lives had seen it.


I'd like to hear what the Hillsborough families want before I go all jerking knee about the Evil Tories.

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Well, isn't that what this is about?


At the time of the Information Commissioner’s decision, the Cabinet Office said it would be wrong to put anything out before the panel had given it the green light and the families of those who lost their lives had seen it.


I'd like to hear what the Hillsborough families want before I go all jerking knee about the Evil Tories.



I was expecting you to make that point when I saw you were reading the thread. Not being snippy there by the way, just saying.


My point though was that although the Hillsborough families are obviously at the centre of this, they are by no means the only people affected. I assume that the Information Commissioner recognised that when the original decision was made.


As I said, there's no way that I'd want this information to be dumped into the public domain before the families have seen it, for reasons of basic human decency - after waiting over 20 years I can't imagine the families would want to discover what happened at the same time as the rest of the UK was digesting it over tea and cornflakes.


However I don't believe that you can draw an arbitrary line and say that people on one side of it have the right to know whilst those on the other side don't. Where would you draw it? Immediate family? Distant cousins? Best mates? People that didn't know a single person that died but are still traumatised by what they saw that day? The effects of Hillsborough are like ripples in a pond and a lot of people other than the families were likely counting on the release of these documents to bring some kind of personal closure.


There's a clear implication in that statement that if the panel felt they didn't want to release certain parts of the information they should not be compelled to, otherwise what exactly are the government appealing for? I disagree with that.


No knees were jerked in making this post.

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Disgusting stuff, absolute scum how they can deny the families some closure on the matter.


Proper cunts trick.



What are you talking about? This is nothing to do with the families, they're getting the info no matter what.


I was expecting you to make that point when I saw you were reading the thread. Not being snippy there by the way, just saying.


My point though was that although the Hillsborough families are obviously at the centre of this, they are by no means the only people affected. I assume that the Information Commissioner recognised that when the original decision was made.



Ha. Well, I'm nothing if not predictable. I definitely support the information being released into the public domain, but I'm not going to buy into the Thatcher conspiracy theories as a reason for the government's opposition. Not yet anyway.

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Ha. Well, I'm nothing if not predictable. I definitely support the information being released into the public domain, but I'm not going to buy into the Thatcher conspiracy theories as a reason for the government's opposition. Not yet anyway.


Why else would they appeal though?


If they have nothing to hide, why appeal against it?


I think it's pretty obvious there is some really damaging stuff against the old bitch.

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Please lads, is there anyone on this forum who is clued up on hillsborough and can provide links to other websites, if so could you join the David Icke forum and educate some of the posters on there and help spread the word I've tried my best but am not the brightest fella. If you could I've started a tread in the general forum thanks.

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