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Liz fucking Truss then.....


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29 minutes ago, littletedwest said:

The fleas stuff is funny


She's having very not so subtle digs about 'if you lay with dogs...' I think.


The other comment about her getting on with the job while everyone else is jockying for the big job is astounding as she was the first out of the blocks with her 'Fizz with Liz' Tufton bashes.


Still to this day my favourite quote about Truss is when she's thinking about running for leader and asks one of her advisors, paraphrasing, 'But I'm weird and have no friends, can you fix that?' amazing that that utter fucking goon became the leader of the UK.

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38 minutes ago, littletedwest said:

The fleas stuff is funny


We have a member of the forum who has come into close contact with Boris Johnson's dogs (not me, before some wag suggests it), I wonder if they could enlighten us about the fleas.

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13 hours ago, Section_31 said:

I genuinely laughed out loud at this, absolutely amazing. 


They couldn't find any economists to talk about my economic plans because it was far too beyond them.





I think she means they couldn’t find any sane people to understand what she was doing.

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She absolutely reeks of a middle England High School girl scorned.

Probably went on a school trip to Paris hoping and praying to get ridden by Chad Cholmondly-Chopper, the Captain of the Rugby team, who laughed at her as she was screaming "Pllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaase, you can even cum in my eyes".

Then, after 3 cans of Top Deck let Peter Crump, the dullest, ugliest lad on the trip, finger her and woke up feeling disgusted with herself and the world.

When she got home, she got her shit together, pulled up every nasty strand and fibre of her being up from her bootlaces after a lecture from her Tory parents about 'making her own way in the world and Conservatism as we know it being about ruthlessness and standing on your own two feet Elizabeth' and then decided that she was never, ever going to feel like that again and dedicate her life's work to being absolutely fucking horrible to as many people as possible.

She's probably followed the life of Peter Crump, has a picture of him as a screensaver and uses that memory to spur her on to incredible feats of abhorrence to people like him, probably after ruining his life completely.

The poor cunt is probably to this day wondering why every time he goes to Aldi that his debit card gets rejected.

She's likely got a carved wooden plaque on the wall of her office that says "The only fingering that gets done in England is by me".

The fucking useless, shit at life, bland, plain neurotic, unattractive at 40 odd idiot.

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