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Top Lurkers


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Guest The Big Green Bastard
TK-421 is: 'The Lurker Hunter'


You can lurk, but you cannot hide.




'Crikey! look at this little lurker waiting to pounce at any second, they're very reclusive animals and to catch a glimpse of one in its natural habitat is just bonzer!'.

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How many posts does it take until you're no longer classed as a lurker?


It's not how many as such, its the quality of and the threads you choose to post in, an ideal start would be a picture of yourself in the photo thread.










Am I becoming more subtle?

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How many posts does it take until you're no longer classed as a lurker?


It's not how many as such, its the quality of and the threads you choose to post in, an ideal start would be a picture of yourself in the photo thread.




Am I becoming more subtle?


Honest answer?




Sex Mong, I should point out that melons just wants to know if you are worth clubbing over the head, getting dragged to her campsite cave in North Wales, and tied up in anticipation of some fun and games. But then you've been lurking here long enough to realise that yourself. And given your name, you are probably well up for that.

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