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Guest ShoePiss

I didn't understand why we brought him back in December at the time. The club said it was due to the Lucas injury even though it's not a position he can play, last I knew Lucas wasn't back from injury so what's the deal?


Anyway hopefully he continues to grow as a player and this move is of benefit to him.

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I didn't understand why we brought him back in December at the time. The club said it was due to the Lucas injury even though it's not a position he can play, last I knew Lucas wasn't back from injury so what's the deal?


Anyway hopefully he continues to grow as a player and this move is of benefit to him.


Spearing and Gerrard were both injured.

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Guest ShoePiss
Yeah he was and I think Grout was right Spearing was injured, he then came back and got suspended.


He wasn't injured mate but anyway, I wish Shelvey well and hope it comes back improved again.

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He was brought back as cover. Which was understandable in the circumstances. Now we've got everyone back (bar Lucas, obviously) i can understand him going back out to get some games.


I'd prefer him in the team before Henderson and Downing personally, but as he didn't cost £13m+ i can appreciate he gets to take a back seat. I think he will be far more important in the future for us, than the aforementioned duo, so lets see what he can do, again, in the first team somewhere else instead of sitting on the bench here.

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Am I right in thinking that Boro are near the top of the Championship? If he gets to play, I imagine it'll do him the world of good playing regularly in a team full of confidence. The lad definitely has talent, he just needs some first team game time and some guidance to show it.

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Guest ShoePiss
Am I right in thinking that Boro are near the top of the Championship? If he gets to play, I imagine it'll do him the world of good playing regularly in a team full of confidence. The lad definitely has talent, he just needs some first team game time and some guidance to show it.


Yeah they're in with a play off chance, pretty tight at the top half of the table so it should be a great experience for him.

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Should've stayed at Blackpool really. They seemed to have found a system that suited him and actually had him as an important member of the first team which meant he could learn to deal with the pressure of having to perform in most games and also get regular first team games in the same position.


Its hard to see him getting a look in at Boro in his favoured position when their preferred formation is 4-4-2.

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Guest ShoePiss
Should've stayed at Blackpool really. They seemed to have found a system that suited him and actually had him as an important member of the first team which meant he could learn to deal with the pressure of having to perform in most games and also get regular first team games in the same position.


Its hard to see him getting a look in at Boro in his favoured position when their preferred formation is 4-4-2.


I don't know how it works but surely the club have some assurances that he's going to get first team football? Otherwise he'd be better off staying with us.

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Am I in the minority here in thinking this is about his level?


Never have I seen a player so hyped and also seemingly for no reason thought by millions to be a centre midfeilder when he is either a slow wideman or classic AM and not much use in either role at the top level due to his slow speed, erratic shooting and headless chicken approach to footy. I really get baffled by it all. Having said that he seems to have done well on his time out on loan and I am judging him on his limited first team time, some of which covered the Hodgson period.


Still, baffling as a BAFTA smoking a bifta in the bath.

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Am I in the minority here in thinking this is about his level?


Never have I seen a player so hyped and also seemingly for no reason thought by millions to be a centre midfeilder when he is either a slow wideman or classic AM and not much use in either role at the top level due to his slow speed, erratic shooting and headless chicken approach to footy. I really get baffled by it all. Having said that he seems to have done well on his time out on loan and I am judging him on his limited first team time, some of which covered the Hodgson period.


Still, baffling as a BAFTA smoking a bifta in the bath.


You may be right and I have felt something similar, I would love to blend him and Henderson in one big blender, we would have one hell of a player.

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Am I in the minority here in thinking this is about his level?


Never have I seen a player so hyped and also seemingly for no reason thought by millions to be a centre midfeilder when he is either a slow wideman or classic AM and not much use in either role at the top level due to his slow speed, erratic shooting and headless chicken approach to footy. I really get baffled by it all. Having said that he seems to have done well on his time out on loan and I am judging him on his limited first team time, some of which covered the Hodgson period.


Still, baffling as a BAFTA smoking a bifta in the bath.


Don't think people are hyping him, just saying he's better than Henderson (although admittedly that doesn't take much...) - which at the moment its difficult to disagree with

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Am I in the minority here in thinking this is about his level?


Never have I seen a player so hyped and also seemingly for no reason thought by millions to be a centre midfeilder when he is either a slow wideman or classic AM and not much use in either role at the top level due to his slow speed, erratic shooting and headless chicken approach to footy. I really get baffled by it all. Having said that he seems to have done well on his time out on loan and I am judging him on his limited first team time, some of which covered the Hodgson period.


Still, baffling as a BAFTA smoking a bifta in the bath.

He's 19 or so. Many a player has gone before getting slaughtered only to prove they are worth the place. Give the ad a chance. Loaning out is the modern equivalent of the old ressies now they are basically a youth team.

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