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Guest Numero Veinticinco

Recitfy is about a fella who got off death row after 19 years. The dialogue is quite good and its been renewed for a second season.


Amantha is top quality. So is Tawney.

Seen it all now. Good show, great flange.

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Guest Numero Veinticinco

Rectify is back tonight.

Is that the one with the guy who got out of prison? Edit: fucking hell. Just looked above.

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Same here mate. I watched the first series of Fargo in two days and now cant find anything else I fancy watching.

Fargo is fucking brilliant. still got the final episode to watch. just started watching black sails and Turn. they've both started alright, although not as instantly addictive as Fargo.


I see the final season of true blood kicked off last night too. HBO have something new coming along which I can't remember the name of too.

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The Leftovers is the new HBO one. I've seen a few people prejudging it as shit because the guy from Lost is involved in making it but I think it could be decent.


Southland is alright, deffo worth a watch but not in the same league as something like The Shield.


Suits has just started again, do you watch that Elite? What about The Americans? The Bridge? Banshee? Elementary? Californication? Hell on wheels? Archer? The League? Legit? American Horror Story? Veep? Hannibal? (think that's overrated myself )


Loads of great shows out there, I just struggle to fit them all in.

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The Leftovers is the new HBO one. I've seen a few people prejudging it as shit because the guy from Lost is involved in making it but I think it could be decent.


Southland is alright, deffo worth a watch but not in the same league as something like The Shield.


Suits has just started again, do you watch that Elite? What about The Americans? The Bridge? Banshee? Elementary? Californication? Hell on wheels? Archer? The League? Legit? American Horror Story? Veep? Hannibal? (think that's overrated myself )


Loads of great shows out there, I just struggle to fit them all in.

I couldn't get into Suits and Hell on Wheels.


Don't fancy The Americans or Californication and I have seen Banshee and AHS.

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Fargo is fucking brilliant. still got the final episode to watch. just started watching black sails and Turn. they've both started alright, although not as instantly addictive as Fargo.


I see the final season of true blood kicked off last night too. HBO have something new coming along which I can't remember the name of too.

Already seen all of black sails and turn mate.Agree wiith you about Fargo being superb and I also thought Turn was great to,black sails for me started well but then became a bit a bit slow.

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Is Sons of Anarchy worth watching? I watched the first episode and enjoyed it, but I'm not sure if my time would be better spent watching Justified, Battlestar Galactica, House of Cards or even Orange is the new Black.

I wish I was one of these people who could watch everything but I'm more of a 'Pick a show and watch the lot' kind of guy. 

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