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Liz fucking Truss then.....


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1 hour ago, Jack the Sipper said:

Bastani telling us how Truss had a clear vision for the economy, which puts her above that imbecile Starmer, when retweeting a post from Stats For Lefties telling us that the public thought she could better build a strong economy. Ah, thems was the days...



Is her "clear vision' to destroy it.?

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3 hours ago, Arniepie said:

Is her "clear vision' to destroy it.?


The fact he even says that, as if having a 'clear vision' in itself is an achievement, and something she's got over an opponent, so desperate was he to do Starmer down, even if it meant bigging up Liz Fucking Truss. What a cunt he was and is.


"Hitler, unlike Churchill, had a clear vision on the Jews (however much you dislike it)."

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  • 2 weeks later...

'Clough, Truss writes, “took over from Revie at the club in 1974. As dramatised in the film The Damned United, Clough tried to shake up the team and get them to play better … the players rebelled and Clough was sacked after just 44 days.


“In the final days of my premiership, I had said to my private secretary, Nick Catsaras: ‘If the Conservative party bin me after six weeks and I’m the Brian Clough of prime ministers, then so be it.’ I lasted 49 days.”'

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