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Family Strife


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16 hours ago, tokyojoe said:

Here comes fucking Christmas. Her Indoors has said she's having her lot here which will involve vile niece (bint) and twat of a boyfriend (cockney wanker) in attendance. Those of you who have paid attention to my previous posts on various Christmas threads will know the dread I face.


(This is September the 2nd and I've already seen some ads.)


Two hopeful outcomes here.


1/ A certain sporting event takes place in which people are able to attend and I can sort a ticket and fuck off to Liverpool.


2/ Another lockdown.


Otherwise I am almost certainly going to be on a murder charge.

The missus and her ex have shared (50/50) custody off the boys. 

Last year they had the boys one day each on Christmas Day/Boxing Day. 

Her ex has now booked to take them to Ireland from the 23rd to the 28th. 

It doesn’t matter how supportive I try to be I’m gonna get fall out from her selfish ex cunt. 

Fuck Christmas. 

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  • 5 months later...

Haven't spoken to my brother for 10 years now. My best mate was in his year in school and bumped into him a few weeks back in Tesco's. 


He was ridiculously cagey about telling my mate anything about his personal circumstances, where he was living, working and whether he has a bird or not. Obviously worried that my mate will tell me anything about him. I couldn't care less what he knows about me so I'm wondering why he is being so super secretive.


He's quite active on Facebook as he hasnt worked out either to do his security settings or blocked me but even still never says anything about his personal life, just posts endless shit jokes or comments on other peoples posts that I'm friends with.


I bought a house with my brother years ago and he tried to shaft me over buying me out. Last time I drove past it a few years ago all the windows were boarded up and it was being sold at an auction. 


Weirdly they've agreed to go for a drink once the pub opens which will just be odd seeing as he is acting like someone in the Witness Protection Program.


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  • 4 months later...

My lads Mum passed away over 6 yrs ago leaving everything to him as he was an only child he was 20 when she died so the money was put into a  trust until he turned 30 , anyway the trustees decided as he's a sensible lad to unlock the funds last year so he could buy his own place which he duly did and possibly buy himself a little buisness which he's still looking for he's not wasting it , we've had that conversation and he knows my views on the matter .


The problem we have is my bloody sister who we have had no contact with for nearly 10 years now we are both very happy with this and if I never saw her again it wouldn't bother either of us .


She still has contact with my brother as we do , my lad is very close to his uncle and always includes him on anything we do , this sister of mine never stops slagging myself and my son off at any possible opportunity and quite frankly its starting to boil my piss I've discussed the possibility of sending her a solicitors letter and possible slander action but i doubt very much if we'd make much headway with either. 


She and her immediate family are a pretty obnoxious bunch who never stop giving my brother any kind of grief,  he's quite placid and goes along with it for a " peaceful " life thankfully they live in Liverpool now while we are in North Wales which is excellent as far as were concerned 


Any advice would be helpful 

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3 minutes ago, Tj hooker said:

My lads Mum passed away over 6 yrs ago leaving everything to him as he was an only child he was 20 when she died so the money was put into a  trust until he turned 30 , anyway the trustees decided as he's a sensible lad to unlock the funds last year so he could buy his own place which he duly did and possibly buy himself a little buisness which he's still looking for he's not wasting it , we've had that conversation and he knows my views on the matter .


The problem we have is my bloody sister who we have had no contact with for nearly 10 years now we are both very happy with this and if I never saw her again it wouldn't bother either of us .


She still has contact with my brother as we do , my lad is very close to his uncle and always includes him on anything we do , this sister of mine never stops slagging myself and my son off at any possible opportunity and quite frankly its starting to boil my piss I've discussed the possibility of sending her a solicitors letter and possible slander action but i doubt very much if we'd make much headway with either. 


She and her immediate family are a pretty obnoxious bunch who never stop giving my brother any kind of grief,  he's quite placid and goes along with it for a " peaceful " life thankfully they live in Liverpool now while we are in North Wales which is excellent as far as were concerned 


Any advice would be helpful 

Don’t make a solicitor richer. 

Hope you manage to sort it but I think you’ll only ever be able to ignore it.  

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1 minute ago, Colonel Kurtz said:

I wouldn’t involve a lawyer. If she’s not contacting you or your son directly, no point. The courts won’t  intervene to stop her slagging you off to a third party, only if she is directly harassing either of you. I’d just ignore it. 

She knows if she did that I'd absolutely slaughter her and tell her to fuck off,  its amazing really she loves sticking her nose into other people's business .

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12 minutes ago, Tj hooker said:

My lads Mum passed away over 6 yrs ago leaving everything to him as he was an only child he was 20 when she died so the money was put into a  trust until he turned 30 , anyway the trustees decided as he's a sensible lad to unlock the funds last year so he could buy his own place which he duly did and possibly buy himself a little buisness which he's still looking for he's not wasting it , we've had that conversation and he knows my views on the matter .


The problem we have is my bloody sister who we have had no contact with for nearly 10 years now we are both very happy with this and if I never saw her again it wouldn't bother either of us .


She still has contact with my brother as we do , my lad is very close to his uncle and always includes him on anything we do , this sister of mine never stops slagging myself and my son off at any possible opportunity and quite frankly its starting to boil my piss I've discussed the possibility of sending her a solicitors letter and possible slander action but i doubt very much if we'd make much headway with either. 


She and her immediate family are a pretty obnoxious bunch who never stop giving my brother any kind of grief,  he's quite placid and goes along with it for a " peaceful " life thankfully they live in Liverpool now while we are in North Wales which is excellent as far as were concerned 


Any advice would be helpful 

You’ve got two options.

One. Carry on as you are. Ignore it, try your best to not let it stress you out.  

Two. Ring her up. Say “Do you know what? You are one spiteful cunt. Get fucked.” Then carry on as you are, ignore it, try your best to not let it stress you out. 

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Is this all because his mum left him some money? You’ve got two choices really, either ignore her as Kurtz said, or just tell her to shut the fuck up. Actually, there is a third way. Find some charity event her child has done, then get your son to do the same and fundraise on here so that he smashes her kid’s effort out of the ball park (a la Champ’s son).

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1 minute ago, Captain Turdseye said:

You’ve got two options.

One. Carry on as you are. Ignore it, try your best to not let it stress you out.  

Two. Ring her up. Say “Do you know what? You are one spiteful cunt. Get fucked.” Then carry on as you are, ignore it, try your best to not let it stress you out. 

Thanks pal I like your 2nd suggestion I might go down that route 

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1 minute ago, Anubis said:

Is this all because his mum left him some money? You’ve got two choices really, either ignore her as Kurtz said, or just tell her to shut the fuck off. Actually, there is a third way. Find some charity event her child has done, then get your son to do the same and fundraise on here so that he smashes her kid’s effort out of the ball park (a la Champ’s son).

Yeah it's all down to money they are the type to plead poverty over everything,  the latest cost saving is not using the A/C in the car as it costs I'm not kidding either I could list about a dozen more like this like charging my brother £5 for a Sunday dinner when they lived close to each other .

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25 minutes ago, Tj hooker said:

My lads Mum passed away over 6 yrs ago leaving everything to him as he was an only child he was 20 when she died so the money was put into a  trust until he turned 30 , anyway the trustees decided as he's a sensible lad to unlock the funds last year so he could buy his own place which he duly did and possibly buy himself a little buisness which he's still looking for he's not wasting it , we've had that conversation and he knows my views on the matter .


The problem we have is my bloody sister who we have had no contact with for nearly 10 years now we are both very happy with this and if I never saw her again it wouldn't bother either of us .


She still has contact with my brother as we do , my lad is very close to his uncle and always includes him on anything we do , this sister of mine never stops slagging myself and my son off at any possible opportunity and quite frankly its starting to boil my piss I've discussed the possibility of sending her a solicitors letter and possible slander action but i doubt very much if we'd make much headway with either. 


She and her immediate family are a pretty obnoxious bunch who never stop giving my brother any kind of grief,  he's quite placid and goes along with it for a " peaceful " life thankfully they live in Liverpool now while we are in North Wales which is excellent as far as were concerned 


Any advice would be helpful 

We have relatives in our family who are pure poison, always trying to poke their noses in and generally causing bother within the family.


We found the best course of action is to just ignore them, don't feed them what they thrive on which is generally the advice given in here.

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3 minutes ago, Harry's Lad said:

We have relatives in our family who are pure poison, always trying to poke their noses in and generally causing bother within the family.


We found the best course of action is to just ignore them, don't feed them what they thrive on which is generally the advice given in here.


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16 minutes ago, Tj hooker said:

Yeah it's all down to money they are the type to plead poverty over everything,  the latest cost saving is not using the A/C in the car as it costs I'm not kidding either I could list about a dozen more like this like charging my brother £5 for a Sunday dinner when they lived close to each other .


Anubis(Paul) is actually a solicitor, by the way.

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2 hours ago, Tj hooker said:

My lads Mum passed away over 6 yrs ago leaving everything to him as he was an only child he was 20 when she died so the money was put into a  trust until he turned 30 , anyway the trustees decided as he's a sensible lad to unlock the funds last year so he could buy his own place which he duly did and possibly buy himself a little buisness which he's still looking for he's not wasting it , we've had that conversation and he knows my views on the matter .


The problem we have is my bloody sister who we have had no contact with for nearly 10 years now we are both very happy with this and if I never saw her again it wouldn't bother either of us .


She still has contact with my brother as we do , my lad is very close to his uncle and always includes him on anything we do , this sister of mine never stops slagging myself and my son off at any possible opportunity and quite frankly its starting to boil my piss I've discussed the possibility of sending her a solicitors letter and possible slander action but i doubt very much if we'd make much headway with either. 


She and her immediate family are a pretty obnoxious bunch who never stop giving my brother any kind of grief,  he's quite placid and goes along with it for a " peaceful " life thankfully they live in Liverpool now while we are in North Wales which is excellent as far as were concerned 


Any advice would be helpful 

Would just keep doing what you're doing mate and steer well clear. 

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2 hours ago, Tj hooker said:

My lads Mum passed away over 6 yrs ago leaving everything to him as he was an only child he was 20 when she died so the money was put into a  trust until he turned 30 , anyway the trustees decided as he's a sensible lad to unlock the funds last year so he could buy his own place which he duly did and possibly buy himself a little buisness which he's still looking for he's not wasting it , we've had that conversation and he knows my views on the matter .


The problem we have is my bloody sister who we have had no contact with for nearly 10 years now we are both very happy with this and if I never saw her again it wouldn't bother either of us .


She still has contact with my brother as we do , my lad is very close to his uncle and always includes him on anything we do , this sister of mine never stops slagging myself and my son off at any possible opportunity and quite frankly its starting to boil my piss I've discussed the possibility of sending her a solicitors letter and possible slander action but i doubt very much if we'd make much headway with either. 


She and her immediate family are a pretty obnoxious bunch who never stop giving my brother any kind of grief,  he's quite placid and goes along with it for a " peaceful " life thankfully they live in Liverpool now while we are in North Wales which is excellent as far as were concerned 


Any advice would be helpful 

Yeah, as most people said, don't do anything and ignore.


Take it from someone who enjoys trying to get under certain people's skin, the most annoying thing is when they genuinely don't care. If she hates you and you blow up at her or do something, she'll feed off the fact that she made you do that. 

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I’d forgotten about this thread. Anyway it was her Indoor’s (hereinafter referred to as HI) birthday last month and it was arranged for some of us to go out for lunch.


Those of you who have seen my posts on the various Christmas threads will be familiar with Bint and Cockney Wanker. Bint is HI’s niece from the pit of hell and as the aforementioned outing was discussed between HI and Bint’s mum the latter delivered a fait accompli. Shall we invite Bint? Very rhetorical question. So as I was not present I had to look forward to the brain dead parasite’s attendance.


Bint turns up late. No apologies to anyone. Brings a carrier bag full of wrapped presents for HI to have the dramatic effect (which turned out be tat anyway) with the attitude which clearly said ‘aren’t you all delighted to see me’. She wanted us all to hear about Cockney Wanker’s business, a tin pot printers in Epsom. This was during the Euros and wanker was making a load of blag T-shirts etc with the 3 Lions emblem which of course is under copyright. She then continued with more trivia.


Anyway after eating I go up to settle the bill for all six of us. I came out of the pub and I hadn’t left a tip because I’d put it on a card. The others, bar one (guess who) leave some change on the table quite generously. They all thanked me for the meal. Well, not exactly all.


News we hear a few days later is that wanker had been selling his shite to quite a few of the local gippos. Seems the travelling folk weren’t too happy with the goods delivered as they broke into the company van, nicked a load of printing gear from it and threatened to twat 10 pounds of shit out of him.


In August another happy family gathering awaits. HI’s cousin is coming down from Yorkshire (we’re in Herts) and all are going except me. This is a mutual agreement between HI and me as Wanker and Bint will be in attendance. HI doesn’t want me getting done for splattering their blood all over the walls. The lovely couple have a habit of turning up for these occasions and never pay a fucking penny. Also the visitors from Whippet land had their engagement party to which we were ‘invited’ at a pub that used to be a haunt of mine. This event was probably about 10 years ago. Nice meal, probably about 20 or so of us. Then comes time to settle up. We all had to put our hands in our pocket. Some invite.


I’m not sure if it has been communicated to Cockney Wanker that he is on borrowed time with me for singing ‘sign on, sign on’ the first time I’d met the cunt. Nothing happened because it was at HI’s mum’s birthday bash and there is no way I would have caused an upset. If he is unaware he will have quite a rude awakening. HI has the sense to keep me at bay.


Anyway another spectacular we’ve both swerved is Bint’s 50th later this year to celebrate such a joyous period of her not having done a day’s work in her miserable existence. She’d be so welcome in the monarchy.


HI knows how I feel and agrees with me. But dare we say anything to the others? What do you think?


Thing is it will all fucking explode one day as the considerable restraint I have shown with Bint over the years is at breaking point. Endless snidy, sarcastic digs. Unprovoked. Worst was when HI was at home KO’d due to chemo (she’s good now) and everyone was running around doing everything they could. Except Bint. She just sat on her lazy fat arse across the road and did fuck all. It had always been obvious that if she picked up with anyone he would be an utter wanker. Spot on.


When I do loose it (and I will one day) guess who’s fault it will be?


Sorry for the long post. Rant over. For now anyway.


You can choose your friends…...

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3 hours ago, Tj hooker said:

My lads Mum passed away over 6 yrs ago leaving everything to him as he was an only child he was 20 when she died so the money was put into a  trust until he turned 30 , anyway the trustees decided as he's a sensible lad to unlock the funds last year so he could buy his own place which he duly did and possibly buy himself a little buisness which he's still looking for he's not wasting it , we've had that conversation and he knows my views on the matter .


The problem we have is my bloody sister who we have had no contact with for nearly 10 years now we are both very happy with this and if I never saw her again it wouldn't bother either of us .


She still has contact with my brother as we do , my lad is very close to his uncle and always includes him on anything we do , this sister of mine never stops slagging myself and my son off at any possible opportunity and quite frankly its starting to boil my piss I've discussed the possibility of sending her a solicitors letter and possible slander action but i doubt very much if we'd make much headway with either. 


She and her immediate family are a pretty obnoxious bunch who never stop giving my brother any kind of grief,  he's quite placid and goes along with it for a " peaceful " life thankfully they live in Liverpool now while we are in North Wales which is excellent as far as were concerned 


Any advice would be helpful 

If I’m reading this right, you and your son don’t have any direct contact with your sister but you hear what she says about you from your brother? 
If your brother still has a relationship with your sister and is prepared to accept the consequences of this for himself maybe the most you can do is to tell him you don’t want to hear what she’s saying about you and your boy any more and try to accept that your brother is going to continue to see her and her family whatever your feelings are about them

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3 minutes ago, Champ said:

If I’m reading this right, you and your son don’t have any direct contact with your sister but you hear what she says about you from your brother? 
If your brother still has a relationship with your sister and is prepared to accept the consequences of this for himself maybe the most you can do is to tell him you don’t want to hear what she’s saying about you and your boy any more and try to accept that your brother is going to continue to see her and her family whatever your feelings are about them

Yeah correct Cath we hear what she says about both of us from my brother.  

The thing is Cath the more she and her family badger my brother the more alienated he's becoming,  Were going away in October { fingers crossed obviously} and they have a key for his bungalow he's going to change the locks the day before we leave because he can't trust them not  to encamp to his house and treat it like they own it which means abuse it .

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