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Chinese food


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A link sausage is the architypal sausage.


You're thinking of square sausage.



Link Sausages are more of a sausage than those meat pancake shits that the Scottish love. They usually get served to you drier than a nuns minge.


You are a wrong'un.

I got that arse about tit. I meant square sausages are not sausages.

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Not sure if I have already posted this and cant be arsed looking but fella I know spent months working in China and said the food was rank. They eventually found where to buy all the ingredients for mince and tatties except Bisto powder which his wife posted out to him.

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Japanese and Thai is a million times better.


Not really tried a lot of Japanese food but I'd agree about Thai, it's always so expensive though, we were going to go out to a Thai restaurant on Saturday night but have jibbed it off because it was too dear. A takeaway for two tends to cost the best part of a tenner more than an Indian or Chinese in my experience too.


Shame because it's lovely food.

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Japanese and Thai is a million times better.

I really want to like Thai food and maybe I've just been to the wrong places but I find it boring. Place I went in Birmingham supposedly one of the countries best and it was a lovely experience. Michelin Star stuff. but the same. Boring. Could have done with a carton of chippy curry.


Japanese is a different story. Amazing stuff. was in Paris years ago with the wife. Had a reservation at a Top french restaurant. wedding gift from a hotel owner who knew the chef. They had a fire on the night we were meant to go. So me suited and booted ended up with a mob of French students and the wife in this dump sitting on a wooden bench eating some of the best food I have ever had. Japanese. Place was packed and everywhere else was empty. In for about 3 hours and cost less than 50 quid for both of us. (good for Paris)

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Not really tried a lot of Japanese food but I'd agree about Thai, it's always so expensive though, we were going to go out to a Thai restaurant on Saturday night but have jibbed it off because it was too dear. A takeaway for two tends to cost the best part of a tenner more than an Indian or Chinese in my experience too.


Shame because it's lovely food.



Agreed they're both a little more expensive the Chinese, but it's always worth the extra money in my experience.

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I went to an Indian restaurant in Peebles in the borders. After having been used to 4am Curries by the bombed out church in Liverpool for years I was blown away by fresh, spicy without stupid heat authentic food. I wish we could have more ethnic restaurants cooking good, not popular, grub.

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There's a Thai takeaway here that's about 6 euro a meal. It's boss.


Most takeaways are Surinaamse or Indonesian which are both lovely. The Chinese mostly tastes the same and has this weird sugary orange gloop on everything.



Tastes shit and an hour later you're hungry again.


Easily my least favourite cuisine and takeaway. 

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