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Keir Starmer


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2 minutes ago, Jennings said:

I am a bit of a fair weather follower of politics. I don’t know the stage and actors as well as most of you that joust in here. Whenever I see Galloway, I usually hear stuff that strikes a chord with me (celeb big bro stuff apart). I definitely see extremism - and I also hear views that challenge mainstream Middle East narrative. The loathing of him on here must be down to stuff I have missed. 

I was shocked that Griffin supported him.  To me they seem wildly opposed characters. 

without attacking me for my current understanding, can you share some of the cunty stuff on him?


genuine question. 

Took Russian money, lauded Hussain, refuses to recognise the Isreal State, climate change denier, supporter of Hizbollah, anti NATO, selective racist ect.


He’s willing to jump on things to further his own standing, whether he believes it or not.


He is just the lefts version of Farage, a political chancer who is very adept at knowing which way the wind is blowing.

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19 hours ago, Kepler-186 said:



The Thatcher tropes again. The promise of belt tightening for the bottom 80% whilst giving gilt edged guarantees to the 20% at the top. 


Thow in a bit of gaslighting by using the old Thatcher trick of equating household finances with the country's economy. It's bullshit and she knows it is. 






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2 hours ago, Jack the Sipper said:

Given Galloway's beliefs, never mind his personality and behaviour towards his opponents, I don't get why any socialist would have time for him these days. In terms of policies, there's a rizla paper between him and the Reform Party - Nick Griffin was celebrating his win last week. 



He seems to be disliked by both sides now.

I honestly haven't got a clue what he stands for anymore. 

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1 hour ago, Jairzinho said:

The likes of Galloway only ever have support when the main parties offer the public fuck all. 


Yep. The main story on both the BBC and world news for the past 4 months has been Gaza. Galloway is more in line with popular opinion on the issue than almost any English MP sitting in Westminster. On this issue it's not him who's the outsider it's them, which could make a few uncomfortable.

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4 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

He seems to be disliked by both sides now.

I honestly haven't got a clue what he stands for anymore. 


He stands against the genocide and ethnic cleansing seen on our tv screens every night. Which is what the leaders of our two main political parties should be standing against. It's why he won with ease. 

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1 minute ago, Gnasher said:


Yep. The main story on both the BBC and world news for the past 4 months has been Gaza. Galloway is more in line with popular opinion on the issue than almost any English MP sitting in Westminster. On this issue it's not him who's the outsider it's them, which could make a few uncomfortable.


Most people aren't arsed about Gaza to the same degree as people who get irate about it on Twitter. They're arsed to the same extent as they're arsed about, say, Ukraine, but not enough for it to shape how they vote in a general election when it comes down to stuff like the NHS, mortgages and schools. 


Galloway is good comedy but he's a pure opportunist like farage. He likes to bully people (even his language already about Sunak is Trumpian, "little Rishi Sunak"), juvenile and personal.


The idea that it's the start of some working class uprising is laughable, it's an Asian vote whipped up by someone who knows how to whip people up. It's like Tories voting against Ulez or potholes or whatnot.


The only silver lining is that it'll put into perspective how daft it is blaming gaza on starmer.


"So George you're in post now, how are you going to stop Israel".


"I will write to them, in the strongest possible terms, on portcullis letterheaded paper."

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9 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


Most people aren't arsed about Gaza to the same degree as people who get irate about it on Twitter. They're arsed to the same extent as they're arsed about, say, Ukraine, but not enough for it to shape how they vote in a general election when it comes down to stuff like the NHS, mortgages and schools. 


Galloway is good comedy but he's a pure opportunist like farage. He likes to bully people (even his language already about Sunak is Trumpian, "little Rishi Sunak"), juvenile and personal.


The idea that it's the start of some working class uprising is laughable, it's an Asian vote whipped up by someone who knows how to whip people up. It's like Tories voting against Ulez or potholes or whatnot.


The only silver lining is that it'll put into perspective how daft it is blaming gaza on starmer.


"So George you're in post now, how are you going to stop Israel".


"I will write to them, in the strongest possible terms, on portcullis letterheaded paper."


Millions have been marching on our streets and streets all over the world because of the events in Gaza.  I agree a general election vote is different and domestic policy takes precedent but unfortunately for the main parties if Galloway stands against austerity he'll be more in tune with the electorate on both domestic and foreign policy. 


As for your fatalistic last sentence. Democracy means giving someone your vote so your voice is heard in Parliament. Even if only for historical terms. Unless you just want to hear the side and that side only of the likes of Mark Regev and Ian Duncan Smith every week.  Their is a good reason freinds of Israel pay Labour MPs. 

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9 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

What a weird bastard, so what if Palestinians were in boats? 


I suspect Galloway isn't arsed about Palestine, he just hates Israel. There's a difference.


The problem with a lot of that stuff is the intersection between conspiracy fruits and religious zealots.


No one wants to say it, but the end of days prophecy is why America props up Israel, largely through the churches power Stateside, and conspiracy bellends clinging to Elders of Zion shit distort the reality further.


A world being torn apart because of an uppity Jew, 2000+ years ago, who challenged the established hegemony which led to the mother of all fairy tales.


We're a stupid fucking species.

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5 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

What a weird bastard, so what if Palestinians were in boats? 


I suspect Galloway isn't arsed about Palestine, he just hates Israel. There's a difference.


He's visited Gaza many times and was married to a Palestinian scientist for nine years. After which he married and had children with a lady from Lebanon so I'd suggest he might tbh. 

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9 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:


The problem with a lot of that stuff is the intersection between conspiracy fruits and religious zealots.


No one wants to say it, but the end of days prophecy is why America props up Israel, largely through the churches power Stateside, and conspiracy bellends clinging to Elders of Zion shit distort the reality further.


A world being torn apart because of an uppity Jew, 2000+ years ago, who challenged the established hegemony which led to the mother of all fairy tales.


We're a stupid fucking species.


Palestine has always attracted a hard core of mentalists, long before all this, people who weren't arsed about any other issue.


When I went to the Labour conference in 17 there was about 20 or so people outside with Palestinian flags, they all looked like Bill Oddie. 


And I just wondered what the fuck it had to do with anything.

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4 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


Palestine has always attracted a hard core of mentalists, long before all this, people who weren't arsed about any other issue.


When I went to the Labour conference in 17 there was about 20 or so people outside with Palestinian flags, they all looked like Bill Oddie. 


And I just wondered what the fuck it had to do with anything.

Symbolic of the struggle against oppression maybe? 

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9 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


Palestine has always attracted a hard core of mentalists, long before all this, people who weren't arsed about any other issue.


When I went to the Labour conference in 17 there was about 20 or so people outside with Palestinian flags, they all looked like Bill Oddie. 


And I just wondered what the fuck it had to do with anything.


There's a lot real about it, there's a lot fabricated.


It's catnip to the lost, weak of mind and disenfranchised.


The Al Aqsa Mosque being central to it all, which gives a 'realistic' position to rally around.


I'd like to live in a real and rational world and not one where people are willing to do uttely horrific things to fellow humans to demonstrate that they love their 'all loving, all knowing and all powerful' sky wizard more than the other bunch.

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1 minute ago, Bjornebye said:

Symbolic of the struggle against oppression maybe? 


No idea, maybe it's just trendy. 


What's going in is horrific and there's lots of people who're rightly outraged, but that hard core of cranks is ever present.


If you gatecrash a meeting of Ramsbottom parish Council demanding a ceasefire in Gaza you're mentally ill, I've no qualms about saying so at all.

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1 minute ago, Bruce Spanner said:


There's a lot real about it, there's a lot fabricated.


It's catnip to the lost, weak of mind and disenfranchised.


The Al Aqsa Mosque being central to it all.


I'd like to live in a real and ratinal world and not one where people are willing to do uttely horrific things to feloow humans to demonstrate that they love their 'all loving, all knowing and all powerful' sky wizard.


That's the bottom line. Religion as such isn't, but there's a core of people who take it literally. You've got folks talking about enslaving people in the afterlife, and others wearing 2000 year old fashions. That ain't gonna end well.

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1 minute ago, Section_31 said:


That's the bottom line. Religion as such isn't, but there's a core of people who take it literally. You've got folks talking about enslaving people in the afterlife, and others wearing 2000 year old fashions. That ain't gonna end well.


It is if you believe in the prophecies, damn the rest of us just trying to get on with our only go on the carousel.

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3 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


That's the bottom line. Religion as such isn't, but there's a core of people who take it literally. You've got folks talking about enslaving people in the afterlife, and others wearing 2000 year old fashions. That ain't gonna end well.

I’ve been watching a series on ITVx with a backdrop of Mormonism and it’s absolutely fucking bat-shit. Religion is scary enough but some people who are fully 100% convinced by it all are downright terrifying. 

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11 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

I’ve been watching a series on ITVx with a backdrop of Mormonism and it’s absolutely fucking bat-shit. Religion is scary enough but some people who are fully 100% convinced by it all are downright terrifying. 


Spawned a good film though. Witness, Harrison Ford. 

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34 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


No idea, maybe it's just trendy. 


What's going in is horrific and there's lots of people who're rightly outraged, but that hard core of cranks is ever present.


If you gatecrash a meeting of Ramsbottom parish Council demanding a ceasefire in Gaza you're mentally ill, I've no qualms about saying so at all.


Ramsbottom Parish Council have blood on their hands, just like Starmer.

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