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US shows recommendations

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In dire need of a new show or two to watch. Started Deadwood but I can't get in to it; I'd rather watch it once a week one telly than sit through multiple episodes as I found it to be really slow.


I like having a comedy and a more serious show to watch. I've obviously seen The Wire and The Sopranos, in fact I'm pretty sure I've seen the most obvious ones, so here's a list of the most recent shows I've finishing watching/am up to date with: Archer, Parks & Rec, Community, New Girl, Breaking Bad, Homeland, Walking Dead, Sons Of Anarchy, Boardwalk Empire, Arrested Development, Curb Your Enthusiasm.


There are definitely more that I've forgot, but that's the benchmark. I will be temporarily forever grateful for anyone who helps out.

If you havent seen it then I think you would like Lilyhammer.

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Is it out? I watched the trailer and thought I'd give it a shot. It's got Hayden Pantreriebfjvbeibier in it, so that's some solid perving at the very least. I'll definitely give it a go when it first comes out for download. I give most US pilot/first episodes a go. If I don't like them, I fuck them off sharpish. I really didn't like the acting or screenwriting in Arrow, though.


EDIT: Just seen tht it's already on the download sites. I'll download and watch it at some point.


Was Nashville any good?


Only just seen this, mate. I thought the pilot for Nashville was a bit dodgy, but watched the next couple just to look at The Cheerleader. Quite enjoyed them, but they're not 'good'. It's not anomething I'd recommend to somebody who knows their shows.


Read quite a few things which suggest Nashville is going to be good, so I'm a bit surprised by your assessment.


It's hard to tell after just three episodes, isn't it. I do like the Hayden Panawatsit's character, but the other lead isn't all that interesting yet.


Still, I'm still watching it. I guess that says something.


I was deleting a whole load of shows on my V+ and found that it had recorded Nashville for whatever reason. I can only assume that it's because Boss was being shown on the same channel a few weeks back, and the V+ has decided to confuse itself.


Basically, it had 3 episodes recorded so I watched them just to see what it is like, and then I watched tonight's episode. Country music is certainly not my thing and the show does have an element of American soap about it at times, but it's very slick and actually watchable. 'Enjoyable' would be stretching it a bit, but it's definitely watchable, if not something I'd follow.


The woman who plays Hayden Panettiere's character's assistant helper person is pretty damn fit, but I don't know who she is or if she's been in anything else. She seems the type who would play either the killer, the killer's wife/girlfriend or the victim in an episode of CSI Miami.

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