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Tory Cabinet Thread


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2 minutes ago, Poor Scouser T said:

The whole situation is fucked up mate. But I suppose if you have been getting bombed to shit in Syria or persecuted in Afghanistan anything is better. I don't know the solution but crossing the busiest shipping lane in the world in the dark in an overcrowded inflatable is not the solution.


There are potential solutions, such as processing centres in France, and more safe and legal routes.  But this abhorrent Govt don't want solutions, they want dog whistles.

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Just now, Moo said:


There are potential solutions, such as processing centres in France, and more safe and legal routes.  But this abhorrent Govt don't want solutions, they want dog whistles.

Processing in France is certainly one thing that should be done. This whole boat situation has occurred since they dismantled The Jungle camp in Calais. Prior to this they were jumping on lorries. The gangs are making money so no doubt the legal routes would also be bypassed.

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Shameful. Modern slavery laws won’t apply to people who’ve entered the country ‘illegally’ - so in effect the government has just effectively legalised certain cases of slavery. Also, if anything it probably also encourages traffickers as much as it will deter migrants.


I really want this to be the drain that’s being circled before this ideology is booted right in the cunt and fucked off into the bin, but there’s probably new depths to plumb isn’t there? Fucking hell, parliament today was like a scene out of the pre-Kristallnacht Reichstag.

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7 minutes ago, Moo said:


There are potential solutions, such as processing centres in France, and more safe and legal routes.  But this abhorrent Govt don't want solutions, they want dog whistles.

What happens when you apply in France and are turned down? Guess you get in a boat. Stop fucking around in other countries and forcing mass migration is the only long term solution.

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10 minutes ago, Poor Scouser T said:

Processing in France is certainly one thing that should be done. This whole boat situation has occurred since they dismantled The Jungle camp in Calais. Prior to this they were jumping on lorries. The gangs are making money so no doubt the legal routes would also be bypassed.


Did those coming from Ukraine seek out the gangs or did they use a safe and legal route? These gangs can't be stamped out over night, but we can provide alternatives as well as dismantling the gangs over time.

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1 minute ago, Moo said:


Did those coming from Ukraine seek out the gangs or did they use a safe and legal route? These gangs can't be stamped out over night, but we can provide alternatives as well as dismantling the gangs over time.

Ukraine is politically expedient at the moment. Nobheads don't mind them. They are European and the right colour. Won't cost votes.

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6 minutes ago, johnsusername said:

This government need dragging out of parliament.


I can't imagine how terrifying it must be to be on one of those boats in the middle of the sea, in the pitch black, with your little kids. 


It's barely disguised fascism. Breaking international laws and rallying the far right with their pork barrel, dog whistling scapegoating of asylum seekers.


They're doing irreparable damage to the country.

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1 hour ago, Poor Scouser T said:

Can't you just burst these inflatable boats when they land. They will soon run out. 


All these announcements are a load of smoke and mirrors. Load of hot air by the government to make themselves sound tough. I'm suprised people still listen to this government. Should take a leaf out of these migrants book and laugh at everything they say.


Channel 4 news today. Today in Calais at the end of this report.





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1 minute ago, Section_31 said:

It's all they've got left for the election.


Tory twitter saying we'll stop the boats, Labour won't.

You wouldn't think these twats had been in for 13 fucking years. They seem to think a new PM is a fresh start and the previous lot was nothing to do with them. Yet its the same cunts in different jobs

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Murphy's right. This is a load of hot air. 


Just saw a clip of Tony Blairs former advisor say you can clear the backlog in one swoop by granting an amnesty to those already here. Job done, plus it frees the home office to correctly process the ones coming in. 



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5 minutes ago, Poor Scouser T said:

I don't think this is about the coming election, that's lost, its about the one after. We would have stopped the boats and look at the mess Labour have made of it.


People keep saying this, but all the Tories need is enough rich people and racists on side and they will have the numbers again.


If Stop the boats becomes the main issue going in to an election and Labour are seen to be against stopping them then I can't see them winning back any of the seats they lost last time. 

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7 minutes ago, Megadrive Person said:


People keep saying this, but all the Tories need is enough rich people and racists on side and they will have the numbers again.


If Stop the boats becomes the main issue going in to an election and Labour are seen to be against stopping them then I can't see them winning back any of the seats they lost last time. 

Yeah the messaging is "these people are coming here taking jobs, homes, benefits etc off you' 'you can't get to see a doctor or a dentist etc because of them'


And thick, disillusioned people in brexit towns buy that shite hook line and sinker..


The tories have made their lives worse but have them convinced it is all immigrants/refugees fault - same message as the 2019 election really and brexit.


To use a 3 word slogan to win votes about people who are so desperate they risk their lives to try and get a better life is a new low for the tories..

But as usual they will get away with it.

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