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Liz fucking Truss then.....


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On 13/04/2024 at 12:55, Tj hooker said:

Fucking hell 



On 13/04/2024 at 12:58, Creator Supreme said:

That has to be a parody, surely.


On 13/04/2024 at 12:58, Tj hooker said:

Apparently not 

No chance that one is real 

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Funny that during her 10 years+ in government serving across multiple senior roles this free marketeering cabbage never mentioned the blob or left wing civil service conspiracy. Only after being PM where she drove everyone's mortgages through the roof, nearly crashed the pensions sector and spooked the free market was this conspiracy revealed to her.

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25 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:

It was Blair all along, silly us...


Just fire these useless, mental, cunts into the fucking sun.


Is that the same sort of narrative as framing a global financial crisis as entirely Labour's fault to assume power for 15 years in the first place?

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11 minutes ago, clangers said:

Is that the same sort of narrative as framing a global financial crisis as entirely Labour's fault to assume power for 15 years in the first place?


I think that the argument runs that Blair bloated and gave powers to the 'blob', or 'deep state', meaning politicians have no power now and are at the whim of a bunch of middle aged women called Cath in HR, and Brown destroyed the economy to such a degree that we are only now emerging from the catastrophic failings, meaning that the Conservatives have been hobbled since day one, and still are if you listen to Big Liz.


What we need to do, according to her, is hollow out the already hollowed out Civil Service, Judiciary, independant depts that hold to account, remove the Bank of Englands independence, remove transparency and the codes of ethics, further distance ourselves from the EU, remove ourselves from the ECHR and deregulate everything her paymasters want.


Would have been quicker to to say some rancid cunts want to rinse the UK and remove workers right to the point where Rees Mogg feels like he's actually living in the right century.

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I've never really got this portrayal of the LibDems as this wet, nicey nicey left of centre party full of well-meaning sandal wearers who think Labour's a bit too centrist/right-wing/Nazi, not when even in recent years it's been a breeding ground for the likes for Truss, Clegg, Laws, Cable, and Strontium.

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35 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:


I think that the argument runs that Blair bloated and gave powers to the 'blob', or 'deep state', meaning politicians have no power now and are at the whim of a bunch of middle aged women called Cath in HR, and Brown destroyed the economy to such a degree that we are only now emerging from the catastrophic failings, meaning that the Conservatives have been hobbled since day one, and still are if you listen to Big Liz.


What we need to do, according to her, is hollow out the already hollowed out Civil Service, Judiciary, independant depts that hold to account, remove the Bank of Englands independence, remove transparency and the codes of ethics, further distance ourselves from the EU, remove ourselves from the ECHR and deregulate everything her paymasters want.


Would have been quicker to to say some rancid cunts want to rinse the UK and remove workers right to the point where Rees Mogg feels like he's actually living in the right century.

Thanks, I get that. If they'd made that argument back in 2010 it might seem reasonable however after 15 years in power......


They're just desperate to avoid any personal responsibility even to the point of inventing fantasy conspiracies.


They might as well be blaming Arthur Scargill.

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