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Keir Starmer


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1 hour ago, Strontium said:


And I'd like to keep it that way, hence my opposition to the Tories' proposed smoking ban that is being supported by Labour.


Are you malfunctioning or something?

The Tories aren't proposing "a smoking ban", as you probably know, but you prefer argumentative lies to basic facts.


They're proposing a progressive increase in the age at which it's legal to buy smokes, so that fewer people take up the habit.  Unsurprisingly, health charities have welcomed this and the tobacco industry are opposed to it.  In your obsession with being the TLW resident controversialist, you really are coming down on the "pro-cancer" side on this one.




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1 minute ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

The Tories aren't proposing "a smoking ban", as you probably know, but you prefer argumentative lies to basic facts.


They're proposing a progressive increase in the age at which it's legal to buy smokes, so that fewer people take up the habit.  Unsurprisingly, health charities have welcomed this and the tobacco industry are opposed to it.  In your obsession with being the TLW resident controversialist, you really are coming down on the "pro-cancer" side on this one.




Aren’t they jibbing the idea anyway? I’m sure I read that New Zealand are as well. 

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4 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

The Tories aren't proposing "a smoking ban", as you probably know, but you prefer argumentative lies to basic facts.


They're proposing a progressive increase in the age at which it's legal to buy smokes, so that fewer people take up the habit.  Unsurprisingly, health charities have welcomed this and the tobacco industry are opposed to it.  In your obsession with being the TLW resident controversialist, you really are coming down on the "pro-cancer" side on this one.




Fucking hell.


However long it takes to implement, it's a ban on smoking. Unarguably. Trust you to argue against it.


I'm pro-choice, as liberals are. The radical idea that people should have sovereignty over their own bodies.


Calling me "pro-cancer" makes about as much sense as calling people who believe in safe, legal abortion "pro-killing babies".

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5 minutes ago, Strontium said:


Fucking hell.


However long it takes to implement, it's a ban on smoking. Unarguably. Trust you to argue against it.


I'm pro-choice, as liberals are. The radical idea that people should have sovereignty over their own bodies.


Calling me "pro-cancer" makes about as much sense as calling people who believe in safe, legal abortion "pro-killing babies".


Where do you stand on drugs that are currently illegal?


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Isn't the smoking ban doomed to fail anyway?


If it comes in it means that shops will have to ID everybody that buy's cigarettes and it will create a situation that means that you'll have the bizarre situation where an 18 year old can't buy them but a 19 year old can. So in years to come you will have a 48 year old that can't buy them but a 49 year old that can!


Most of my friends that used to smoke have all stopped now because they've been priced out. They'd be better just to continue going down that route.  

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The smoking ban helped make smoking socially unacceptable.


Smoking used to look cool, just look at John McClaine.


After the ban you'd just see people coweing in shelters in the cold outside the pub trying to desperately draw down one last puff before going back into the warm and they looked like smackheads.

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29 minutes ago, Strontium said:


Fucking hell.


However long it takes to implement, it's a ban on smoking. Unarguably. Trust you to argue against it.


I'm pro-choice, as liberals are. The radical idea that people should have sovereignty over their own bodies.


Calling me "pro-cancer" makes about as much sense as calling people who believe in safe, legal abortion "pro-killing babies".

Nope.  Science and morality support action to restrict smoking, which is kind of the opposite of the "baby killing" claims.


As you know, the tobacco industry has always deliberately targeted young people, because (as mountains of evidence prove) if they get hooked at a young age they will very likely remain hooked until their (premature) death. So much for their bodily autonomy.



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32 minutes ago, Captain Willard said:

Well that’s a big statement. I don’t think anyone is really a libertarian, we just disagree where to draw the lines. To illustrate my point, out of interest, which of the following 10 things would you legalise ? 

1.Hard drugs 

2. Dangerous dogs

3. Guns

4. No Speed limits 

5. child pornography

6. Bestiality 

7. incest 

8. Paedophilia

9. necrophilia 

10. Whites only establishments 



I can think of one or two of them I reckon he’d happily decriminalise …… in-fact I believe he argued the case for beastiality on here once. Or certainly asked why it’s wrong to touch an animals cock or something. 

I agree with him on the smoking thing though. It will only increase crime etc and to be honest most people don’t smoke now anyway. 

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31 minutes ago, Captain Willard said:

Well that’s a big statement. I don’t think anyone is really a libertarian, we just disagree where to draw the lines. To illustrate my point, out of interest, which of the following 10 things would you legalise ? 

1.Hard drugs 

2. Dangerous dogs

3. Guns

4. No Speed limits 

5. child pornography

6. Bestiality 

7. incest 

8. Paedophilia

9. necrophilia 

10. Whites only establishments 


It's really not hard to understand, the underlying liberal principle is that the only reasonable limits that should be placed upon a person are those which harm others.


I am sure you don't need me to tell you which of the items on your little list are harmful to other people, and which ones harm only the person partaking of them.

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4 minutes ago, Captain Willard said:

I don't know why you feel the need to be patronizing. Following your logic of no harm to other people, bestiality, incest between adults and arguably necrophilia with surviving people who have no relatives should all be legalised. Is that really what you are saying ?  It would be helpful if you said which of the 10 you think should be legal. 


I didn't particularly like the tone of the question, "prohibition" has an established meaning, and to the best of my knowledge, nobody would ever consider bans on child rape or racial segregation to be examples of prohibition.


I don't think necrophilia should be legal, a dead person is still a person and still retains some of their personhood, and cannot give their consent.


Not quite sure what all this has to do with Keir Starmer.

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5 minutes ago, Captain Willard said:

Well we could start a thread on which illegal things should be actually be legal. We've established where you stand on necrophilia, how do you feel about bestiality and incest between adults ?  Neither are harmful to anybody else so should they be legalised ? 


Why are you asking me, you have your answer already.

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1 hour ago, Section_31 said:

The smoking ban helped make smoking socially unacceptable.


Smoking used to look cool, just look at John McClaine.


After the ban you'd just see people coweing in shelters in the cold outside the pub trying to desperately draw down one last puff before going back into the warm and they looked like smackheads.


It's the ones outside hospitals that I find bleakest. Some bloke standing in the cold, his gown flapping in the wind, puffing away whilst holding his own drip. 

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52 minutes ago, Strontium said:

I don't think necrophilia should be legal, a dead person is still a person and still retains some of their personhood, and cannot give their consent.


Not quite sure what all this has to do with Keir Starmer.

I'm so tempted to get on Twitter and start some rumours now


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