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US shows recommendations

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Came in here to strongly recommend that people start watching The Americans which is written by a former CIA operative and is about two KGB agents working undercover in America in the 1980s. There have only been three episodes but it's a perfect storm of a very interesting subject, a capable cast, good writers(Adam Arkin is producing, Justified's showrunner is an Executive producer and Thomas Schlamme, who is Sorkin's director of choice, directed the last episode) and a network who will give the show every chance. It's already really good.


Loved the first three. There is just so much potential to come from what they've already given us.

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Came in here to strongly recommend that people start watching The Americans which is written by a former CIA operative and is about two KGB agents working undercover in America in the 1980s. There have only been three episodes but it's a perfect storm of a very interesting subject, a capable cast, good writers(Adam Arkin is producing, Justified's showrunner is an Executive producer and Thomas Schlamme, who is Sorkin's director of choice, directed the last episode) and a network who will give the show every chance. It's already really good.




Watched the first season after picking up a netflix account for House of Cards(which is worthy of a watch, too) and it was really good. Season two is proving elusive to track down as all the links just go to episodes from season one.


I watched The League, which was the first comedy I've seen since I put down Seinfeld, and it's really funny. The first episodes would draw most people in. Also started Chuck which is a lot more entertaining than I thought it would be; it's silly as hell, but still enjoyable. I finished Magic City last month, that was decentish; about a 7/10.

Liked the pilot but thats it.

Watched all of them up to now and thats it for me.

Its suppose to be set in the 80s yet it looks and feels like the 60s early 70s.

Just dosent work for me its a mish mash of all them 60s and 70s programs like man from uncle and man in a suitcase and unfortunatly dosent pull it off.

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Finally got round to watching Lilyhammer its pretty good so far think i'm 6 episodes in.


Also rattled through The League - superb. Raffi is an amazing character.

Lilyhammer is one of them gems in the fact it isnt one of the major series being shouted about from everywere.

It s a series you only become aware of through word of mouth from sombody who stummbles across it.

For me its one of the best (unknown)series made.

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Just started Firefly. Giving the first episode a go to see if it feels worth going right through. Not crazy about TV Sci-Fi...


Feels like Farscape, not a bad thing, but not great either... might break this up amongst other stuff.

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Lilyhammer is one of them gems in the fact it isnt one of the major series being shouted about from everywere.

It s a series you only become aware of through word of mouth from sombody who stummbles across it.

For me its one of the best (unknown)series made.


I loved Lillyhammer and it wasnt given the credit it deserves. Same thing goes for a lot of Scando stuff.

Lillyhammers characters are the way I expect Code to be in real life!

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Not a recommendation but a question.


Why is it that we see so few quality UK shows? Its quite pathetic that modern UK TV can only really point to soaps, whilst over in the states their quality series' are bountiful.


Luther was decent, mind.


Get on Black Mirror, outstanding show.


I am going to get started on House of cards soon, order of play for me currently:


Spartacus Season 3

Walking Dead Season 3

Friday Night Lights season 5


Going to give Sherlock a go, never quite fancied it but it's had rave reviews everywhere I have looked.

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Not a recommendation but a question.


Why is it that we see so few quality UK shows? Its quite pathetic that modern UK TV can only really point to soaps, whilst over in the states their quality series' are bountiful.


Luther was decent, mind.


We make quite a few good shows, a few HBO shows have been BBC collaborations and the US fawn over Downton Abbey as much as we fawn over shows like Boardwalk (overrated in my eyes but it lost my interests in the first series, despite the breasts - one pair in particular were spectacular). Quite a few of our shows only have short runs, however, and talent migrates to the US where they can offer longer contracts on bigger productions.


Also we push so many writers through the soap system, it's pathetic and no wonder the MoR work we do often features such dull, cookie-cutter characters in the same old formulaic plots.

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Anyone follow Mad Men? A big change from my old favourites the Wire and the Sopranos but Christ it's good. Sounds completely crap when you explain to your mates ...


"well its about some fella, who works in an ad agency, in New York.."


thoroughly enjoyable and season 6 is due out in April I believe.

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Not a recommendation but a question.


Why is it that we see so few quality UK shows? Its quite pathetic that modern UK TV can only really point to soaps, whilst over in the states their quality series' are bountiful.


Luther was decent, mind.


This would be "grass is greener" syndrome. People over here say exactly the same thing about British and European telly, wondering why North American shows are so shit and other countries consistently produce higher quality programming. The fact is, when you live in one country, you only ever hear about or see the cream of the crop of broadcasting in any other country you care to name, while you see every network in your own country cramming the airwaves with utter shit week after week.


I've been working in film and television in North America for getting close to ten years now, and I can tell you that the proportion of shit to gold is actually probably worse here than it is back home because while we might produce a few more winners in total, we produce a lot more crap per capita along the way. You just don't see our shit in any other country, or see how much tedious crap gets produced and sent out for every one truly great program that makes its way overseas.


The perception works the same way in reverse: many North Americans see the few great British programs that end up on our tellies and assume that's what it's like back home all the time, because they never have to sit down on a Tuesday night and try to find something to watch. The film and television industry over here is truly defective, and great programs occasionally happen in spite of the industry, not because of it.


With that said, last two weeks I've been watching the first episodes of a new CW series called Cult. I understand it's going to air later in 2013 in the UK, though I'm not sure where. The story centers on a TV drama about a murderous Manson-family style cult that spawns a real-life copy-cat cult made up of obsessive fans of the show. A journalist's mentally-unstable brother falls in with this cult and disappears, and the journo is trying to investigate who these people are and find his brother again. It's not top-grade (obviously not, it's on the CW...), but so far I'm into it. The writing could well fall apart once they get beyond throwing mysteries at you and start having to actually explain what's going on, but the execution has been flawless through the first two episodes with a great creepy vibe to the show. I'm definitely recommending at this point.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In dire need of a new show or two to watch. Started Deadwood but I can't get in to it; I'd rather watch it once a week one telly than sit through multiple episodes as I found it to be really slow.


I like having a comedy and a more serious show to watch. I've obviously seen The Wire and The Sopranos, in fact I'm pretty sure I've seen the most obvious ones, so here's a list of the most recent shows I've finishing watching/am up to date with: Archer, Parks & Rec, Community, New Girl, Breaking Bad, Homeland, Walking Dead, Sons Of Anarchy, Boardwalk Empire, Arrested Development, Curb Your Enthusiasm.


There are definitely more that I've forgot, but that's the benchmark. I will be temporarily forever grateful for anyone who helps out.

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