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Liz fucking Truss then.....


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2 minutes ago, Toxteth O'Grady said:

She absolutely reeks of a middle England High School girl scorned.

Probably went on a school trip to Paris hoping and praying to get ridden by Chad Cholmondly-Chopper, the Captain of the Rugby team, who laughed at her as she was screaming "Pllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaase, you can even cum in my eyes".

Then, after 3 cans of Top Deck let Peter Crump, the dullest, ugliest lad on the trip, finger her and woke up feeling disgusted with herself and the world.

When she got home, she got her shit together, pulled up every nasty strand and fibre of her being up from her bootlaces after a lecture from her Tory parents about 'making her own way in the world and Conservatism as we know it being about ruthlessness and standing on your own two feet Elizabeth' and then decided that she was never, ever going to feel like that again and dedicate her life's work to being absolutely fucking horrible to as many people as possible.

She's probably followed the life of Peter Crump, has a picture of him as a screensaver and uses that memory to spur her on to incredible feats of abhorrence to people like him, probably after ruining his life completely.

The poor cunt is probably to this day wondering why every time he goes to Aldi that his debit card gets rejected.

She's likely got a carved wooden plaque on the wall of her office that says "The only fingering that gets done in England is by me".

The fucking useless, shit at life, bland, plain neurotic, unattractive at 40 odd idiot.


You make all that sound like a bad thing!

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38 minutes ago, Toxteth O'Grady said:

She absolutely reeks of a middle England High School girl scorned.

Probably went on a school trip to Paris hoping and praying to get ridden by Chad Cholmondly-Chopper, the Captain of the Rugby team, who laughed at her as she was screaming "Pllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaase, you can even cum in my eyes".

Then, after 3 cans of Top Deck let Peter Crump, the dullest, ugliest lad on the trip, finger her and woke up feeling disgusted with herself and the world.

When she got home, she got her shit together, pulled up every nasty strand and fibre of her being up from her bootlaces after a lecture from her Tory parents about 'making her own way in the world and Conservatism as we know it being about ruthlessness and standing on your own two feet Elizabeth' and then decided that she was never, ever going to feel like that again and dedicate her life's work to being absolutely fucking horrible to as many people as possible.

She's probably followed the life of Peter Crump, has a picture of him as a screensaver and uses that memory to spur her on to incredible feats of abhorrence to people like him, probably after ruining his life completely.

The poor cunt is probably to this day wondering why every time he goes to Aldi that his debit card gets rejected.

She's likely got a carved wooden plaque on the wall of her office that says "The only fingering that gets done in England is by me".

The fucking useless, shit at life, bland, plain neurotic, unattractive at 40 odd idiot.


Seems plausible, especially as she started off as a Lib Dem.

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Just called for the abolition of the Supream Court.


'We should abolish it. Another important change, which I didn’t fully appreciate until I became lord chancellor, was the fact that previously the lord chancellor was appointed by the prime minister and was responsible for appointing senior judges. Now, who appoints the senior judges?


It’s a quango, it is the Judicial Appointments Commission and what de facto happens is the judiciary have become a self-perpetuating oligarchy because the current lord chief justice has a lot of say over who his or her successor is. So what we’ve done is created a system that has undermined the core of the British Constitution, which is parliamentary sovereignty.'


Goin' out with a bang is Liz.

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7 minutes ago, Redder Lurtz said:

Who the hell is she actually appealing to? Just been watching her interview on BBC. What an absolute batshit fucking arsehole she is. 

absolute nap she has got some lunatic right wing, mentalist think tank funding her 

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16 minutes ago, Redder Lurtz said:

Who the hell is she actually appealing to? Just been watching her interview on BBC. What an absolute batshit fucking arsehole she is. 

You’ve almost answered your own question. 

This batshit arsehole is appealing to batshit arseholes. There’s a good few of them about. Unfortunately she also fucked a few of them over during her stint as PM so doubt she’ll get a huge amount of support.


For now anyway…

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1 hour ago, Arniepie said:

Behind a paywall but the headline made me laugh.



Liz Truss wants to abolish the UN

Former prime minister also hits out at forces she claims ‘undermined’ her unprecedentedly short term in No 10


How did they do that then? They didn't tank the economy.  Why is the world so full of massive cunts these days? 

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24 minutes ago, Pete said:

Behind a paywall but the headline made me laugh.

How did they do that then? They didn't tank the economy.  Why is the world so full of massive cunts these days? 

she wants to abolish the un,leave the ehcr and to bin every singe eu law.

you can see why she is getting huge coverage

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I think there's some Machiavellian plan at play by 'the left' to simply let these people talk as much as possible. The more her, Braverman and their ilk talk, the more people  think they're helmets. 


It didn't work with Trump because the yanks are nuts, by and large though it seems to work here. 

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43 minutes ago, Anubis said:

She’s going on about the London Elite in that interview, but obviously forgets how she did a round robin of local radio station interviews and got absolutely destroyed in each and every one of them.

I've only been London about 4 times so it was surprising to find I was a member of the London elite.

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