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Something Fishy about Rishi


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4 minutes ago, littletedwest said:

I saw something in an article earlier that so many letters of no confidence have been submitted they may accidentally trigger a vote.


With the latest sex pest losing the whip that means they only need 52, I think, so possible it has been done without a legitimate plot.

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1 hour ago, Anubis said:

Good job they’re not the same person.


Don't know who it is , used to be the same now not the same then they were the same again?


Which bucket/bin head do i vote for now? don't want to waste my vote by getting it wrong.

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On 20/04/2024 at 11:26, Section_31 said:


The reason these tory MPs are all so depraved is because they went to all boys boarding schools, it's like the priesthood.

I've thought this. They're treated like shite by parents with a god complex, sent to these horrible boarding schools where bullying is encouraged and any signs of weakness are pounced on. It breeds a coldness and lack of empathy needed to survive. It does explain why these freaks are so cruel and borderline psychopathic. 

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16 minutes ago, TheSire said:

I've thought this. They're treated like shite by parents with a god complex, sent to these horrible boarding schools where bullying is encouraged and any signs of weakness are pounced on. It breeds a coldness and lack of empathy needed to survive. It does explain why these freaks are so cruel and borderline psychopathic. 

It doesn't explain why working class people want to either join them or just cheer them on from the sidelines

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24 minutes ago, redinblack said:

It doesn't explain why working class people want to either join them or just cheer them on from the sidelines

Deliberately shit public education system + right wing media causing division, fear and boot licking

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4 minutes ago, TheSire said:

Deliberately shit public education system + right wing media causing division, fear and boot licking

And English quite like being patted on the head and told their place, it saves having to think

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28 minutes ago, skend04 said:

I know the country has a significant rump of cunts, but is cutting disability budgets really a vote winner?


Bat. Shit. Mental.

They aren't cutting them, they are "targeting them to where they are most needed". That's the justification.


The absolute cunts

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1 hour ago, redinblack said:

And English quite like being patted on the head and told their place, it saves having to think

I asked on twitter yesterday, why do working people vote for a party who's entite raison d'etre is to look after the interests of the wealthy,and one of the replies said I had a 'chip on my shoulder '

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1 hour ago, redinblack said:

It doesn't explain why working class people want to either join them or just cheer them on from the sidelines

Because deference is bred into us.

Once you accept a family are worth more than you,through an accident of birth,its only a few steps away from voting in people to run the country, because they have a posh accent and went to Eton.

We are one of the most subservient countries on the planet. 

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6 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

Because deference is bred into us.

Once you accept a family are worth more than you,through an accident of birth,its only a few steps away from voting in people to run the country, because they have a posh accent and went to Eton.

We are one of the most subservient countries on the planet. 

This is true. Its why people who went to a public school, studied Classics - possibly the most useless degree ever you may as well study Kerplunk - and can knock out the odd line of Latin are deemed "clever". Fuck Off

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1 minute ago, redinblack said:

This is true. Its why people who went to a public school, studied Classics - possibly the most useless degree ever you may as well study Kerplunk - and can knock out the odd line of Latin are deemed "clever". Fuck Off

We are a nation of serfs.

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I think I hate the Imp more than Johnson.


Speech he’s just given was an absolute masterclass in performative compassion, assumed competence, insincerity and gaslighting.


World leading such and such, based on cherry picked stats, increased spending announced, but incrementally over many years, so just a cheap headline.


More importantly though all these announcements cost money, and that’s money that Labour will have to be finding if they win the election as he, and the silly headline chasing policies with him, will be long forgotten.


Sham of a man.

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Defence spending in UK to be put ‘on war footing’, Rishi Sunak says – UK politics latest (theguardian.com)


Civil servants must obey ministers if ordered to ignore ECHR injunctions blocking Rwanda flights, Sunak says
The FDA, the union which represents senior civil servants, is threatening the Home Office with legal action over new guidance for civil servants which says that, if a minister decides to ignore an injunction from the European court of human rights (ECHR) saying a deportation flight to Rwanda must not go ahead, officials have to do what the minister says and facilitate the flight – even though ignoring an ECHR injunction is in breach of international law.

Speaking to reporters on his flight to Poland, Rishi Sunak made it clear that he did not agree with the FDA. Officials must obey ministers if they’re ordered to ignore an ECHR injunction, he said.

I’m clearly and firmly of the view that civil servants know that what they’re there to do is support the government, the elected government of the day, and that’s what I’m confident they will do in this instance.

That’s why we specifically changed the civil service code, which is one of the steps that we made a little while ago, to make it crystal clear that when it comes to rule 39 decisions [ECHR injunctions], as you know, the bill gives ministers the discretion to decide what to do about those.

I wouldn’t have put that power in there if I wasn’t prepared to use it, but our changes to the code make it crystal clear that civil servants will be expected to follow ministerial guidance on that point when we get there or if we get there.

In 2022 a flight taking asylum seekers from the UK to Rwanda was cancelled as a result of an ECHR injunction. But Sunak believes there is less chance of that happening again, partly because of reforms to the Rwandan asylum system being implemented under the UK-Rwanda treaty and partly because the ECHR tightened its rules, making injunctions harder to obtain.


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1 hour ago, Bruce Spanner said:

I think I hate the Imp more than Johnson.


Speech he’s just given was an absolute masterclass in performative compassion, assumed competence, insincerity and gaslighting.


World leading such and such, based on cherry picked stats, increased spending announced, but incrementally over many years, so just a cheap headline.


More importantly though all these announcements cost money, and that’s money that Labour will have to be finding if they win the election as he, and the silly headline chasing policies with him, will be long forgotten.


Sham of a man.

politicians have always lied,but I think,since johnson,its become much more blatant.

sunak can stand there and chat shite because he knows no journalist seems capable of standing up and saying...actually thats a load of lies isnt it?

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How much of a cretinous country are we that we've allowed a situation where the economy and NHS are shit, but we'll probably be voting on the glorious promise of scrapping human rights laws and withdrawing from international courts. 

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