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Something Fishy about Rishi


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1 hour ago, Bruce Spanner said:

I think I hate the Imp more than Johnson.


Speech he’s just given was an absolute masterclass in performative compassion, assumed competence, insincerity and gaslighting.


World leading such and such, based on cherry picked stats, increased spending announced, but incrementally over many years, so just a cheap headline.


More importantly though all these announcements cost money, and that’s money that Labour will have to be finding if they win the election as he, and the silly headline chasing policies with him, will be long forgotten.


Sham of a man.

I hate his patronising tone and fake empathy. Prick. Even his voice goes through me. Briefcase Wanker.

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A massive issue is journalists these days are by large absolute shithouses and only doing it for the money. They won't do their actual job and call out bullshit so it just appears to be correct when the average person reads or watches. Same when stupid fucks of the general public come out with nonsense and don't get pulled on it. 

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5 minutes ago, Captain Howdy said:

Puts us “on a war footing” just unbelievable stuff. The end of this Government really can’t come quickly enough. 

Let's hope Russia doesn't make a move before 2030.

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Obviously people have looked at the numbers and, I'm sure you're as suprised as I am by this, it isn't new money.


It is the defence budget as is with the money we're sending to Ukraine, and other conflicts, on top to create this new number.


I absolutely despise these cunts.


All of it is gaslighting, everything.

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17 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:

Obviously people have looked at the numbers and, I'm sure you're as suprised as I am by this, it isn't new money.


It is the defence budget as is with the money we're sending to Ukraine, and other conflicts, on top to create this new number.


I absolutely despise these cunts.


All of it is gaslighting, everything.

Imagine having a Government that actually served its people. Wouldn’t that be something 

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There'll be some money in there for someone. That fat fuck Soames or someone with a contract to build nuclear underpants which never get made, but the contracts will all get signed off before tech bro fuckface gibs off to orange County or wherever the fuck.

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5 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:

Did ‘Pint sized loser’ work as an attack line?



I think she pretty much nailed him.


Used the inevitable attacks to nail them on their complete failure of a housing policy too, although there'll no doubt be calls for a kinder politics without name-calling from the massed hypocrites in the Mail etc.

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I'll never understand this logic.


It is the tories who have lied, who have failed to keep promises, who have failed to deliver - so why should all parties be tarred with same brush.


Those cunts have done a great job of breaking politics and the trust and belief of people in politics and politicians as a power for good. So it isn't seen as their fault, it is seen as all of thems fault.




There is such a simple rebuttal to this absurd argument though and Lab need to be repeating it over and over and over.



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12 hours ago, Gnasher said:

We'll find out soon enough.








It makes a lot of sense.


Sunak will likely be under massive pressure after the local elections and they will fight the election on Rwanda.


I've already heard a few Tories parroting "We stop the boats, Labour stop the planes"  

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5 hours ago, Megadrive Man said:


It makes a lot of sense.


Sunak will likely be under massive pressure after the local elections and they will fight the election on Rwanda.


I've already heard a few Tories parroting "We stop the boats, Labour stop the planes"  





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