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US shows recommendations

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I wanna download as many US shows as possible with the new file sharing bill that was rushed through Parliament. Just want some advice from you all what else I should be downloading.


This is what I've watched so far:


Heroes (fully up to date)

24 (fully up to date)

Lost (fully up to date)

Prison Break (couldn't be fucked to watch any more of it after S3)

Nip Tuck (same as above)


What I have to watch:

The Shield

The Wire

West Wing

Band Of Brothers


Any other recommendations please.


EDIT: Forgot to mention, only drama please.

Edited by 1892-LFCWasBorn
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Only drama's? Gay, dude.


If you ever dabble in to the comedy genre then check out these.


It's always sunny in Philadelphia.

How i met your mother.


Ha ha.


Don't mind comedy's. Used to watch Cheers/Frasier when I was younger. My ex missus was into Friends. Didn't find that funny either.


Just don't really find them that funny. Prefer British stuff when it comes to comedy.

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Guest Numero Veinticinco

Some glaring omissions from your post are:



Six Feet Under

Rescue Me

Breaking Bad


BSG (Sci-Fi/Drama)





The Office

Curb Your Enthusiasm

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LOL you are kidding right......saw some clips of this the other day couldnt stop laughing


Let’s just say its one of them programs that will divide opinion, but if you liked Gladiator & 300 I think you’ll like this show.

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Breaking Bad.


Opening scene is a mobile home speeding through the desert, you can hear sirens in the background.

Inside are two men with gas masks on, one losing control of his driving the other slumped unconscious. Scene cuts to the back of the RV, there's two corpses sliding around inside just as the vehicle careers off road and crashes.


The driver's completely naked as he scrabbles to get out the truck and the sirens get increasingly louder. He grabs a video camera and a handgun off the dashboard and starts talking into the camera saying, "This is NOT a confession. I did nothing,

nothing wrong. I love my family, I'm sorry. I did it for them."


He steps away from the camera, holds the handgun up in his shaking hands as the sirens get louder and louder..


Then the opening credits roll.


It's one of the best opening scenes that I can remember. And the whole series lives up to that standard n'all.

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