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Keir Starmer


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16 minutes ago, Captain Willard said:

This is the absurd end point of libertarianism, you start off moaning about smoking bans and within 2 posts you inevitably end up defending bestiality and incest. 


I am fully aware that most people have been conditioned to believe that consenting adults in the privacy of their own home, partaking in activities that harm nobody else, should be restricted from doing so. There have been no shortage of petty moralists seeking to impose their morality upon other people throughout history, as millions of gay people can attest.

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1 hour ago, Captain Turdseye said:

My missus said to me that I qualify for some legal weed thing or other now. I thought about applying but it’s unfair on my current dealer. 

Fine for pain relief and tremors etc but they've taken the happy stuff out of it the bastards.

It's not that easy to get off them either from what I've heard.


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50 minutes ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:


It's the ones outside hospitals that I find bleakest. Some bloke standing in the cold, his gown flapping in the wind, puffing away whilst holding his own drip. 


The Royal is full of them. Always looks like the Jeremy Kyle show outside. People who look about 72 but are probably in their 30s in pyjamas with one leg smoking Marlborough lights. 

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30 minutes ago, Strontium said:


I am fully aware that most people have been conditioned to believe that consenting adults in the privacy of their own home, partaking in activities that harm nobody else, should be restricted from doing so. There have been no shortage of petty moralists seeking to impose their morality upon other people throughout history, as millions of gay people can attest.

consistency folks


It's just fucking extraordinary that a society would even conceive the concept of puberty blockers, as if puberty was a disease rather than a natural and necessary process.


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42 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


The Royal is full of them. Always looks like the Jeremy Kyle show outside. People who look about 72 but are probably in their 30s in pyjamas with one leg smoking Marlborough lights. 


That's ridiculous, at least go for JPS or Capstan Full Strength and be a man about it.

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1 hour ago, Strontium said:


I am fully aware that most people have been conditioned to believe that consenting adults in the privacy of their own home, partaking in activities that harm nobody else, should be restricted from doing so. There have been no shortage of petty moralists seeking to impose their morality upon other people throughout history, as millions of gay people can attest.



Don't go bringing Cliff Richard into it now.

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2 hours ago, Gnasher said:

Anyway. Labour "shaking off the fleas"







Knew some bird in London and she said her CLP was divided between, in her words, Asian landlords and centrists vs Momentum and gays.


Labour is a complex organism.

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59 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


Knew some bird in London and she said her CLP was divided between, in her words, Asian landlords and centrists vs Momentum and gays.


Labour is a complex organism.


Are these woman complex? Are they 'fleas'




My sisters mates. Liverpool, Cardiff. Oxford/London they are everything that's great about this country. 















the above are not "islamist extremists' they are are not 'fleas' they are the very best of us. How do you think they feel about the political rhetoric from our politicans?  






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1 hour ago, Section_31 said:


Knew some bird in London and she said her CLP was divided between, in her words, Asian landlords and centrists vs Momentum and gays.


Labour is a complex organism.


Are these woman complex? Are they 'fleas'




My sisters mates. Liverpool, Cardiff. They are everything that's great about this country.













they are not "islamist extremists' they are are not 'fleas' they are the best of us. 




America/Egypt/Liverpool.. the lady is the best of the best.  






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Under 25 benefit money is Under 10 quid a day and it nearly all goes straight back into the local economy. I don't think they save a lot. 



Cutting benefits always results in increased crime and social neglect. The jails are already full and the police won't want to know,  its a stick that's been tried and tried and tried with bad results. A fucking bonehead policy from a boneheaded politican. 



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A lot of them seem to hate everyone. In this order..








Paul Mason

The Gaurdian 


You actually very rarely ever hear them mention the Tories. The odd "Tory scum" when the mood takes, but there's no real specifics. 

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54 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

A lot of them seem to hate everyone. In this order..








Paul Mason

The Gaurdian 


You actually very rarely ever hear them mention the Tories. The odd "Tory scum" when the mood takes, but there's no real specifics. 


Not true with the girls I posted above. They my sisters friends so I'm

 not going to speak for them but I can say they met up on the Saturday after the Sunak Friday night announcement and they were far from impressed. Not impressed at all. 


We as a nation can't afford to lose talent like this. They are the best in their field throughout the world. Liverpool and Britain lucky to have her. She's a red and she's a lovely soul. Pushing the boundaries in cardiology. They all are. These are NOT Tories. The Labour movement should be defending them. Nishat, my sisters best friend was Labour member. 






We can't lose people like that. It would be criminal. For Liverpool and for the country  We all should defend them. As we should all our NHS staff. They're hard to replace.

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